android Programming Glossary: sections
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? text storage Spannable str vw.getText Create our span sections and assign a format to each. str.setSpan new StyleSpan
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections new String 0 private Filter filter private boolean enableSections.. it.hasNext keyList.add Collections.sort keyList sections new String keyList.size keyList.toArray sections @Override.. keyList sections new String keyList.size keyList.toArray sections @Override public View getView int position View convertView..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections public AlphabeticalAdapter Context c int resource List String.. String sectionLetters Collections.sort sectionList sections new String sectionList.size sectionList.toArray sections public.. sections new String sectionList.size sectionList.toArray sections public int getPositionForSection int section return alphaIndexer.get..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger when moving your finger very fast you will have long sections of a straight line then sharp curves. If there are any other..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? Or we could specify that in the XML. Get the EditText's internal text storage Spannable str vw.getText Create our span sections and assign a format to each. str.setSpan new StyleSpan 0 7 Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter public ArrayList Manga filtered private Context context private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections new String 0 private Filter filter private boolean enableSections public MangaListAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId.. ArrayList String keyList new ArrayList String while it.hasNext keyList.add Collections.sort keyList sections new String keyList.size keyList.toArray sections @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup.. while it.hasNext keyList.add Collections.sort keyList sections new String keyList.size keyList.toArray sections @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View v convertView if v null LayoutInflater..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView extends ArrayAdapter String implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections public AlphabeticalAdapter Context c int resource List String data super c resource data for int i 0 i data.size i String.. alphaIndexer.keySet ArrayList String sectionList new ArrayList String sectionLetters Collections.sort sectionList sections new String sectionList.size sectionList.toArray sections public int getPositionForSection int section return alphaIndexer.get.. ArrayList String sectionLetters Collections.sort sectionList sections new String sectionList.size sectionList.toArray sections public int getPositionForSection int section return alphaIndexer.get sections section public int getSectionForPosition..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger The second of these two solutions seems like a good option except when moving your finger very fast you will have long sections of a straight line then sharp curves. If there are any other solutions it would be great to hear them. Thanks for any help..