android Programming Glossary: seconds
Does Android support near real time push notification app which pops up alerts incredibly quickly between 0.5 5 seconds from server app send to phone app response time. This is sent.. a mobile app I could notify thousands of app instances in seconds I appreciate the app could be pull based HTTP request response..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? videocapture_example.mp4 recorder.setMaxDuration 50000 50 seconds recorder.setMaxFileSize 5000000 Approximately 5 megabytes private..
How can I check the current status of the GPS receiver? mLastLocationMillis 3000 You can tweak the milliseconds value of course but I would suggest to set it around 3 5 seconds... value of course but I would suggest to set it around 3 5 seconds. This actually works and though I haven't seen the source code..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android Pomeroy private final int duration 3 seconds private final int sampleRate 8000 private final int numSamples..
How to send a JSON object over Request with Android? int TIMEOUT_MILLISEC 10000 10 seconds HttpParams httpParams new BasicHttpParams HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? 1 .split if first pair is not transferred completely take seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? I start location listeners and timeout timer. It's 20 seconds in my example may not be enough for GPS so you can enlarge it...
Android timer? How? msg long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText.. starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes.. int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds..
Repeat a task with a time delay? Check status variable value Display some text Wait for 10 seconds Check status variable value Display some text Wait for 15 seconds.. Check status variable value Display some text Wait for 15 seconds and so on. The time delay may vary and it is set once the text.. able to update UI controls. private int mInterval 5000 5 seconds by default can be changed later private Handler mHandler @Override..
AsyncTask Android example values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is my main.xml xml version 1.0..
Write/Geotag JPEGs (EXIF data) in Android second String.valueOf Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getSeconds filename Billede day hour minute second try FileOutputStream.. EXIFInterface expects the coordinates in Degrees Minutes Seconds and then written as rationals this is part of the EXIF specification.. how to convert from Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds. Using this code the GPS coordinates gets written correctly..
Android: How to Know an IP Address is a Wifi IP Address? Fetches the IP Address of the Client. There is Delay of 2 Seconds for the API to return. public String getClientIpAddress try..
change background color of Preference progressDrawable @drawable seekbardrawable android title Seconds Delay until intereference com.dropcall.SeekBarPreference2 android.. progressDrawable @drawable seekbardrawable android title Seconds delay until drop CheckBoxPreference android background @drawable..
How to get Sampling rate and frequency of music file (MP3) in android? my library File Size 10.3MB 87013064 bits Length 5 16 316 Seconds Which gives 87013064 bits 316 seconds 273426.147 bits sec or..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview the kind folks at Vimeo have a broken ready callback. 3 Seconds seems to do it. Step 4. You need some HTML and JavaScript on..
Does Android support near real time push notification connection to the iPhone and messages binary packets to the app which pops up alerts incredibly quickly between 0.5 5 seconds from server app send to phone app response time. This is sent as data rather than SMS in very very small packets charged.. time as is possible Is scalable ie as the server part of a mobile app I could notify thousands of app instances in seconds I appreciate the app could be pull based HTTP request response style but ideally I don't want to to be polling that heavily..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? recorder.setProfile cpHigh recorder.setOutputFile sdcard videocapture_example.mp4 recorder.setMaxDuration 50000 50 seconds recorder.setMaxFileSize 5000000 Approximately 5 megabytes private void prepareRecorder recorder.setPreviewDisplay holder.getSurface..
How can I check the current status of the GPS receiver? this is the line that does it all isGPSFix SystemClock.elapsedRealtime mLastLocationMillis 3000 You can tweak the milliseconds value of course but I would suggest to set it around 3 5 seconds. This actually works and though I haven't seen the source.. mLastLocationMillis 3000 You can tweak the milliseconds value of course but I would suggest to set it around 3 5 seconds. This actually works and though I haven't seen the source code that implements the standard GPS icon this comes close to..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android and play tone in android.html and modified by Steve Pomeroy private final int duration 3 seconds private final int sampleRate 8000 private final int numSamples duration sampleRate private final double sample new double..
How to send a JSON object over Request with Android? org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams int TIMEOUT_MILLISEC 10000 10 seconds HttpParams httpParams new BasicHttpParams HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout httpParams TIMEOUT_MILLISEC HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? lngLat length lngLat.length if lngLat.length 3 lngLat pairs 1 .split if first pair is not transferred completely take seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? disabled in application manifest. If any provider is available I start location listeners and timeout timer. It's 20 seconds in my example may not be enough for GPS so you can enlarge it. If I get update from location listener I use the provided..
Android timer? How? new Callback @Override public boolean handleMessage Message msg long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false.. handleMessage Message msg long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting self.. Message msg long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting self Handler..
Repeat a task with a time delay? This has to be done with a specific time delay. It's like Check status variable value Display some text Wait for 10 seconds Check status variable value Display some text Wait for 15 seconds and so on. The time delay may vary and it is set once.. status variable value Display some text Wait for 10 seconds Check status variable value Display some text Wait for 15 seconds and so on. The time delay may vary and it is set once the text is displayed. I have tried Thread.sleep time delay and it.. with specified delay on the main UI thread so you will be able to update UI controls. private int mInterval 5000 5 seconds by default can be changed later private Handler mHandler @Override protected void onCreate Bundle bundle ... mHandler new..
AsyncTask Android example onPreExecute @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Void... values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is my main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
Write/Geotag JPEGs (EXIF data) in Android Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes String second String.valueOf Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getSeconds filename Billede day hour minute second try FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream new File sdcard DCIM filename .jpeg.. getLogitude on a Location object is in Decimal Degrees. The EXIFInterface expects the coordinates in Degrees Minutes Seconds and then written as rationals this is part of the EXIF specification . More on GPS coordinate formats and conversion here.. conversion here . Here is another question answer that explains how to convert from Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds. Using this code the GPS coordinates gets written correctly in the EXIF and Flickr have no problem importing the data ExifInterface..
Android: How to Know an IP Address is a Wifi IP Address? offset 2 0xFF 8 int r3 arr offset 3 0xFF return r0 r1 r2 r3 Fetches the IP Address of the Client. There is Delay of 2 Seconds for the API to return. public String getClientIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces..
change background color of Preference defaultValue 5 android key @string Interference_Delay android progressDrawable @drawable seekbardrawable android title Seconds Delay until intereference com.dropcall.SeekBarPreference2 android defaultValue 30 android key @string Drop_Delay android.. defaultValue 30 android key @string Drop_Delay android progressDrawable @drawable seekbardrawable android title Seconds delay until drop CheckBoxPreference android background @drawable state_normal android defaultValue true android key @string..
How to get Sampling rate and frequency of music file (MP3) in android? in seconds for instance from a random AAC encoded M4A in my library File Size 10.3MB 87013064 bits Length 5 16 316 Seconds Which gives 87013064 bits 316 seconds 273426.147 bits sec or ~273kbps Actual Bitrate 259kbps Since most audio files have..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview seconds to actually fire. In my weaker moments I imagine that the kind folks at Vimeo have a broken ready callback. 3 Seconds seems to do it. Step 4. You need some HTML and JavaScript on the page. I put it in a text file inside the resources raw..