android Programming Glossary: sectionindexer
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager extends SimpleCursorAdapter and implements SectionIndexer and I am using a LoaderManager to manage my adapter's cursor.. extends SimpleCursorAdapter implements SectionIndexer private LayoutInflater mInflater private Context mContext private..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter import android.widget.Filter import android.widget.SectionIndexer import android.widget.TextView public class MangaListAdapter.. MangaListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Manga implements SectionIndexer public ArrayList Manga items public ArrayList Manga filtered.. import android.widget.Filter import android.widget.SectionIndexer import android.widget.TextView public class MangaListAdapter..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer I have a list of events which are seperated by month and year.. because the list is really long. I've also implemented SectionIndexer so that people can see what month and year they are currently.. just how the information is shown. Fast scrolling with SectionIndexer seems to only really be able to support a label with a single..
Create easy alphabetical scrolling in ListView? improve this question Have your list adapter implement SectionIndexer . The music app also makes use of AlphabetIndexer to do some..
ListView with alphabets on the right, like the iPhone. Is it possible? class MyAZAdapter T extends ArrayAdapter T implements SectionIndexer ArrayList String myElements HashMap String Integer azIndexer..
Android: how to use SectionIndexer how to use SectionIndexer I am trying to find a way to use SectionIndexer instead of.. to use SectionIndexer I am trying to find a way to use SectionIndexer instead of AlphabetIndexer . What I am interested to do is to.. way to do that Any reference to a sample code that uses SectionIndexer instead of AlphabetIndexer would be helpful as well. Thanks..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView AlphabeticalAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections.. AlphabeticalAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections.. AlphabeticalAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager this AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter My class ContactsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter and implements SectionIndexer and I am using a LoaderManager to manage my adapter's cursor so i have overridden the swapCursor method like the second.. answer to the example above indicates. public class ContactsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter implements SectionIndexer private LayoutInflater mInflater private Context mContext private AlphabetIndexer mAlphaIndexer public ContactsCursorAdapter..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.Filter import android.widget.SectionIndexer import android.widget.TextView public class MangaListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Manga implements SectionIndexer public.. import android.widget.TextView public class MangaListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Manga implements SectionIndexer public ArrayList Manga items public ArrayList Manga filtered private Context context private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer.. import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.Filter import android.widget.SectionIndexer import android.widget.TextView public class MangaListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Manga implements SectionIndexer public..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer I have a list of events which are seperated by month and year Jun 2010 Jul 2010 etc. . I have enabled fast scrolling because.. and year Jun 2010 Jul 2010 etc. . I have enabled fast scrolling because the list is really long. I've also implemented SectionIndexer so that people can see what month and year they are currently viewing when scrolling down the list of events at speed. I.. at speed. I don't have any problem with the implementation just how the information is shown. Fast scrolling with SectionIndexer seems to only really be able to support a label with a single letter. If the list was alphabetised this would be perfect..
Create easy alphabetical scrolling in ListView? in the Android SDK android listview android layout share improve this question Have your list adapter implement SectionIndexer . The music app also makes use of AlphabetIndexer to do some of the heavy lifting. Also use setFastScrollEnabled true on..
ListView with alphabets on the right, like the iPhone. Is it possible? elements myListView.setAdapter adapter class MyAZAdapter T extends ArrayAdapter T implements SectionIndexer ArrayList String myElements HashMap String Integer azIndexer String sections public MyAZAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId..
Android: how to use SectionIndexer how to use SectionIndexer I am trying to find a way to use SectionIndexer instead of AlphabetIndexer . What I am interested to do is to have elements.. how to use SectionIndexer I am trying to find a way to use SectionIndexer instead of AlphabetIndexer . What I am interested to do is to have elements of a string arrays on the section headers instead.. have Book Food ...on the headers If not what is the best way to do that Any reference to a sample code that uses SectionIndexer instead of AlphabetIndexer would be helpful as well. Thanks for the help. TJ android listview header indexer share improve..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView make it work but I'm still getting a forced close. class AlphabeticalAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections public AlphabeticalAdapter Context c int resource List.. Sorry for posting it something like 9 months overdue. class AlphabeticalAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections public AlphabeticalAdapter Context c int resource List.. to instantiate alphaIndexer . Works perfectly now. class AlphabeticalAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections public AlphabeticalAdapter Context c int resource List..