android Programming Glossary: security
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue
How to create a file in Android? to protect your file from others and This is done for security reasons. We chose MODE_WORLD_READABLE because we have nothing.. method the ActivityContext provides. Again for security reasons with openFileInput ... FileInputStream fIn openFileInput..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? I do to protect the source code in my APK file android security reverse engineering proguard anti hacking share improve this.. As everyone says and as you probably know there's no 100 security. But the place to start for Android that Google has built in..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? confirming it. One argument for why this is the case is a security one. The Home button is the one way a user can be guaranteed..
Secure HTTP Post in Android DefaultHttpClient conMgr params java android post https security share improve this question I'm not sure why you can't handle..
Why are these permissions being refused? instead of pointing me to the regular permissions and security documentations. I have read through it a couple of times and..
How to compile Android Application with system permissions directory root of android source tree build target product security . You can use them to sign your application with system privileges...
Android Lock Screen Widget in that it will show on top of the lock screen even when security is enabled the security isn't bypassed you can't switch to another.. top of the lock screen even when security is enabled the security isn't bypassed you can't switch to another non FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED.. lock keyguard. Because such a keyguard is not needed for security it will never re appear if the user navigates to another window..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security privacy reasons you have to forward to location preferences..
Problem to load flv video in webview the assets folder is off limits to the embedded plugin for security reasons. if Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.. e ADENDUM I believe there may be a way to bypass the security issues by intercepting the URL of the various files and returning..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android you get this running you can then start to investigate security for the login might need to use a different binding to get better.. login might need to use a different binding to get better security or possibly using WCF REST to allow for logins with a GET rather..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver and access that from Android. As side benefits you improve security vs. leaving your database open can offload some business logic..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application from being able to access the values so there's some security there but physical access to a phone could potentially allow..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time a XOOM and a Galaxy Nexus. What Plan B does is exploit a security hole that could be used by drive by malware which is specifically..
How to verify that server calls are being made from the app? is also a complete walk through in my book Application Security for the Android Platform published by O'Reilly. You'll normally..
How to start an Activity or Service before an App application is uninstalled by the User? at least one of the app in Market is doing it NQ Mobile Security . I started a bounty of 100 points on the similar question but.. As @CommonsWare said The techniques used by NQ Mobile Security have been reported to the Android Security group and they are.. by NQ Mobile Security have been reported to the Android Security group and they are working on a fix to stop this behavior from..
OpenCV Native Samples are not building VIP Access Client C Program Files x86 SSH Communications Security SSH Secure Shell 15 29 35 Build Finished took 54ms Where are..
Javamail api in android using XOauth import import import java.util.Properties import javax.activation.DataHandler.. I'm not at all an expert in this and I didn't use any Security provider like in the examples above not sure how it will affect..
Security Exception when trying to access a Picasa image on device running 4.2 Exception when trying to access a Picasa image on device running.. 25 20 31 52.508 E AndroidRuntime 17387 Caused by java.lang.SecurityException Permission Denial opening provider chose my app from the picker my app would throw the same SecurityException as above. Any attempt to use a query load method from..
Android encryption AES EXAMPLE stolen from http Code Java Security EncryptionanddecryptionwithAESECBPKCS7Padding.htm import javax.crypto.Cipher.. public static void main String args throws Exception Security.addProvider new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider..
Security of Android assets folder of Android assets folder Is the assets folder only accessible..
How to use .p12 certificate on Android? to root of SD card. Click on Settings Location Security Security Install from SD card scroll down Credential Storage.. to root of SD card. Click on Settings Location Security Security Install from SD card scroll down Credential Storage . Select..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity core service 12 07 12 05 42.048 ERROR System 61 java.lang.SecurityException 12 07 12 05 42.048 ERROR System 61 at android.os.BinderProxy.transact.. might be UPDATE 1540 GMT Turned off Norton Internet Security Deleted the sdk folder installed the starter pack and all the..
how we can remove a file from the assets folder at runtime in android? be able to modify it. Edit Check commonswares answer here Security of Android assets folder He is saying the same thing you can't..
Android: how does application Protector app work? shed some light on how applications like App Protector ES Security Manager app protector part work Basically what you do is set..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008 android client and your database. Main Reasons Performance Security Best Practice Separation of concerns share improve this answer..
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? billing_integrate.html I think that Android gives a that has some sort of method to verify on physical device... seems like either 1 I need to figure out how to use this class with my Ruby on Rails server or 2 I need to port.. class with my Ruby on Rails server or 2 I need to port to Ruby. Is this correct Does anyone know another way to..
Preventing status bar expansion rom certified if you try to modify it you'll get an Security Exception. The only way I've found after several hours of work..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? Spinner for product items I only have 4 . It says in the Security class 'For a secure implementation all of this code should be..
set up device for development (?????? no permissions) true to the application element On device Settings Security enable Unknown sources On device Settings Developer options..
how to block a mobile number call and message receiving in android application development? 91 block_number telephonyService.silenceRinger Security exception problem telephonyService ITelephony method.invoke..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue
How to create a file in Android? to use the openFileOutput method the ActivityContext provides to protect your file from others and This is done for security reasons. We chose MODE_WORLD_READABLE because we have nothing to hide in our file FileOutputStream fOut openFileOutput.. osw.close Reading the file back... We have to use the openFileInput method the ActivityContext provides. Again for security reasons with openFileInput ... FileInputStream fIn openFileInput samplefile.txt InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? to make hacking more tough or even impossible What more can I do to protect the source code in my APK file android security reverse engineering proguard anti hacking share improve this question 1. How can I completely avoid reverse engineering.. What more can I do to protect the source code in my APK file As everyone says and as you probably know there's no 100 security. But the place to start for Android that Google has built in is ProGuard. If you have the option of including shared libraries..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? can't permanently override the Home button without the user confirming it. One argument for why this is the case is a security one. The Home button is the one way a user can be guaranteed to exit any application. If you could make the Home button..
Secure HTTP Post in Android new ThreadSafeClientConnManager params schReg return new DefaultHttpClient conMgr params java android post https security share improve this question I'm not sure why you can't handle HTTPS. I wrote a helper class for my own applications and..
Why are these permissions being refused? you could actually explain me this concept in a couple of lines instead of pointing me to the regular permissions and security documentations. I have read through it a couple of times and I guess my understanding is lacking in some perspective. Hence..
How to compile Android Application with system permissions with system platform key. System signatures are located in directory root of android source tree build target product security . You can use them to sign your application with system privileges. Here is a more detail description share improve this..
Android Lock Screen Widget . FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED works pretty consistently in that it will show on top of the lock screen even when security is enabled the security isn't bypassed you can't switch to another non FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED window . If you're just doing.. works pretty consistently in that it will show on top of the lock screen even when security is enabled the security isn't bypassed you can't switch to another non FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED window . If you're just doing something temporary like.. cause the keyguard to be dismissed only if it is not a secure lock keyguard. Because such a keyguard is not needed for security it will never re appear if the user navigates to another window in contrast to FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED which will only temporarily..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker on off GPS programatically on android has been discussed many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security privacy reasons you have to forward to location preferences screen and let the user enable disable it. I understand that..
Problem to load flv video in webview be co located on the sdcard. My only conclusion is that the assets folder is off limits to the embedded plugin for security reasons. if Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED Log.d TAG No SDCARD else webView.loadUrl.. e Lo.g Invocation Target Exception name e ADENDUM I believe there may be a way to bypass the security issues by intercepting the URL of the various files and returning the data directly from the assets folder using WebViewClient.shouldInterceptRequest..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android to mess with the POST headers a little to get it to work. Once you get this running you can then start to investigate security for the login might need to use a different binding to get better security or possibly using WCF REST to allow for logins.. running you can then start to investigate security for the login might need to use a different binding to get better security or possibly using WCF REST to allow for logins with a GET rather than SOAP POST. Here is an example of what the HTTP POST..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver database access. Create a Web service around your database and access that from Android. As side benefits you improve security vs. leaving your database open can offload some business logic from the client can better support other platforms e.g. Web..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application SharedPreferences are sandboxed to prevent other applications from being able to access the values so there's some security there but physical access to a phone could potentially allow access to the values. If possible I'd consider modifying the..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time Fortunately Plan B does not work on Android 3.1 as tested on a XOOM and a Galaxy Nexus. What Plan B does is exploit a security hole that could be used by drive by malware which is specifically why Android prevents it from happening anymore. UPDATE..
How to verify that server calls are being made from the app? SSL certificate in Android both server and client side. There is also a complete walk through in my book Application Security for the Android Platform published by O'Reilly. You'll normally store that certificate private key in a keystore of sometype..
