android Programming Glossary: recipients
Javamail api in android using XOauth subject String body String user String oauthToken String recipients try SMTPTransport smtpTransport connectToSmtp subject message.setDataHandler handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO.. Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient Message.RecipientType.TO new InternetAddress..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask mCursor.getString RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX String recipients recipient_ids.split viewHolder.task new AddressFetcherTask viewHolder.. viewHolder position viewHolder.task.execute recipients return convertView region Helper Methods private ViewHolder.. @Override protected Integer doInBackground String ...recipients String recipient recipients 0 0 Log.d DEBUG_TAG recipient is..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session.. subject message.setDataHandler handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO.. Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient Message.RecipientType.TO new InternetAddress..
How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??) msg.setSentDate Calendar.getInstance .getTime parse the recipients TO address java.util.StringTokenizer st new java.util.StringTokenizer.. st.nextToken msg.setReplyTo addressReplyTo parse the recipients CC address if ccList null .equals ccList st new java.util.StringTokenizer.. javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.CC addressCC parse the recipients BCC address if bccList null .equals bccList st new java.util.StringTokenizer..
Sending text messages programmatically in android messages to one single text regardless of the number of recipients that would be awesome. I have tried separating the phone numbers.. like how Microsoft Outlook or GMail lets you add multiple recipients to an email . None of those worked for me. Does anyone have..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.5 MimeMessage.. Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.7 message.setSubject subject.. multipart AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.8 if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.9 message.setRecipients..
Javamail api in android using XOauth 235 return transport public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String user String oauthToken String recipients try SMTPTransport smtpTransport connectToSmtp 587 user oauthToken true MimeMessage message new MimeMessage.. text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress user message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient.. handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient Message.RecipientType.TO new InternetAddress recipients smtpTransport.sendMessage message message.getAllRecipients..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask position viewHolder.position position String recipient_ids mCursor.getString RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX String recipients recipient_ids.split viewHolder.task new AddressFetcherTask viewHolder position viewHolder.task.execute recipients return.. recipients recipient_ids.split viewHolder.task new AddressFetcherTask viewHolder position viewHolder.task.execute recipients return convertView region Helper Methods private ViewHolder bindUIElements View convertView ViewHolder viewHolder new ViewHolder.. int position mViewHolder viewHolder mPosition position @Override protected Integer doInBackground String ...recipients String recipient recipients 0 0 Log.d DEBUG_TAG recipient is recipient Cursor c mContentResolver.query Uri.parse content..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource.. text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient.. handler if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients else message.setRecipient Message.RecipientType.TO new InternetAddress recipients Transport.send message catch Exception..
How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??) new InternetAddress new InternetAddress from set send date msg.setSentDate Calendar.getInstance .getTime parse the recipients TO address java.util.StringTokenizer st new java.util.StringTokenizer toList int numberOfRecipients st.countTokens javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress.. addressReplyTo i new javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress st.nextToken msg.setReplyTo addressReplyTo parse the recipients CC address if ccList null .equals ccList st new java.util.StringTokenizer ccList int numberOfCCRecipients st.countTokens.. st .nextToken msg.setRecipients javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.CC addressCC parse the recipients BCC address if bccList null .equals bccList st new java.util.StringTokenizer bccList int numberOfBCCRecipients st.countTokens..
Sending text messages programmatically in android error. Now I am hoping that if I can reduce the number of text messages to one single text regardless of the number of recipients that would be awesome. I have tried separating the phone numbers with a comma and that didn't work. I also tried separating.. also tried separating the numbers with a semi colon exactly like how Microsoft Outlook or GMail lets you add multiple recipients to an email . None of those worked for me. Does anyone have any suggestions Even if there is a different approach altogether..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.5 MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session AppLogger.LogError.. html message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse recipients AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.7 message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler MimeMultipart multipart.. multipart.addBodyPart attachmentPart message.setContent multipart AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.8 if recipients.indexOf ' ' 0 AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.9 message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse..