android Programming Glossary: section
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager parent ... @Override public int getPositionForSection int section return mAlphaIndexer.getPositionForSection section @Override.. int section return mAlphaIndexer.getPositionForSection section @Override public int getSectionForPosition int position return..
Error importing HoloEverywhere to Properties . Under the Android heading you should see a section for Library with a checkbox IsLibrary . Make sure that's checked... under the Android heading and the Library section choose Add . You should see the ActionBarSherlock library add.. to Properties . Under the Android heading you should see a section for Library with a checkbox IsLibrary . Make sure that's checked..
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? this it`s work fine for me 1 . Modify your MainActivity section in AndroidManifest.xml delete from it line with MAIN category.. delete from it line with MAIN category in intent filter section activity android name android..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio? Edit AndroidStudio is changing. I find out that exist a section named Open module settings if you right click on a module folder.. if you right click on a module folder in the project section of android studio I'm using the version 0.2.10 thanks @gipi..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 support v4.jar is now in this 'Android Private Libraries' section. To fix this go to 'Order and Export' and check 'Android Private..
How do I pass data between activities in Android?
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android 0 numPagers 0 inactivePageKB 0 activePageKB 0 The top section is the main one where size is the total size in address space..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? source code before publishing my Android app. Extract from section 5 of the publication checklist Make sure you deactivate logging..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML improve this question The Android Developer Guide has a section called Building Custom Components . Unfortunately the discussion..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? don't like to read jump to the How to get data from a SMS section. content mms sms conversations This is the URI of the Mms and..
How can I create a custom home-screen replacement application for Android?
Implement page curl on android? vi.x pow vi.y A 2 Now get the radius of the cone cross section intersected by our vertex in 3D space. r R sin theta Angle.. R sin theta Angle subtended by arc ST on the cone cross section. beta asin vi.x R sin theta MAGIC v1.x r sin beta v1.y R A..
Using the Android Application class to persist data
How to get the first name and last name from Android contacts? android contacts share improve this question Look at section 7.3 here for some example code. Also have a look at Android..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations the restrictions below. Except as explicitly permitted in Section 7 or the Maps APIs Documentation you must not nor may you permit..
emulator.exe has stop working?
how to Generate Pdf File with Image in android? import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase import com.itextpdf.text.Section import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell.. 1 Paragraph subPara new Paragraph Subcategory 1 subFont Section subCatPart catPart.addSection subPara subCatPart.add new Paragraph.. Subcategory 1 subFont Section subCatPart catPart.addSection subPara subCatPart.add new Paragraph Hello subPara new Paragraph..
Android : How to populate a ListView with alphabet indexer and fastscroll as in contacts app.? your posted image but I think Here is the way to implement Section Indexing in Android as iPhone has You should also refer Sectionindexer.. Indexing in Android as iPhone has You should also refer Sectionindexer alphabetindexer for such custom implementation. http..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? version. documentation annotation element element name Sections type ows SectionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation.. annotation element element name Sections type ows SectionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or.. ows AcceptVersionsType and minOccurs 0 ie can be null name Sections of type ows SectionsType and minOccurs 0 ie can be null name..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button prevented by design. According to the Compatibility Section of the Android Design Guide ...the action overflow is available..
Android JSon error “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2” data from a web service the sample data is given below SectionId 1 SectionName Android When i try to convert it it throws an.. a web service the sample data is given below SectionId 1 SectionName Android When i try to convert it it throws an error i am.. new Gson .fromJson jsonDataFromWebService Data.class My Section Class is class Section public int SectionId public String SectionName..
Android Listview Custom Section Header Listview Custom Section Header How can i implement custom section or header of ListView..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB you want to support Now an optional edit for Strings Section edit Strings ProviderName œGoogle Inc. SingleAdbInterface œAndroid..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent ... @Override public int getPositionForSection int section return mAlphaIndexer.getPositionForSection section @Override public int getSectionForPosition int position return mAlphaIndexer.getSectionForPosition.. ViewGroup parent ... @Override public int getPositionForSection int section return mAlphaIndexer.getPositionForSection section @Override public int getSectionForPosition int position return mAlphaIndexer.getSectionForPosition position @Override public..
Error importing HoloEverywhere Finish Right click on the newly created project and go to Properties . Under the Android heading you should see a section for Library with a checkbox IsLibrary . Make sure that's checked. Right click Properies on the project in which you wish.. click Properies on the project in which you wish to add AndroidBarSherlock under the Android heading and the Library section choose Add . You should see the ActionBarSherlock library add this to your project Lastly if you were using the compatibility.. Finish Right click on the newly created project and go to Properties . Under the Android heading you should see a section for Library with a checkbox IsLibrary . Make sure that's checked and press Add and previously added library ActionBarSherlock..
