

2014/10/16 ¤W¤Č 08:22:31

android Programming Glossary: replaces

Problems with Android Fragment back stack


2 fragment add it to the view and add the transaction that replaces the first fragment to the backstack frag new Fragment2 transaction..

Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar


show the action bar but still no title bar The action bar replaces the title bar. There is no concept of an activity having an..

Hide System Bar in Tablets


and video playback. The SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE flag replaces the STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN flag. When set this flag enables ślow profile..

Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed]


R.drawable.arrow As this just replaces the marker with an image you might want to use a Canvas to draw..

Android: TextView automatically truncate and replace last 3 char of String


android inputType text . What I need now is something that replaces the last 3 characters of my String with ... . Since I'm not..

Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android


and returns the registration ID. This streamlined approach replaces the previous GCM registration process. The note that says Google..

Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager


found correct solution modifying code in that answer . It replaces Fragment in first page of ViewPager with another one and if..

Apache Commons Codec with Android: could not find method


encode' The method you want to use is different since it replaces and with url safe values and _. So you probably might use something..

Parsing invalid ampersands with Android's XmlPullParsers


solutions Wrapping the InputStream in another one that replaces the ampersands with entity refs Configuring the Parser so it..

How to create a closed (circular) ListView?


looping manner. At this point CircularArrayAdapter simply replaces ArrayAdapter in the file creating the ListView. To center the..

How to disable “Next” button on a EditText software keyboard (replace with “Done” button)


numeric entry. Android attempts to be user friendly and replaces the standard Done button to the right of the entry box with..

Is it possible to configure an Android install to run a single app?


a custom home app that well isn't really a home app but replaces the default home app intent . See SlideScreen as an example..

Auto-Update for (private) Android apps


by requesting a server if so downloads the new apk and replaces itself with the new version. Use or develop a separated app..

Capture picture from WebView


developers . Unfortunately there is no information on what replaces it or at what API levels it was supported. I guess that means..

Looking for fast image distortion algorithms


x y .y 0 offsetFilterAbs b pt return true The code that replaces the calculated pixels' positions. public boolean offsetFilterAbs..

Android NDK: No rule to make target


call my dir _ _' It had several spaces in the end I've replaces them with '_' . If remove them everything works just fine. Hope..

Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes?


before and after ellipsizing . To make this work Android replaces one character with the ellipsis and replaces all other removed.. work Android replaces one character with the ellipsis and replaces all other removed characters with the Unicode character 'ZERO..

Fragments within Fragments


above code removes the fragment which is resident and then replaces it with a new fragment. Brilliant... Obviously that isn't what..

Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions


version header in the response. By creating a proxy that replaces this with HTTP 1.1 you can resolve that. See the StreamProxy..

Problems with Android Fragment back stack


frag transaction.commit Create the second 2 fragment add it to the view and add the transaction that replaces the first fragment to the backstack frag new Fragment2 transaction getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction transaction.replace..

Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar


share improve this question On tablets I want to show the action bar but still no title bar The action bar replaces the title bar. There is no concept of an activity having an action bar and a title bar. Is there a way to show the action..

Hide System Bar in Tablets


try to dim the system bar as done sometimes during gaming and video playback. The SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE flag replaces the STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN flag. When set this flag enables ślow profile mode for the system bar or navigation bar. Navigation..

Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed]


.title Sydney .snippet Population 4 627 300 .icon BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource R.drawable.arrow As this just replaces the marker with an image you might want to use a Canvas to draw more complex and fancier stuff Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888..

Android: TextView automatically truncate and replace last 3 char of String


this by using android singleLine deprecated or by setting android inputType text . What I need now is something that replaces the last 3 characters of my String with ... . Since I'm not using a monospace font this will always be different depending..

Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android


senderID... . This method registers the application for GCM and returns the registration ID. This streamlined approach replaces the previous GCM registration process. The note that says Google may periodically refresh the registration ID only appears..

Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager


share improve this question After so many hours spent I've found correct solution modifying code in that answer . It replaces Fragment in first page of ViewPager with another one and if you return back from second Fragment first Fragment is correctly..

Apache Commons Codec with Android: could not find method


encodedString new String Base64.encodeBase64 'string to encode' The method you want to use is different since it replaces and with url safe values and _. So you probably might use something like String encodedString new String Base64.encodeBase64..

Parsing invalid ampersands with Android's XmlPullParsers


How do I get around this I have thought about the following solutions Wrapping the InputStream in another one that replaces the ampersands with entity refs Configuring the Parser so it magically accepts the incorrect markup Which ones is likely..

How to create a closed (circular) ListView?


when filling the list the list is filled with objects in a looping manner. At this point CircularArrayAdapter simply replaces ArrayAdapter in the file creating the ListView. To center the ListView the fallowing line must be inserted in your file..

How to disable “Next” button on a EditText software keyboard (replace with “Done” button)


a hardware keyboard and thusly uses the software keyboard for numeric entry. Android attempts to be user friendly and replaces the standard Done button to the right of the entry box with a Next button probably because it recognizes the presence of..

Is it possible to configure an Android install to run a single app?


Auto-Update for (private) Android apps


be reused On each launch the app tests if a new version exists by requesting a server if so downloads the new apk and replaces itself with the new version. Use or develop a separated app or service that undertakes the update check and replacement..

Capture picture from WebView


What does This method is deprecated mean for application developers . Unfortunately there is no information on what replaces it or at what API levels it was supported. I guess that means that you use this at your own risk. I think you ™re correct..

Looking for fast image distortion algorithms


0 newX nWidth pt x y .y int newY else pt x y .x pt x y .y 0 offsetFilterAbs b pt return true The code that replaces the calculated pixels' positions. public boolean offsetFilterAbs Bitmap b Point offset int nWidth b.getWidth int nHeight..

Android NDK: No rule to make target


Why does TextView in single line elipsized with “end” show boxes?


on screen such that the length in characters is the same before and after ellipsizing . To make this work Android replaces one character with the ellipsis and replaces all other removed characters with the Unicode character 'ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK.. is the same before and after ellipsizing . To make this work Android replaces one character with the ellipsis and replaces all other removed characters with the Unicode character 'ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK SPACE' U FEFF . This means the extra characters..

Fragments within Fragments


a horizontal linear layout. It is my understanding that the above code removes the fragment which is resident and then replaces it with a new fragment. Brilliant... Obviously that isn't what happens because when this code runs the second time you get..

Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions
