android Programming Glossary: sequence
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask private int getEndOfSeqeunce DataInputStream in byte sequence throws IOException int seqIndex 0 byte c for int i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH.. i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH i c byte in.readUnsignedByte if c sequence seqIndex seqIndex if seqIndex sequence.length return i 1.. if c sequence seqIndex seqIndex if seqIndex sequence.length return i 1 else seqIndex 0 return 1 private int..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts or is there an alternative I noticed that some Unicode sequences like u1F601 don't render the corresponding emoticon and instead.. don't render the corresponding emoticon and instead that sequence just shows up as 1 EditText messageInput EditText findViewById.. Emoticon Keyboard . This keyboard is not using Unicode sequences but rather just local image assets. I am thinking that this..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android wsdl types s element name insertResultUser s complexType s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence.. s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded namespace http microsoft com xml diffgram v1 processContents lax s sequence s complexType s element s sequence s complexType s element..
Android and MJPEG private int getEndOfSeqeunce DataInputStream in byte sequence throws IOException int seqIndex 0 byte c for int i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH.. i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH i c byte in.readUnsignedByte if c sequence seqIndex seqIndex if seqIndex sequence.length return i 1 .. if c sequence seqIndex seqIndex if seqIndex sequence.length return i 1 else seqIndex 0 return 1 private int getStartOfSequence..
Android column '_id' does not exist? CREATE TABLE circles _id integer primary key autoincrement sequence integer radius real x real y real I don't see how I'm missing..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text Context context ... whereever your context is CharSequence sequence Html.fromSource context.getString R.string.clickable_string.. strBuilder new SpannableStringBuilder sequence UnderlineSpan underlines strBuilder.getSpans UnderlineSpan.class..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point share improve this question I hope the following sequence of code will help you Bitmap targetBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android it can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask InputStream in super new BufferedInputStream in FRAME_MAX_LENGTH private int getEndOfSeqeunce DataInputStream in byte sequence throws IOException int seqIndex 0 byte c for int i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH i c byte in.readUnsignedByte if c sequence seqIndex.. sequence throws IOException int seqIndex 0 byte c for int i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH i c byte in.readUnsignedByte if c sequence seqIndex seqIndex if seqIndex sequence.length return i 1 else seqIndex 0 return 1 private int getStartOfSequence.. 0 byte c for int i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH i c byte in.readUnsignedByte if c sequence seqIndex seqIndex if seqIndex sequence.length return i 1 else seqIndex 0 return 1 private int getStartOfSequence DataInputStream in byte sequence throws..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts Hangouts app Also is Unicode the best way to send emoticons or is there an alternative I noticed that some Unicode sequences like u1F601 don't render the corresponding emoticon and instead that sequence just shows up as 1 EditText messageInput.. alternative I noticed that some Unicode sequences like u1F601 don't render the corresponding emoticon and instead that sequence just shows up as 1 EditText messageInput EditText findViewById messageInput.getText .append u1F601 android.. emoticons share improve this question I found a very useful Emoticon Keyboard . This keyboard is not using Unicode sequences but rather just local image assets. I am thinking that this type of keyboard can only be useful within this app and not..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android My XML WSDL service is as following. wsdl types s element name insertResultUser s complexType s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded namespace http.. s element name insertResultUser s complexType s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded namespace http 2001 XMLSchema processContents lax s any minOccurs 1 namespace.. processContents lax s any minOccurs 1 namespace urn schemas microsoft com xml diffgram v1 processContents lax s sequence s complexType s element s sequence s complexType s element s element name insertResultUserResponse s complexType..
Android and MJPEG InputStream in super new BufferedInputStream in FRAME_MAX_LENGTH private int getEndOfSeqeunce DataInputStream in byte sequence throws IOException int seqIndex 0 byte c for int i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH i c byte in.readUnsignedByte if c sequence seqIndex.. sequence throws IOException int seqIndex 0 byte c for int i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH i c byte in.readUnsignedByte if c sequence seqIndex seqIndex if seqIndex sequence.length return i 1 else seqIndex 0 return 1 private int getStartOfSequence DataInputStream.. 0 byte c for int i 0 i FRAME_MAX_LENGTH i c byte in.readUnsignedByte if c sequence seqIndex seqIndex if seqIndex sequence.length return i 1 else seqIndex 0 return 1 private int getStartOfSequence DataInputStream in byte sequence throws IOException..
Android column '_id' does not exist? sqlite .schema CREATE TABLE android_metadata locale TEXT CREATE TABLE circles _id integer primary key autoincrement sequence integer radius real x real y real I don't see how I'm missing the '_id'. What have I done wrong One thing that's different..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text launch share improve this question Try this final Context context ... whereever your context is CharSequence sequence Html.fromSource context.getString R.string.clickable_string SpannableStringBuilder strBuilder new SpannableStringBuilder.. context.getString R.string.clickable_string SpannableStringBuilder strBuilder new SpannableStringBuilder sequence UnderlineSpan underlines strBuilder.getSpans UnderlineSpan.class for UnderlineSpan span underlines int start strBuilder.getSpanStart..
Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point the right direction android matrix bitmap center image rotation share improve this question I hope the following sequence of code will help you Bitmap targetBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap targetWidth targetHeight config Canvas canvas new Canvas targetBitmap..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android that presents some data to the user. The data is such that it can be divided into 'words' each being a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in..