android Programming Glossary: serverport
InetAddress.getByName on Android static String SERVERIP public static int SERVERPORT 27950 public static int PROTOCOL 68 java android sockets ..
UDP server doesnt accept calls from outside Create new UDP Socket socket new DatagramSocket SERVERPORT serverAddr byte buf new byte 17 Prepare a UDP Packet that..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android null private TextView tv public static final int SERVERPORT 4444 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. static final int MSG_ID 0x1337 public static final int SERVERPORT 6000 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. public void run Socket s null try ss new ServerSocket SERVERPORT catch IOException e e.printStackTrace while Thread.currentThread..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd holder private TextView mTextview public static final int SERVERPORT 6775 public static String SERVERIP Socket clientSocket.. public void run try clientSocket new Socket SERVERIP SERVERPORT new Runnable @Override public void run mTextview.setText.. public static String SERVERIP public static final int SERVERPORT 6775 private Handler handler new Handler private ServerSocket..
What to do if manufacturer removed folders under /dev/log folder? [means No LogCat]
Android - Server Socket serverSocket null try serverSocket new ServerSocket SERVERPORT System.out.println Listening SERVERPORT System.out.println Server.. new ServerSocket SERVERPORT System.out.println Listening SERVERPORT System.out.println Server IP SERVERIP catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
InetAddress.getByName on Android public static String SERVERNAME public static String SERVERIP public static int SERVERPORT 27950 public static int PROTOCOL 68 java android sockets share improve this question I've found the answer. For whatever..
UDP server doesnt accept calls from outside InetAddress .getByName localhost Log.d UDP S Connecting... Create new UDP Socket socket new DatagramSocket SERVERPORT serverAddr byte buf new byte 17 Prepare a UDP Packet that can contain the data we want to receive DatagramPacket packet..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android when the activity is first created. private ServerSocket serverSocket null private TextView tv public static final int SERVERPORT 4444 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. ss null String mClientMsg Thread myCommsThread null protected static final int MSG_ID 0x1337 public static final int SERVERPORT 6000 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. super.handleMessage msg class CommsThread implements Runnable public void run Socket s null try ss new ServerSocket SERVERPORT catch IOException e e.printStackTrace while Thread.currentThread .isInterrupted Message m new Message m.what MSG_ID..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd mp private SurfaceView mPreview private SurfaceHolder holder private TextView mTextview public static final int SERVERPORT 6775 public static String SERVERIP Socket clientSocket private Handler handler new Handler Called when the.. Attempting to connect mp new MediaPlayer Thread t new Thread public void run try clientSocket new Socket SERVERIP SERVERPORT new Runnable @Override public void run mTextview.setText Connected to server new Runnable.. Video variable MediaRecorder recorder Networking variables public static String SERVERIP public static final int SERVERPORT 6775 private Handler handler new Handler private ServerSocket serverSocket Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
What to do if manufacturer removed folders under /dev/log folder? [means No LogCat]
Android - Server Socket null DataOutputStream dataOutputStream null ServerSocket serverSocket null try serverSocket new ServerSocket SERVERPORT System.out.println Listening SERVERPORT System.out.println Server IP SERVERIP catch Exception e e.printStackTrace while.. null ServerSocket serverSocket null try serverSocket new ServerSocket SERVERPORT System.out.println Listening SERVERPORT System.out.println Server IP SERVERIP catch Exception e e.printStackTrace while true try socket serverSocket.accept..