android Programming Glossary: reconnect
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” used to come up once in a while. I have an aggressive reconnect system it basically hammers the connection over and over until..
Service not available while calling geoCoder.getFromLocation() is a guess. I've seen this before. Last year I wrote a reconnect mechanism to load the NetworkLocator.apk and bind to the GeocoderService..
Android persistent socket connection rules is ever detected as dead the app keeps trying to reconnect indefinitely. The server sends notifications via duplex channel...
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off a minute. Walk back into coverage. Result The Wifi is not reconnected immediately and thus app does not reconnect to server. Depending.. Wifi is not reconnected immediately and thus app does not reconnect to server. Depending on the device and settings sometimes it.. on the device and settings sometimes it would not reconnect at all until the screen was turned on. Forcing the Wi Fi to..
OAuth + Twitter on Android: Callback fails but when the browser tries the call back url to reconnect with my application it does not use the URL I provide in code..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd Oops.Connection interrupted. Please reconnect your phones. e.printStackTrace else new..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? and LoaderManager.restartLoader allow you to reconnect with an existing Loader already set up for your query and in..
Connection with adb was interrupted, and attempts to reconnect have failed with adb was interrupted and attempts to reconnect have failed My computer become slow because of running different.. time adb.exe is also delete. I try restart the eclipse and reconnect the my mobile to usb port but doesnot work properly.Only remaining.. Jokes Connection with adb was interrupted and attempts to reconnect have failed. 2011 10 12 15 09 00 Ultimate Jokes 5 attempts have..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? for this particular position and so it simply tries to reconnect with it with FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag instead of creating..
How can I change the device name? (adb devices) name setprop net.hostname newhostname Disconnect then reconnect from the network to refresh. I was on a Samsung Galaxy Note..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” 01 failed read failed socket might closed read ret 1 This error used to come up once in a while. I have an aggressive reconnect system it basically hammers the connection over and over until it connects and if it were ever to disconnect it starts hammering..
Service not available while calling geoCoder.getFromLocation() the Task Manager to kill all services I'm not sure but this is a guess. I've seen this before. Last year I wrote a reconnect mechanism to load the NetworkLocator.apk and bind to the GeocoderService . I think this change has not merged into JellyBean..
Android persistent socket connection rules via aggressive pinging @ 10 secs interval . If the connection is ever detected as dead the app keeps trying to reconnect indefinitely. The server sends notifications via duplex channel. Test 1 Pinging is done using a timer at 10 second intervals...
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off a WifiLock. Walk out of WiFi coverage and stay there for a minute. Walk back into coverage. Result The Wifi is not reconnected immediately and thus app does not reconnect to server. Depending on the device and settings sometimes it would not reconnect.. stay there for a minute. Walk back into coverage. Result The Wifi is not reconnected immediately and thus app does not reconnect to server. Depending on the device and settings sometimes it would not reconnect at all until the screen was turned on... immediately and thus app does not reconnect to server. Depending on the device and settings sometimes it would not reconnect at all until the screen was turned on. Forcing the Wi Fi to reconnect Ok this time my application calls WifiManager.Reconnect..
OAuth + Twitter on Android: Callback fails to get a request token authorize the token and get an acknowlegement but when the browser tries the call back url to reconnect with my application it does not use the URL I provide in code but uses the one I supplied while registering with Twitter...
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd new Runnable @Override public void run connectionStatus.setText Oops.Connection interrupted. Please reconnect your phones. e.printStackTrace else new Runnable @Override public void run connectionStatus.setText..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? can persist even beyond a single Activity . LoaderManager.initLoader and LoaderManager.restartLoader allow you to reconnect with an existing Loader already set up for your query and in some cases instantly get the latest data if it is available...
Connection with adb was interrupted, and attempts to reconnect have failed with adb was interrupted and attempts to reconnect have failed My computer become slow because of running different application then i delete some process from window task.. process from window task manager. Unfortunately in this time adb.exe is also delete. I try restart the eclipse and reconnect the my mobile to usb port but doesnot work properly.Only remaining the restart my computer so how to fix this problem. 2011.. Ultimate Jokes Android Launch 2011 10 12 15 09 00 Ultimate Jokes Connection with adb was interrupted and attempts to reconnect have failed. 2011 10 12 15 09 00 Ultimate Jokes 5 attempts have been made to restart adb. 2011 10 12 15 09 00 Ultimate Jokes..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? Android will notice that it already created saved a fragment for this particular position and so it simply tries to reconnect with it with FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag instead of creating a new one. All of this comes free when using the FragmentPagerAdapter..
How can I change the device name? (adb devices)