android Programming Glossary: server
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android I keep getting Not trusted server certificate . Now I've seen a bunch of solutions where you simply..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? connecting to the device via USB. My development server is a Windows 7 64bit VM running in HyperV and so I cannot connect..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android to a Django Server and parse the JSON response from the server and populate a custom listview. From the little JSON knowledge.. I have I thought this format for the response from server post username someusername message this is a sweet message image..
Sending images using Http Post to send an image from the android client to the Django server using Http Post. The image is chosen from the gallery. At present.. list value name Pairs to send the necessary data to the server and receiving responses from Django in JSON. Can the same approach.. images remotely without downloading them from the server or downloading and storing them in a Bitmap array and using..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog will be useful to display download percentage might be 1 server did not report the length int fileLength connection.getContentLength..
WebView and HTML5 <video> I would rather not get into pull xml from the server reformat it in the app .. by keeping the story layout on the.. it in the app .. by keeping the story layout on the server I can control the content a bit better without forcing people..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] particular networked service is available. Networks issues server downtime low signal captive portals content filters and the.. and the like can all prevent your app from reaching a server. For instance you can't tell for sure if your app can reach..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android URL but the link is now dead. services java com android server on http I have..
How do I obtain crash-data from my Android application? app highly configurable and don't require you to host a server script anywhere... reports are sent to a Google Doc spreadsheet..
Save bitmap to location I am working on a function to download an image from a web server display it on the screen and if the user wishes to keep the..
How to support Arabic text in Android? Arabic text in Android I am getting Arabic text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want display in code but its.. text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText..
Https Connection Android and I'm getting an exception of ssl exception Not trusted server certificate. If i do normal http it is working perfectly fine... http it is working perfectly fine. Do I have to accept the server certificate somehow java android ssl share improve this question..
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) in the GCM Documentation that states you should use a Server Key in the Authorization header as written here Replace with..
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 Environment build 1.6.0_27 b07 Java HotSpot TM 64 Bit Server VM build 20.2 b06 mixed mode Check that this is the version..
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class? class to start to execute. asyncTask.execute a.targetServer Creating a TextView. TextView displayUI asyncTask.dataDisplay.. http SOAPAction header line. String targetServer https Target Server. SOAP Request. String.. line. String targetServer https Target Server. SOAP Request. String soapRequest sample XML request @Override..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android to send messages in the form of JSON objects to a Django Server and parse the JSON response from the server and populate a custom..
Reading Text File From Server on Android Text File From Server on Android I have a text file on my server. I want to open..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK return Server returned HTTP connection.getResponseCode connection.getResponseMessage..
How to send HTTP POST request and receive response? example I need to make the following Android Client C CGP Server S conversation and get XIMSS.nonce node value C GET ximsslogin.. Connection keep alive Content Type text xml charset utf 8 Server CommuniGatePro 5.3 XIMSS nonce 2C3E575E5498CE63574D40F18D00C873..
Video streaming using RTSP : Android you can also try following servers Darwin Streaming Server linux package is available Windows Media Services can be installed.. Windows Media Services can be installed on Windows Server Trial VLC standalone application For testing purposes of your..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android 2 Emulator instances In Android I want to create a Server and a Client in 2 Emulator to write and read data. I write code.. in 2 Emulator to write and read data. I write code for Server public class ServerActivity extends Activity Called when the.. write and read data. I write code for Server public class ServerActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created...
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? to upload a file from the Android's SD card to my own Web Server. The Java Android Code private void doFileUpload HttpURLConnection.. buffer int maxBufferSize 1 1024 1024 String responseFromServer String urlString http directory upload.php try.. String str while str inStream.readLine null Log.e Debug Server Response str inStream.close catch IOException ioex Log.e Debug..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime patchy new NinePatchDrawable bitmap chunk new Rect null Server side you need to prepare your images. You can use the Android..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? portNumber if socket.isConnected throw new Exception Server Unavailable try Log.d TCP C Sending ' message ' PrintWriter..
