android Programming Glossary: serialization
Sync data between Android App and webserver choosing your format you should think about what sort of serialization libraries are available. I know off hand that there's a fantastic.. I know off hand that there's a fantastic library for json serialization called gson http p google gson although I'm..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? a little more effort to use than using Java's native serialization but it's way faster and I mean way WAY faster . From the docs..
Writing XML on Android for saving Document contents to a file stream xml android serialization share improve this question You can write xml like all others..
Android: Difference between Parcelable and Serializable? is an Android specific interface where you implement the serialization yourself. It was created to be far more efficient that Serializable.. and to get around some problems with the default Java serialization scheme. I believe that Binder and AIDL work with Parcelable..
android how to save a bitmap - buggy code flag is suitable... how to know any help android serialization bitmap save share improve this question Here is the code.. share improve this question Here is the code for a serialization with memory optimisation. Im using a static buffer that is growing..
How do I serialize an object and save it to a file in Android? anywhere on SO. Thanks for your help in advance. android serialization file io share improve this question Saving w o exception..
converting Java bitmap to byte array a copy. What could be wrong with this code java android serialization bitmap bytebuffer share improve this question Try something..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime create your object. Another alternative is to use object serialization to send ninepatch images NinePatch to your clients such as with..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object Bundle and Parcelable belongs to the way Android performs serialization in. It is used for example in passing data between activities... are any benefits in using Parcelable instead of classic serialization in case of saving state of my business objects to the internal.. or faster than the classic way Where should I use classic serialization and where better to use bundles android serialization bundle..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? classes objects that implements kvmSerializable a ksoap2 serialization interface . Now you can read my answers to know how to do that..
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge This tutorial seems useful but I don't really need object serialization just text files back and forth compressed naturally. Android..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 xsd import namespace http 2003 10 Serialization schemaLocation http localhost 51086 Service1.svc xsd xsd1 xsd.. prop.setValue numX Request.addProperty prop SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11.. prop SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android xsd xsd1 namespace http 2003 10 Serialization xsd schema wsdl types wsdl message name ISilentManagerAPI_Service_InputMessage.. test123 password hello request.addProperty req SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11.. req SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject..
Problem unmarshalling parcelables very familiar with Parcelable but if it's anything like Serialization each call to write an object that implements the interface will..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty name Qing SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11.. name Qing SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject.. xsd xsd1 namespace http 2003 10 Serialization xsd schema wsdl types wsdl message name IService1_SayHello_InputMessage..
Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle? my manifest via android configChanges using Parcelables or Serialization. I have looked up a lot of sample code using Pacelables but.. space is empty. Assuming that I use either Parcelable or Serialization I am assuming that I would have to Parcelize or Serialize each.. Board Cell and Piece. First and foremost is Parcelable or Serialization even the right thing to be looking at for this problem If so..
Android XML Object Serialization XML Object Serialization I would like to serialize an object to XML inside Android...
How to store hashmap so that it can be retained it value after a device reboot? oStream.writeObject hm oStream.flush oStream.close Log.v Serialization success Success catch Exception e Log.v IO Exception e.getMessage..
Sync data between Android App and webserver two most popular formats these days are XML and JSON. When choosing your format you should think about what sort of serialization libraries are available. I know off hand that there's a fantastic library for json serialization called gson http about what sort of serialization libraries are available. I know off hand that there's a fantastic library for json serialization called gson http p google gson although I'm sure similar libraries exist for XML. Synchronization Service..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? objects around then Parcelable was designed for this. It requires a little more effort to use than using Java's native serialization but it's way faster and I mean way WAY faster . From the docs a simple example for how to implement is simple class that..
Writing XML on Android 2.2 API 8 . Can you recommend then a third party library for saving Document contents to a file stream xml android serialization share improve this question You can write xml like all others text files. For parsing Document to string I used public..
Android: Difference between Parcelable and Serializable? automatically serialize it in certain situations. Parcelable is an Android specific interface where you implement the serialization yourself. It was created to be far more efficient that Serializable and to get around some problems with the default Java.. It was created to be far more efficient that Serializable and to get around some problems with the default Java serialization scheme. I believe that Binder and AIDL work with Parcelable objects. However you can use Serializable objects in Intents...
android how to save a bitmap - buggy code are wrong... also I do not know how to know which Bitmap.Config flag is suitable... how to know any help android serialization bitmap save share improve this question Here is the code for a serialization with memory optimisation. Im using a static.. how to know any help android serialization bitmap save share improve this question Here is the code for a serialization with memory optimisation. Im using a static buffer that is growing to the biggest bitmap size and that I reuse each time...