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? in the launcher. android share improve this question Try this it`s work fine for me 1 . Modify your MainActivity section in AndroidManifest.xml delete from it line with MAIN category in intent filter section activity android name me 1 . Modify your MainActivity section in AndroidManifest.xml delete from it line with MAIN category in intent filter section activity android name android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation android screenOrientation..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio? test directory or add the junit.jar file to the classpath. Edit AndroidStudio is changing. I find out that exist a section named Open module settings if you right click on a module folder in the project section of android studio I'm using the..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 Private Libraries' is not always checked. And the android support v4.jar is now in this 'Android Private Libraries' section. To fix this go to 'Order and Export' and check 'Android Private Libraries'. Then refresh clean rebuild. After you done..
How do I pass data between activities in Android?
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android 158 Death Recipients 49 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 205 dbFiles 0 numPagers 0 inactivePageKB 0 activePageKB 0 The top section is the main one where size is the total size in address space of a particular heap allocated is the kb of actual allocations..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? to Google I must deactivate any calls to Log methods in the source code before publishing my Android app. Extract from section 5 of the publication checklist Make sure you deactivate logging and disable the debugging option before you build your application..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML UI element using XML xml android user interface share improve this question The Android Developer Guide has a section called Building Custom Components . Unfortunately the discussion of XML attributes only covers declaring the control inside..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? all information I have found. If you are in a rush or just don't like to read jump to the How to get data from a SMS section. content mms sms conversations This is the URI of the Mms and SMS provider ... which allows us to query the MMS and SMS..
How can I create a custom home-screen replacement application for Android?
Implement page curl on android? by vertex vi.x vi.y around A on the x y plane R sqrt vi.x vi.x pow vi.y A 2 Now get the radius of the cone cross section intersected by our vertex in 3D space. r R sin theta Angle subtended by arc ST on the cone cross section. beta asin vi.x.. cone cross section intersected by our vertex in 3D space. r R sin theta Angle subtended by arc ST on the cone cross section. beta asin vi.x R sin theta MAGIC v1.x r sin beta v1.y R A r 1 cos beta sin theta v1.z r 1 cos beta cos theta Apply a basic..
Using the Android Application class to persist data
How to get the first name and last name from Android contacts?
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations licenses above are subject to your adherence to all of the restrictions below. Except as explicitly permitted in Section 7 or the Maps APIs Documentation you must not nor may you permit anyone else to ... 10.9 use the Service or Content with..
emulator.exe has stop working?
how to Generate Pdf File with Image in android? com.itextpdf.text.ListItem import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase import com.itextpdf.text.Section import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable.. the chapter Chapter catPart new Chapter new Paragraph anchor 1 Paragraph subPara new Paragraph Subcategory 1 subFont Section subCatPart catPart.addSection subPara subCatPart.add new Paragraph Hello subPara new Paragraph Subcategory 2 subFont subCatPart.. new Chapter new Paragraph anchor 1 Paragraph subPara new Paragraph Subcategory 1 subFont Section subCatPart catPart.addSection subPara subCatPart.add new Paragraph Hello subPara new Paragraph Subcategory 2 subFont subCatPart catPart.addSection subPara..
Android : How to populate a ListView with alphabet indexer and fastscroll as in contacts app.? contacts share improve this question As I can't see your posted image but I think Here is the way to implement Section Indexing in Android as iPhone has You should also refer Sectionindexer alphabetindexer for such custom implementation. http.. posted image but I think Here is the way to implement Section Indexing in Android as iPhone has You should also refer Sectionindexer alphabetindexer for such custom implementation. http 2010 12 iphone uitable view in..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? When omitted server shall return latest supported version. documentation annotation element element name Sections type ows SectionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return.. omitted server shall return latest supported version. documentation annotation element element name Sections type ows SectionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return complete service.. has elements attributes name AcceptVersions of type ows AcceptVersionsType and minOccurs 0 ie can be null name Sections of type ows SectionsType and minOccurs 0 ie can be null name AcceptFormats of type ows AcceptFormatsType and minOccurs..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button answer for the situation of physical menu button. This is actually prevented by design. According to the Compatibility Section of the Android Design Guide ...the action overflow is available from the menu hardware key. The resulting actions popup.....
Android JSon error “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2” was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2&rdquo I am getting JSon data from a web service the sample data is given below SectionId 1 SectionName Android When i try to convert it it throws an error i am doing it as Data data new Gson .fromJson jsonDataFromWebService.. at line 1 column 2&rdquo I am getting JSon data from a web service the sample data is given below SectionId 1 SectionName Android When i try to convert it it throws an error i am doing it as Data data new Gson .fromJson jsonDataFromWebService.. to convert it it throws an error i am doing it as Data data new Gson .fromJson jsonDataFromWebService Data.class My Section Class is class Section public int SectionId public String SectionName class Data public List Section sections The LogCat..
Android Listview Custom Section Header Listview Custom Section Header How can i implement custom section or header of ListView like Instagram app in android. http wp..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB and another to Google.NTamd64 section REPEAT for every device you want to support Now an optional edit for Strings Section edit Strings ProviderName œGoogle Inc. SingleAdbInterface œAndroid ADB Interface CompositeAdbInterface œAndroid Composite..