Google map signed api key errors in Android 03 18 18 04.112 WARN System.err 4073 Server returned 3 09 03 18 18 04.112 WARN System.err 4073 at 1702 09 03 18 18 04.112 WARN.. API key if you deploy the app from Eclise you will get a Server returned 3 IOProcessing Exception 26 as a warning just ignore..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one break case MediaPlayer.MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED sb.append Server Died break case MediaPlayer.MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN sb.append Unknown.. LinearLayout The Log cat shows errors NuHTTPDataSource 33 Server did not give us the content length Media Player Error Unknown..
uploading video upto 50MB to the server ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? private XMPPConnection connection private final String SERVER private final int PORT 5222 private final.. connFig new ConnectionConfiguration SERVER PORT connFig.setSASLAuthenticationEnabled true connection new..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed outMessage OutStream.flush outMessage OUT TO SERVER outMessage socketClient.close sendMessageToAllUI 0 MAINACTIVITY_SET_TEXT_STATE.. 0 MAINACTIVITY_SET_TEXT_STATE appendText n IN FROM SERVER modifiedSentence Thread.sleep 1000 catch IOException e connectionLost.. the real server public class Server private static String SERVERIP @param args @throws IOException public static void main String..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? client write goto bail else if argv 1 0 's' printf SERVER s n sockAddr.sun_path 1 if bind fd const struct sockaddr sockAddr..
connect to sql server from android to a database server Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 About how to write web services. It's a big question and..
Connect to remote database…online database proxy for your database. This is ANDROID HTTP APPLICATION SERVER DATABASE And then the other way around to get results DATABASE.. the other way around to get results DATABASE APPLICATION SERVER HTTP ANDROID In this scenario you will write a HTTP based application..
Upload a picture from Android to PHP server ioe Log.e MediaPlayer error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android null private TextView tv public static final int SERVERPORT 4444 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. static final int MSG_ID 0x1337 public static final int SERVERPORT 6000 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. public void run Socket s null try ss new ServerSocket SERVERPORT catch IOException e e.printStackTrace while Thread.currentThread..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 Is there a way that we can connect an Android application..
Android video streaming example [closed] Here is the walk through 1 Install VLC on your computer SERVER and go to Media Streaming Ctrl S 2 Select a file to stream or.. 32 channels 1 samplerate 22050 rtp sdp rtsp YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR 5544 NOTE Replace YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR with your.. YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR 5544 NOTE Replace YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR with your computer IP address or any server which is..
Android UDP Communication Try the port from the packet Sends an UDP packet from the SERVER to the ANDROID APP public void sendIdle if comm_ip null System.err.println..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files try sendError socket HTTP_INTERNALERROR SERVER INTERNAL ERROR IOException ioe.getMessage catch Throwable t.. catch IOException ioe sendError socket HTTP_INTERNALERROR SERVER INTERNAL ERROR IOException ioe.getMessage return true @param..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android HttpClient. Trouble is that since the certificate isn't signed I keep getting Not trusted server certificate . Now I've seen a bunch of solutions where you simply accept all certificates but what if I want to ask the..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? an application on a Motorola Droid but I am having some difficulty connecting to the device via USB. My development server is a Windows 7 64bit VM running in HyperV and so I cannot connect directly via USB in the guest or from the host. I installed..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android I would like to send messages in the form of JSON objects to a Django Server and parse the JSON response from the server and populate a custom listview. From the little JSON knowledge I have I thought this format for the response from server.. and populate a custom listview. From the little JSON knowledge I have I thought this format for the response from server post username someusername message this is a sweet message image http localhost someimage.jpg time present time How much..
Sending images using Http Post images using Http Post I want to send an image from the android client to the Django server using Http Post. The image is chosen from the gallery. At present I am using list value name Pairs to send the necessary.. The image is chosen from the gallery. At present I am using list value name Pairs to send the necessary data to the server and receiving responses from Django in JSON. Can the same approach be used for images with urls for images embedded in JSON.. embedded in JSON responses Also which is a better method accessing images remotely without downloading them from the server or downloading and storing them in a Bitmap array and using them locally The images are few in number 10 and small in size..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog connection.getResponseMessage this will be useful to display download percentage might be 1 server did not report the length int fileLength connection.getContentLength download the file input connection.getInputStream..