How do I serialize an object and save it to a file in Android? sorry if this is a duplicate question but I didn't see it anywhere on SO. Thanks for your help in advance. android serialization file io share improve this question Saving w o exception handling code FileOutputStream fos context.openFileOutput fileName..
converting Java bitmap to byte array is immutable... but that shouldn't matter since it's doing a copy. What could be wrong with this code java android serialization bitmap bytebuffer share improve this question Try something like this Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data ByteArrayOutputStream..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime compiled ninepatch image. You can directly use the chunk to create your object. Another alternative is to use object serialization to send ninepatch images NinePatch to your clients such as with JSON or the built in serializer. Edit If you really really..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object Parcelable instead of serializing object As I understand Bundle and Parcelable belongs to the way Android performs serialization in. It is used for example in passing data between activities. But I wonder if there are any benefits in using Parcelable.. in passing data between activities. But I wonder if there are any benefits in using Parcelable instead of classic serialization in case of saving state of my business objects to the internal memory for example Will it be simpler or faster than the.. to the internal memory for example Will it be simpler or faster than the classic way Where should I use classic serialization and where better to use bundles android serialization bundle parcelable share improve this question From Pro Android..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? are using ksoap2 you have to create local representations in classes objects that implements kvmSerializable a ksoap2 serialization interface . Now you can read my answers to know how to do that on Link1 link2 link3 . I wrote some details which will help..
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge that has superseeded that option I would love to know. This tutorial seems useful but I don't really need object serialization just text files back and forth compressed naturally. Android comes with the Apache HTTP Client 4.0 built in as well as
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 schemaLocation http localhost 51086 Service1.svc xsd xsd0 xsd import namespace http 2003 10 Serialization schemaLocation http localhost 51086 Service1.svc xsd xsd1 xsd import namespace http 2004 07 InsertIntoUserWCF.. NAMESPACE prop.setName num1 prop.setType numX.getClass prop.setValue numX Request.addProperty prop SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject Request.. num1 prop.setType numX.getClass prop.setValue numX Request.addProperty prop SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject Request envelope.implicitTypes true HttpTransportSE..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android xsd import schemaLocation http Service.svc xsd xsd1 namespace http 2003 10 Serialization xsd schema wsdl types wsdl message name ISilentManagerAPI_Service_InputMessage wsdl part name parameters element tns Service.. req.setValue hello username username password test123 password hello request.addProperty req SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject request.. username password test123 password hello request.addProperty req SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject request HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport..
Problem unmarshalling parcelables parcelable share improve this question I am not very familiar with Parcelable but if it's anything like Serialization each call to write an object that implements the interface will cause a recursive call to writeToParcel . Therefore if something..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? tv public void call try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty name Qing SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject request.. request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty name Qing SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject request HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport.. http para bj.para.local 8080 HelloWCF Service1.svc xsd xsd1 namespace http 2003 10 Serialization xsd schema wsdl types wsdl message name IService1_SayHello_InputMessage wsdl part name parameters element tns SayHello wsdl..
Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle? my Activity listening for Orientation Keyboard changes in my manifest via android configChanges using Parcelables or Serialization. I have looked up a lot of sample code using Pacelables but to be honest it is too confusing. Maybe coming back tomorrow.. cell has a Piece Object either an actual piece or null if the space is empty. Assuming that I use either Parcelable or Serialization I am assuming that I would have to Parcelize or Serialize each class Board Cell and Piece. First and foremost is Parcelable.. that I would have to Parcelize or Serialize each class Board Cell and Piece. First and foremost is Parcelable or Serialization even the right thing to be looking at for this problem If so is either Parcelable or Serializable preferred for this And..
Android XML Object Serialization XML Object Serialization I would like to serialize an object to XML inside Android. Any libs suggested PS Already tried XStream but it doesn't serialize..
How to store hashmap so that it can be retained it value after a device reboot? ObjectOutputStream oStream new ObjectOutputStream fStream oStream.writeObject hm oStream.flush oStream.close Log.v Serialization success Success catch Exception e Log.v IO Exception e.getMessage you can similarly read it by deserializing it.... Thanks......