How to start an Activity or Service before an App application is uninstalled by the User? it again because all the answers say this is not possible but at least one of the app in Market is doing it NQ Mobile Security . I started a bounty of 100 points on the similar question but it did not get enough attention. If community does not accept.. the app on her device android share improve this question As @CommonsWare said The techniques used by NQ Mobile Security have been reported to the Android Security group and they are working on a fix to stop this behavior from occurring. and.. this question As @CommonsWare said The techniques used by NQ Mobile Security have been reported to the Android Security group and they are working on a fix to stop this behavior from occurring. and have raised a feature request with Google..
OpenCV Native Samples are not building Files x86 QuickTime QTSystem C Program Files x86 Symantec VIP Access Client C Program Files x86 SSH Communications Security SSH Secure Shell 15 29 35 Build Finished took 54ms Where are the double 's coming from Also I did define my environmental..
Javamail api in android using XOauth import import import import import java.util.Properties import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.activation.DataSource import javax.mail.Session.. catch Exception e Log.d test e.getMessage I'm not at all an expert in this and I didn't use any Security provider like in the examples above not sure how it will affect this but it's working for me. Hope this helps and that someone..
Security Exception when trying to access a Picasa image on device running 4.2 Exception when trying to access a Picasa image on device running 4.2 in my app i let the user select an image from the.. 17387 at 856 11 25 20 31 52.508 E AndroidRuntime 17387 Caused by java.lang.SecurityException Permission Denial opening provider from ProcessRecord 42817d60 17387.. selected one or more Picasa images then chose share then chose my app from the picker my app would throw the same SecurityException as above. Any attempt to use a query load method from ContentResolver would throw. I also tried adding the GALLERY_PROVIDER..
Android encryption out this SO question Java 256bit AES Encryption . Bouncy Castle AES EXAMPLE stolen from http Code Java Security EncryptionanddecryptionwithAESECBPKCS7Padding.htm import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec public.. import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec public class MainClass public static void main String args throws Exception Security.addProvider new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider byte input .getBytes byte keyBytes new..
Security of Android assets folder of Android assets folder Is the assets folder only accessible to the app or can the user see it too For my app I want to..
How to use .p12 certificate on Android?
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity relevant 12 07 12 05 42.048 ERROR System 61 Failure starting core service 12 07 12 05 42.048 ERROR System 61 java.lang.SecurityException 12 07 12 05 42.048 ERROR System 61 at android.os.BinderProxy.transact Native Method 12 07 12 05 42.048 ERROR System.. I'm totally stuck now. Please can anyone suggest what the problem might be UPDATE 1540 GMT Turned off Norton Internet Security Deleted the sdk folder installed the starter pack and all the API levels. Deleted c users Got rid of all the..
how we can remove a file from the assets folder at runtime in android?
Android: how does application Protector app work? how does application Protector app work Can anyone shed some light on how applications like App Protector ES Security Manager app protector part work Basically what you do is set all the apps you want to lock in there. then whenever you try..
Connecting android with MS SQL SERVER 2008
How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby? on Rails server. http guide market billing billing_integrate.html I think that Android gives a that has some sort of method to verify on physical device. From my research it seems like either 1 I need to figure.. of method to verify on physical device. From my research it seems like either 1 I need to figure out how to use this class with my Ruby on Rails server or 2 I need to port to Ruby. Is this correct Does anyone know another.. either 1 I need to figure out how to use this class with my Ruby on Rails server or 2 I need to port to Ruby. Is this correct Does anyone know another way to verify the receipt java android ruby on rails ruby in app..
Preventing status bar expansion modify the Status Bar if your app is not signed with the phone's rom certified if you try to modify it you'll get an Security Exception. The only way I've found after several hours of work is by overriding the onWindowFocusChanged method of the activity..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? different to the example e.g. RadioButton group rather than Spinner for product items I only have 4 . It says in the Security class 'For a secure implementation all of this code should be implemented on a server that communicates with the application'...
set up device for development (?????? no permissions) steps in my project AndroidManifest.xml file add android debuggable true to the application element On device Settings Security enable Unknown sources On device Settings Developer options enable USB debugging On my computer create file etc udev rules.d..
how to block a mobile number call and message receiving in android application development? Call block_number if incomingNumber.equalsIgnoreCase 91 block_number telephonyService.silenceRinger Security exception problem telephonyService ITelephony method.invoke telephonyManager telephonyService.silenceRinger System.out.println..