WebView and HTML5 <video> not get called on video elements... nor does shouldOverrideUrlLoading.. I would rather not get into pull xml from the server reformat it in the app .. by keeping the story layout on the server I can control the content a bit better without forcing.. I would rather not get into pull xml from the server reformat it in the app .. by keeping the story layout on the server I can control the content a bit better without forcing people to keep updating an app. So if I can convince WebView to handle..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] having an active network interface doesn't guarantee that a particular networked service is available. Networks issues server downtime low signal captive portals content filters and the like can all prevent your app from reaching a server. For instance.. server downtime low signal captive portals content filters and the like can all prevent your app from reaching a server. For instance you can't tell for sure if your app can reach Twitter until you receive a valid response from the Twitter..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android I was following sample code that used to live at this URL but the link is now dead. services java com android server on http I have been successful and have a running service now. The service..
How do I obtain crash-data from my Android application?
Save bitmap to location bitmap to location I am working on a function to download an image from a web server display it on the screen and if the user wishes to keep the image save it on the SD card in a certain folder. Is there an..
How to support Arabic text in Android? to support Arabic text in Android I am getting Arabic text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want display in code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values.. I want display in code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android internationalization arabic persian farsi..
Https Connection Android Connection Android I am doing a https post and I'm getting an exception of ssl exception Not trusted server certificate. If i do normal http it is working perfectly fine. Do I have to accept the server certificate somehow java.. exception Not trusted server certificate. If i do normal http it is working perfectly fine. Do I have to accept the server certificate somehow java android ssl share improve this question I'm making a guess but if you want an actual handshake..
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) you do that this error will go away. This is caused by a mistake in the GCM Documentation that states you should use a Server Key in the Authorization header as written here Replace with real BROWSER API key from Google APIs apiKey 123456 Replace..
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 64 bit Java 6 I get java version 1.6.0_27 Java TM SE Runtime Environment build 1.6.0_27 b07 Java HotSpot TM 64 Bit Server VM build 20.2 b06 mixed mode Check that this is the version being used by Eclipse as shown in your error code. If not call..
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class? Bundle aBundle super.onCreate aBundle Calling the AsyncTask class to start to execute. asyncTask.execute a.targetServer Creating a TextView. TextView displayUI asyncTask.dataDisplay displayUI new TextView this this.setContentView tTextView.. Void String TextView dataDisplay store the data String soapAction http SOAPAction header line. String targetServer https Target Server. SOAP Request. String soapRequest sample XML request @Override protected String.. data String soapAction http SOAPAction header line. String targetServer https Target Server. SOAP Request. String soapRequest sample XML request @Override protected String doInBackground String... string String responseStorage..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android in Android In the application I am developing I would like to send messages in the form of JSON objects to a Django Server and parse the JSON response from the server and populate a custom listview. From the little JSON knowledge I have I thought..
Reading Text File From Server on Android Text File From Server on Android I have a text file on my server. I want to open the text file from my Android App and then display the text..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog mistakenly save error report instead of the file if connection.getResponseCode HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK return Server returned HTTP connection.getResponseCode connection.getResponseMessage this will be useful to display download percentage..
How to send HTTP POST request and receive response? application that works with CommuniGate Pro server. For example I need to make the following Android Client C CGP Server S conversation and get XIMSS.nonce node value C GET ximsslogin HTTP 1.1 Host Content Type text xml Content.. id list XIMSS S HTTP 1.1 200 OK Content Length 231 Connection keep alive Content Type text xml charset utf 8 Server CommuniGatePro 5.3 XIMSS nonce 2C3E575E5498CE63574D40F18D00C873 nonce language german language response id s XIMSS Example..
