android Programming Glossary: seed
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? how i do with string public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes.. String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 return null Get the raw encryption key. br @param the seed key @return the raw key @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException private.. which state Seeding SecureRandom may be insecure A seed is an array of bytes used to bootstrap random number generation... produce cryptographically secure random numbers both the seed and the algorithm must be secure. By default instances of this..
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work Android 4.2 public static byte encrypt byte data String seed throws Exception KeyGenerator keygen KeyGenerator.getInstance.. secrand SecureRandom.getInstance SHA1PRNG secrand.setSeed seed.getBytes keygen.init 128 secrand SecretKey seckey keygen.generateKey.. data public static byte decrypt byte data String seed throws Exception KeyGenerator keygen KeyGenerator.getInstance..
how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText? false If a layout container iterate over children and seed recursion. if view instanceof ViewGroup for int i 0 i ViewGroup..
BouncyCastle AES error when upgrading to 1.45 sr SecureRandom.getInstance SHA1PRNG Crypto sr.setSeed seed kgen.init 128 sr SecretKey skey kgen.generateKey byte raw skey.getEncoded.. in the engineNextBytes method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was.. method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was a bug that was fixed but it means..
Encrypt and decrypt data for Android app-client class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes.. String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return.. return toHex result public static String decrypt String seed String encrypted throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes.. String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return.. return toHex result public static String decrypt String seed String encrypted throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes..
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? dont have idea how to do this with an image not string. This how i do with string public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return.. how i do with string public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return toHex result private static byte encrypt byte raw byte clear..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 Exception e System.out.println TAG decrypt e.getMessage return null Get the raw encryption key. br @param the seed key @return the raw key @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException private static byte getRawKey throws NoSuchAlgorithmException .. to be calling SecureRandom.setSeed at all in light of the Javadocs which state Seeding SecureRandom may be insecure A seed is an array of bytes used to bootstrap random number generation. To produce cryptographically secure random numbers both.. array of bytes used to bootstrap random number generation. To produce cryptographically secure random numbers both the seed and the algorithm must be secure. By default instances of this class will generate an initial seed using an internal entropy..
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work 709 My code is quite simple and was working until Android 4.2 public static byte encrypt byte data String seed throws Exception KeyGenerator keygen KeyGenerator.getInstance AES SecureRandom secrand SecureRandom.getInstance SHA1PRNG.. keygen KeyGenerator.getInstance AES SecureRandom secrand SecureRandom.getInstance SHA1PRNG secrand.setSeed seed.getBytes keygen.init 128 secrand SecretKey seckey keygen.generateKey byte rawKey seckey.getEncoded SecretKeySpec skeySpec.. AES cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE skeySpec return cipher.doFinal data public static byte decrypt byte data String seed throws Exception KeyGenerator keygen KeyGenerator.getInstance AES SecureRandom secrand SecureRandom.getInstance SHA1PRNG..
how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText? onTouch View v MotionEvent event hideSoftKeyboard return false If a layout container iterate over children and seed recursion. if view instanceof ViewGroup for int i 0 i ViewGroup view .getChildCount i View innerView ViewGroup view .getChildAt..
BouncyCastle AES error when upgrading to 1.45 KeyGenerator kgen KeyGenerator.getInstance AES BC SecureRandom sr SecureRandom.getInstance SHA1PRNG Crypto sr.setSeed seed kgen.init 128 sr SecretKey skey kgen.generateKey byte raw skey.getEncoded What I have found is that this results in two.. a bug fix on line 320 in Gingerbread source of in the engineNextBytes method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was a bug that was fixed but it means that given the same seed.. source of in the engineNextBytes method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was a bug that was fixed but it means that given the same seed SecureRandom will generate different..
Encrypt and decrypt data for Android app-client masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return.. class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return toHex result public static String decrypt String seed String.. seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return toHex result public static String decrypt String seed String encrypted throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte enc toByte encrypted byte result decrypt rawKey..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return.. class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return toHex result public static String decrypt String seed String.. seed.getBytes byte result encrypt rawKey cleartext.getBytes return toHex result public static String decrypt String seed String encrypted throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte enc toByte encrypted byte result decrypt rawKey..