

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:30

android Programming Glossary: repaint

Punch a hole in a rectangle overlay with HW acceleration enabled on View


this question Instead of allocating a new canvas on each repaint you should be able to allocate it once and then reuse the canvas.. able to allocate it once and then reuse the canvas on each repaint. on init and on resize Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap getWidth.. getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas b on repaint b.eraseColor Color.TRANSPARENT needed if backColor is not opaque..

Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing?


on my HW perfectly but since it allocates so heavily on repaint Android goes crazy with GC. It soon starts allocating while.. though is Is it reasonable to expect to be able to repaint 4 or 6 linecharts tablet app on realtime sub 200ms refresh rate.. when adding new data to the dataset during repaints. Please checkout the code from SVN and do an ant dist in order..

Android Null Exception on Calling function


circlePath.reset break default return false Schedules a repaint. Force a view to draw. postInvalidate return true function ..

Android notifyDataSetChanged


so I am trying to use notifyDataSetChanged in order to repaint the list but it doesn't seem to work. android android arrayadapter..

Punch a hole in a rectangle overlay with HW acceleration enabled on View


drawing hardware acceleration porter duff share improve this question Instead of allocating a new canvas on each repaint you should be able to allocate it once and then reuse the canvas on each repaint. on init and on resize Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap.. of allocating a new canvas on each repaint you should be able to allocate it once and then reuse the canvas on each repaint. on init and on resize Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap getWidth getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas b on.. on init and on resize Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap getWidth getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas c new Canvas b on repaint b.eraseColor Color.TRANSPARENT needed if backColor is not opaque thanks @JosephEarl c.drawColor backColor c.drawCircle cx..

Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing?


certainly fast enough for what I need . It can do what I need on my HW perfectly but since it allocates so heavily on repaint Android goes crazy with GC. It soon starts allocating while GC is running so it has to wait and my app starts looking like.. my app starts looking like a stop motion movie. The real question though is Is it reasonable to expect to be able to repaint 4 or 6 linecharts tablet app on realtime sub 200ms refresh rate with ACE or is it simply not prepared for that kind of abuse.. method such as it will hopefully not throw ConcurrentModificationException when adding new data to the dataset during repaints. Please checkout the code from SVN and do an ant dist in order to build new AChartEngine jar file and embed it in your..

Android Null Exception on Calling function


rect 0 0 Path.Direction.CW break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP circlePath.reset break default return false Schedules a repaint. Force a view to draw. postInvalidate return true function public void apple paint.setColor ap Toast.makeText getContext..

Android notifyDataSetChanged


ArrayAdapter . I want to update a progress bar every second so I am trying to use notifyDataSetChanged in order to repaint the list but it doesn't seem to work. android android arrayadapter share improve this question How are you updating..