android Programming Glossary: recorder.prepare
Android: Does anyone know how to capture video? recorder.setVideoSize 176 144 recorder.setOutputFile path recorder.prepare recorder.start this.state VideoRecorderState.STATE_RECORDING.. it throws an exception on line recorder.prepare . Does anyone know how to set parameters in order to be able.. 15 m_recorder.setOutputFile m_path m_recorder.prepare m_recorder.start THE most important thing is the surface. You..
MediaRecorder crashes on start if mStartRecording btn.setText Stop Recording try recorder.prepare catch IOException e e.printStackTrace recorder.start mStartRecording.. if if mStartRecording btn.setText Stop Recording try recorder.prepare recorder.start mStartRecording true catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? recorder.setPreviewDisplay holder.getSurface try recorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace finish catch..
audio and video recording errors in android
Record phone calls on android phone? recorder.setOutputFile pathname recorder.prepare recorder.start recordstarted 1 telManager TelephonyManager..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd recorder.setPreviewDisplay mHolder.getSurface try recorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch..
android stream audio to server recorder.setOutputFile pfd.getFileDescriptor try recorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
Error opening android camera for streaming video cameraPreview.getHolder .getSurface try recorder.prepare recorder.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated..
Improve Audio Recording quality in android? recorder.setOutputFile path recorder.prepare recorder.start How do I improve Audio Recording quality android..
Android: Does anyone know how to capture video? recorder.setVideoFrameRate 15 recorder.setVideoSize 176 144 recorder.setOutputFile path recorder.prepare recorder.start this.state VideoRecorderState.STATE_RECORDING it throws an exception on line recorder.prepare . Does anyone.. path recorder.prepare recorder.start this.state VideoRecorderState.STATE_RECORDING it throws an exception on line recorder.prepare . Does anyone know how to set parameters in order to be able to capture video Thanks android video capture share improve.. m_BeMeSelf m_recorder.setVideoSize 320 240 m_recorder.setVideoFrameRate 15 m_recorder.setOutputFile m_path m_recorder.prepare m_recorder.start THE most important thing is the surface. You don't have it so without it it fails. Regards BeMeCollective..
MediaRecorder crashes on start recorder.setAudioEncoder MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB if mStartRecording btn.setText Stop Recording try recorder.prepare catch IOException e e.printStackTrace recorder.start mStartRecording true else btn.setText Start Recording mStartRecording.. recorder.setAudioEncoder MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB if if mStartRecording btn.setText Stop Recording try recorder.prepare recorder.start mStartRecording true catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch else btn.setText Start Recording mStartRecording..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? 5000000 Approximately 5 megabytes private void prepareRecorder recorder.setPreviewDisplay holder.getSurface try recorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace finish catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finish public void onClick..
audio and video recording errors in android
Record phone calls on android phone? recorder.setAudioEncoder MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB recorder.setOutputFile pathname recorder.prepare recorder.start recordstarted 1 telManager TelephonyManager context.getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE catch..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd 144 recorder.setVideoEncoder MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.H263 recorder.setPreviewDisplay mHolder.getSurface try recorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto..
android stream audio to server recorder.setAudioEncoder MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB recorder.setOutputFile pfd.getFileDescriptor try recorder.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace recorder.start android sockets multimedia..
Error opening android camera for streaming video recorder.setOutputFile pfd.getFileDescriptor recorder.setPreviewDisplay cameraPreview.getHolder .getSurface try recorder.prepare recorder.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block Log.e e catch IOException e TODO Auto..
Improve Audio Recording quality in android? recorder.setAudioEncoder MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT recorder.setOutputFile path recorder.prepare recorder.start How do I improve Audio Recording quality android voice recording android mediarecorder share improve this..