android Programming Glossary: recipient
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? of logcat d v threadtime and launch an ACTION_SEND with recipient subject and body filled in. The user will have to press Send...
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? catch XMPPException e e.printStackTrace final EditText recipient EditText this.findViewById final EditText message.. final EditText recipient EditText this.findViewById final EditText message EditText this.findViewById public void onClick View view String to recipient.getText .toString String text message.getText .toString Message..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask position viewHolder.position position String recipient_ids mCursor.getString RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX String recipients.. mCursor.getString RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX String recipients recipient_ids.split viewHolder.task new AddressFetcherTask.. RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX String recipients recipient_ids.split viewHolder.task new AddressFetcherTask viewHolder..
How to send HTML email mailto scheme. This will also work if you don't know the recipient beforehand final Intent shareIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session.. subject message.setDataHandler handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO.. Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient Message.RecipientType.TO new InternetAddress..
How to send image via MMS in Android? phoneNumbers EncodedStringValue .extract recipient if phoneNumbers null phoneNumbers.length 0 sendRequest.addTo..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? icon was visible but the attachment never arrived on the recipient side. I guess this has something to do with permissions on the.. attachment icon but no file name but did not result in a recipient side attachment. Has anyone been able to attach a one shot generated..
Android\Intent: Send an email with attachment [duplicate] internal storage The email is being received on by the recipient but without the attachment. Here is the code any expert knows..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? for this payment. payment.setCurrencyType USD Sets the recipient for the payment. This can also be a phone number. payment.setRecipient..
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? user and ask if you can send a log. If so gather the output of logcat d v threadtime and launch an ACTION_SEND with recipient subject and body filled in. The user will have to press Send. 462 strings.xml 41 Watch..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? R.layout.main m_handler new Handler try initConnection catch XMPPException e e.printStackTrace final EditText recipient EditText this.findViewById final EditText message EditText this.findViewById ListView list ListView.. try initConnection catch XMPPException e e.printStackTrace final EditText recipient EditText this.findViewById final EditText message EditText this.findViewById ListView list ListView this.findViewById m_discussionThread.. this.findViewById send.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View view String to recipient.getText .toString String text message.getText .toString Message msg new Message to msg.setBody text..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask viewHolder.task.cancel true mCursor getCursor mCursor.moveToPosition position viewHolder.position position String recipient_ids mCursor.getString RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX String recipients recipient_ids.split viewHolder.task new AddressFetcherTask.. position viewHolder.position position String recipient_ids mCursor.getString RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX String recipients recipient_ids.split viewHolder.task new AddressFetcherTask viewHolder position viewHolder.task.execute recipients return.. viewHolder.position position String recipient_ids mCursor.getString RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX String recipients recipient_ids.split viewHolder.task new AddressFetcherTask viewHolder position viewHolder.task.execute recipients return convertView..
How to send HTML email apps you can use ACTION_SENDTO with a Uri beginning with the mailto scheme. This will also work if you don't know the recipient beforehand final Intent shareIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO Uri.parse mailto shareIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource.. text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient.. handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient Message.RecipientType.TO new InternetAddress recipients Transport.send message catch Exception..
How to send image via MMS in Android? sub null sub.length 0 sendRequest.setSubject sub 0 final EncodedStringValue phoneNumbers EncodedStringValue .extract recipient if phoneNumbers null phoneNumbers.length 0 sendRequest.addTo phoneNumbers 0 final PduBody pduBody new PduBody if parts null..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? the Gmail preview no image preview but attached file name and icon was visible but the attachment never arrived on the recipient side. I guess this has something to do with permissions on the generated file but how to avoid this Do I need to set more.. base64 ABCD... style URI. This too showed up in Gmail preview attachment icon but no file name but did not result in a recipient side attachment. Has anyone been able to attach a one shot generated image to an email intent by any means What options..
Android\Intent: Send an email with attachment [duplicate] email with attachment duplicate Possible Duplicate Email from internal storage The email is being received on by the recipient but without the attachment. Here is the code any expert knows where did I go wrong Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SEND..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? PayPalPayment payment new PayPalPayment Sets the currency type for this payment. payment.setCurrencyType USD Sets the recipient for the payment. This can also be a phone number. payment.setRecipient Sets the amount of..