Video streaming using RTSP : Android video streaming share improve this question For rtsp streaming you can also try following servers Darwin Streaming Server linux package is available Windows Media Services can be installed on Windows Server Trial VLC standalone application For.. servers Darwin Streaming Server linux package is available Windows Media Services can be installed on Windows Server Trial VLC standalone application For testing purposes of your application i would also recommend you to use existing mobile..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android 2 Emulator instances In Android I want to create a Server and a Client in 2 Emulator to write and read data. I write code for Server public class ServerActivity extends Activity.. instances In Android I want to create a Server and a Client in 2 Emulator to write and read data. I write code for Server public class ServerActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. private ServerSocket serverSocket.. I want to create a Server and a Client in 2 Emulator to write and read data. I write code for Server public class ServerActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. private ServerSocket serverSocket null private TextView..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? improve this question My final working JAVA and PHP code to upload a file from the Android's SD card to my own Web Server. The Java Android Code private void doFileUpload HttpURLConnection conn null DataOutputStream dos null DataInputStream inStream.. String boundary int bytesRead bytesAvailable bufferSize byte buffer int maxBufferSize 1 1024 1024 String responseFromServer String urlString http directory upload.php try CLIENT REQUEST FileInputStream fileInputStream new FileInputStream.. RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String str while str inStream.readLine null Log.e Debug Server Response str inStream.close catch IOException ioex Log.e Debug error ioex.getMessage ioex The associated PHP code to go..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime result NinePatch.isNinePatchChunk chunk NinePatchDrawable patchy new NinePatchDrawable bitmap chunk new Rect null Server side you need to prepare your images. You can use the Android Binary Resource Compiler . This automates some of the pain..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? 3000 socket.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddress portNumber if socket.isConnected throw new Exception Server Unavailable try Log.d TCP C Sending ' message ' PrintWriter out new PrintWriter new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter..
Google map signed api key errors in Android 18 04.112 WARN System.err 4073 IOException processing 26 09 03 18 18 04.112 WARN System.err 4073 Server returned 3 09 03 18 18 04.112 WARN System.err 4073 at System.err 4073 at 1702 09 03 18 18 04.112 WARN System.err 4073 at 1019 I've.. you download it and the MapView will show up. With the signed API key if you deploy the app from Eclise you will get a Server returned 3 IOProcessing Exception 26 as a warning just ignore it. Note Also ensure there are no duplicate instances of the..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one sb.append Not Valid for Progressive Playback break case MediaPlayer.MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED sb.append Server Died break case MediaPlayer.MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN sb.append Unknown break default sb.append Non standard sb.append what sb.append.. wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content Button LinearLayout The Log cat shows errors NuHTTPDataSource 33 Server did not give us the content length Media Player Error Unknown 1 2147483648 Media Player Error Unknown 1 1002 Can someone..
uploading video upto 50MB to the server ex Log.e Debug error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String str while str inStream.readLine null Log.e Debug..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? private static FacebookChatManager chatManager private XMPPConnection connection private final String SERVER private final int PORT 5222 private final String FACEBOOK_MECHANISM X FACEBOOK PLATFORM private RosterListener.. rosterListner this.rosterListner rosterListner ConnectionConfiguration connFig new ConnectionConfiguration SERVER PORT connFig.setSASLAuthenticationEnabled true connection new XMPPConnection connFig setup facebook authentication mechanism..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed try if outMessage null OutStream.writeBytes outMessage OutStream.flush outMessage OUT TO SERVER outMessage socketClient.close sendMessageToAllUI 0 MAINACTIVITY_SET_TEXT_STATE appendText outMessage outMessage null.. String modifiedSentence InStream.readLine sendMessageToAllUI 0 MAINACTIVITY_SET_TEXT_STATE appendText n IN FROM SERVER modifiedSentence Thread.sleep 1000 catch IOException e connectionLost break catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace.. server I found online and am using until I port this over to the real server public class Server private static String SERVERIP @param args @throws IOException public static void main String args throws IOException String clientSentence String capitalizedSentence..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? goto bail if write fd message strlen message 1 0 perror client write goto bail else if argv 1 0 's' printf SERVER s n sockAddr.sun_path 1 if bind fd const struct sockaddr sockAddr sockLen 0 perror server bind goto bail if listen fd..
connect to sql server from android are many themes in stackoverflow like your How to connect Android to a database server Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 About how to write web services. It's a big question and you must choose technology there are very many libraries frameworks..
