android Programming Glossary: servername
Open local KML File in Google Maps on Android attempt to load and your kml. Obviously if your kml file is on a web server the file part can be replaced with http servername Be warned however that the Android version of Maps does not appear to handle the same version range of kml elements as the..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) code if you can see something which is not really like it should be public class StampiiStore extends Activity String servername int userId int storageID RPCCommunicator rpc String path Button envelope1 envelope2 envelope3 private static final String.. 0 Log.e collId collId collId Getting all variables from SharedPreferences to build the right path to images servername rpc.getCurrentServerName this Log.d Current Server Name servername userId rpc.getUserId this Log.d User Id userId storageID.. SharedPreferences to build the right path to images servername rpc.getCurrentServerName this Log.d Current Server Name servername userId rpc.getUserId this Log.d User Id userId storageID rpc.getCurrentStoragePath this Log.d storage ID storageID TextView..