android Programming Glossary: secs
Android persistent socket connection rules and maintains that connection via aggressive pinging @ 10 secs interval . If the connection is ever detected as dead the app..
setBackgroundResource doesn't set the image wait 2 seconds change the image to square_show wait 2 secs and repeat the loop i've been struggling for an hour now.....
Android Gradle build with sub projects to get more log output. BUILD FAILED Total time 4.652 secs So my guess as to whats wrong is that facebook is not in a direct..
build.gradle and project libs 81 ... 33 more BUILD FAILED Total time 2.947 secs EDIT 2 project structure MyProject MyApp build.gradle libraries..
Android Widget Not Updating is below. Note I will not leave update period at 20 secs as I know that would kill battery just testing . Configuration..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory..
Android Download Zip to SD card? true conn.setConnectTimeout 10000 timeout 10 secs conn.connect InputStream input conn.getInputStream FileOutputStream..
Android BluetoothSocket - Timing out .start wait for the execution to finish timeout after 6 secs byte response try response theTask.get 6L TimeUnit.SECONDS catch..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? launchApp ctx.getPackageName Thread.sleep 2500 2.5 secs else isContinue false stopSelf catch Exception e end of..
Android Periodic GPS location updates with AlarmManager inside a Service intervals say it be 5 minutes default here I set it to 20 secs. for testing . The customer wants this to see how long the workers..
Android persistent socket connection rules service and establishes a connection with the server and maintains that connection via aggressive pinging @ 10 secs interval . If the connection is ever detected as dead the app keeps trying to reconnect indefinitely. The server sends notifications..
setBackgroundResource doesn't set the image doesn't do what i want what i want is change the image to square wait 2 seconds change the image to square_show wait 2 secs and repeat the loop i've been struggling for an hour now... java android multithreading share improve this question ..
Android Gradle build with sub projects option to get the stack trace. Run with info or debug option to get more log output. BUILD FAILED Total time 4.652 secs So my guess as to whats wrong is that facebook is not in a direct subfolder from ProjectB...but that doesn't matter when..
build.gradle and project libs at org.gradle.listener.BroadcastDispatch.dispatch 81 ... 33 more BUILD FAILED Total time 2.947 secs EDIT 2 project structure MyProject MyApp build.gradle libraries projectLib build.gradle build.gradle settings settings.gradle..
Android Widget Not Updating being called once when I install the widget. The configuration is below. Note I will not leave update period at 20 secs as I know that would kill battery just testing . Configuration appwidget provider xmlns android http
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? final URLConnection conn aUrl.openConnection conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser sp spf.newSAXParser..
Android Download Zip to SD card? conn HttpURLConnection new URL from .openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.setConnectTimeout 10000 timeout 10 secs conn.connect InputStream input conn.getInputStream FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream to int byteCount 0 byte buffer..
Android BluetoothSocket - Timing out return retVal start task in a new thread new Thread theTask .start wait for the execution to finish timeout after 6 secs byte response try response theTask.get 6L TimeUnit.SECONDS catch InterruptedException e throw new CbtException e catch ExecutionException..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? if runningPkg.equals ctx.getPackageName launchApp ctx.getPackageName Thread.sleep 2500 2.5 secs else isContinue false stopSelf catch Exception e end of while loop protected void launchApp String packageName Intent..
Android Periodic GPS location updates with AlarmManager inside a Service current location with GPS and send it to server in timely intervals say it be 5 minutes default here I set it to 20 secs. for testing . The customer wants this to see how long the workers spend time in traffic the traffic in my city Istanbul..