android Programming Glossary: separation
Android AsyncTask to move my task into their own files. This way we have a separation of concerns which makes it more easier to understand the code...
Is there a way to implement rounded corners to a Mapfragment? editor. but one thing that still bothers me now is the separation between the Location Textview and the map it's self. could i..
Creating a mobile version of a website would not be rendered. Alternatively if you have a clear separation of your views you can templatize the view based on User Agent..
Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android consolidating everything to one class ie. the DbManager or separation everything and letting each Adapter extends SQLiteOpenHelper..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? only protocol that works almost everywhere. Business logic separation If you support different device platforms android iphone etc....
ListView row marker ala GMail the way it is done in GMail for 3.0 . This creates a nice separation of the left and right ListFragment. Other examples include also..
Android search with Fragments cannot exist without a parent Activity and thus this separation is not possible. If you already figured out #1 already I assume..
Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML) fragments includes etc to remove duplication Keeps a separation between the visual design and the functionality behind it I..
Android AsyncTask have to update the UI from the method onPostExecute . I like to move my task into their own files. This way we have a separation of concerns which makes it more easier to understand the code. We can do this by using a interface to define a callback..
Is there a way to implement rounded corners to a Mapfragment? a could get somewhere close i just dont have a normal image editor. but one thing that still bothers me now is the separation between the Location Textview and the map it's self. could i painted the patch in other way so that there was now distance..
Creating a mobile version of a website pages as you will still be sending huge chunks of data that would not be rendered. Alternatively if you have a clear separation of your views you can templatize the view based on User Agent and or other parameters. This has the advantage of keeping..
Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android the recommended solution or would I be better off either consolidating everything to one class ie. the DbManager or separation everything and letting each Adapter extends SQLiteOpenHelper How should I design content providers for multiple tables Extending..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? corporate networks you need to use HTTP HTTPS. It's the only protocol that works almost everywhere. Business logic separation If you support different device platforms android iphone etc.. than its wise to have all business logic on server. Instead..
ListView row marker ala GMail interested in creating a ListView where each row is marked the way it is done in GMail for 3.0 . This creates a nice separation of the left and right ListFragment. Other examples include also Google Calendar on 2.3.4 for instance where a color marker..
Android search with Fragments in your Android manifest. As I'm sure you know a Fragment cannot exist without a parent Activity and thus this separation is not possible. If you already figured out #1 already I assume you asked this question in hopes that there is some magical..
Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML) at it easier than code Easy to break layouts down into pieces fragments includes etc to remove duplication Keeps a separation between the visual design and the functionality behind it I can't think of any good reasons to put all my layouts into code..