Connect to remote database…online database you name it device to a Data Base is to write a HTTP based proxy for your database. This is ANDROID HTTP APPLICATION SERVER DATABASE And then the other way around to get results DATABASE APPLICATION SERVER HTTP ANDROID In this scenario you will.. This is ANDROID HTTP APPLICATION SERVER DATABASE And then the other way around to get results DATABASE APPLICATION SERVER HTTP ANDROID In this scenario you will write a HTTP based application in your favorite language PHP Python Perl Java .NET..
Upload a picture from Android to PHP server Log.e MediaPlayer error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e MediaPlayer error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String str while str inStream.readLine null Log.e MediaPlayer..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android when the activity is first created. private ServerSocket serverSocket null private TextView tv public static final int SERVERPORT 4444 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. ss null String mClientMsg Thread myCommsThread null protected static final int MSG_ID 0x1337 public static final int SERVERPORT 6000 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. super.handleMessage msg class CommsThread implements Runnable public void run Socket s null try ss new ServerSocket SERVERPORT catch IOException e e.printStackTrace while Thread.currentThread .isInterrupted Message m new Message m.what MSG_ID..
Remote Database access is no easy way of connecting Android DIRECTLY to a remote database. You solution should be something like this ANDROID SERVER SIDE SERVICE DATABASE DATABASE SERVER SIDE SERVICE ANDROID For your SERVER SIDE SERVICE I would recommend you use any WEB.. to a remote database. You solution should be something like this ANDROID SERVER SIDE SERVICE DATABASE DATABASE SERVER SIDE SERVICE ANDROID For your SERVER SIDE SERVICE I would recommend you use any WEB HTTP server side service written in.. should be something like this ANDROID SERVER SIDE SERVICE DATABASE DATABASE SERVER SIDE SERVICE ANDROID For your SERVER SIDE SERVICE I would recommend you use any WEB HTTP server side service written in your favorite language Java Python ASP.NET..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? ex Log.e Debug error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String str while str inStream.readLine null Log.e Debug Server..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 Is there a way that we can connect an Android application to a central database server e.g. MSSQLServer 2008 I have..
Android video streaming example [closed] question I had the same problem but finally I found the way. Here is the walk through 1 Install VLC on your computer SERVER and go to Media Streaming Ctrl S 2 Select a file to stream or if you want to stream your webcam or... click on Capture Device.. vcodec mp4v vb 400 fps 10 width 176 height 144 acodec mp4a ab 32 channels 1 samplerate 22050 rtp sdp rtsp YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR 5544 NOTE Replace YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR with your computer IP address or any server which is running VLC..... acodec mp4a ab 32 channels 1 samplerate 22050 rtp sdp rtsp YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR 5544 NOTE Replace YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR with your computer IP address or any server which is running VLC... NOTE You can see the video codec is MP4V which..
Android UDP Communication pkt int port comm_ip pkt.getAddress comm_port pkt.getPort Try the port from the packet Sends an UDP packet from the SERVER to the ANDROID APP public void sendIdle if comm_ip null System.err.println Sent IDLE Packet comm_ip.getHostAddress comm_port..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files Http stream finished catch IOException ioe if debug ioe.printStackTrace try sendError socket HTTP_INTERNALERROR SERVER INTERNAL ERROR IOException ioe.getMessage catch Throwable t catch InterruptedException ie thrown by sendError ignore.. final String val line.substring p 1 .trim pre.put atr val catch IOException ioe sendError socket HTTP_INTERNALERROR SERVER INTERNAL ERROR IOException ioe.getMessage return true @param fileName is display name appended to Uri not really used..