android Programming Glossary: recorder_bpp
Merging two or more .wav files in android RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 2 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 byte data new byte bufferSize.. 24 0xff header 32 byte 2 16 8 header 33 0 header 34 RECORDER_BPP header 35 0 header 36 'd' header 37 'a' header 38 't' header..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? RecorderActivity extends Activity private static final int RECORDER_BPP 16 private static final String AUDIO_RECORDER_FILE_EXT_WAV .wav.. 36 long longSampleRate 16000 int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256 byte data new.. header 32 byte 2 16 8 block align header 33 0 header 34 RECORDER_BPP bits per sample header 35 0 header 36 'd' header 37 'a' header..
Voice Detection in Android Application RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes.. 32 byte 2 16 8 block align finalBuffer 33 0 finalBuffer 34 RECORDER_BPP bits per sample finalBuffer 35 0 finalBuffer 36 'd' finalBuffer..
Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs private int RECORDER_SAMPLERATE 44100 private byte RECORDER_BPP byte 16 private AudioRecord audioRecorder public void arm Get.. RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes.. 32 byte 2 16 8 block align finalBuffer 33 0 finalBuffer 34 RECORDER_BPP bits per sample finalBuffer 35 0 finalBuffer 36 'd' finalBuffer..
Merging two or more .wav files in android 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 2 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 byte data new byte bufferSize try in1 new FileInputStream file1 in2 new FileInputStream file2.. 8 0xff header 30 byte byteRate 16 0xff header 31 byte byteRate 24 0xff header 32 byte 2 16 8 header 33 0 header 34 RECORDER_BPP header 35 0 header 36 'd' header 37 'a' header 38 't' header 39 'a' header 40 byte totalAudioLen 0xff header 41 byte totalAudioLen..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? android.view.View import android.widget.Button public class RecorderActivity extends Activity private static final int RECORDER_BPP 16 private static final String AUDIO_RECORDER_FILE_EXT_WAV .wav private static final String AUDIO_RECORDER_FOLDER AudioRecorder.. null long totalAudioLen 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate 16000 int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 long byteRate 256 byte data new byte bufferSize try in new FileInputStream inFilename out.. 30 byte byteRate 16 0xff header 31 byte byteRate 24 0xff header 32 byte 2 16 8 block align header 33 0 header 34 RECORDER_BPP bits per sample header 35 0 header 36 'd' header 37 'a' header 38 't' header 39 'a' header 40 byte totalAudioLen 0xff header..
Voice Detection in Android Application 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 byte finalBuffer new byte totalReadBytes.. 16 0xff finalBuffer 31 byte byteRate 24 0xff finalBuffer 32 byte 2 16 8 block align finalBuffer 33 0 finalBuffer 34 RECORDER_BPP bits per sample finalBuffer 35 0 finalBuffer 36 'd' finalBuffer 37 'a' finalBuffer 38 't' finalBuffer 39 'a' finalBuffer..
Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs private int RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT private int RECORDER_SAMPLERATE 44100 private byte RECORDER_BPP byte 16 private AudioRecord audioRecorder public void arm Get the minimum buffer size required for the successful creation.. 0 long totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 long longSampleRate RECORDER_SAMPLERATE int channels 1 long byteRate RECORDER_BPP RECORDER_SAMPLERATE channels 8 totalAudioLen totalReadBytes totalDataLen totalAudioLen 36 byte finalBuffer new byte totalReadBytes.. 16 0xff finalBuffer 31 byte byteRate 24 0xff finalBuffer 32 byte 2 16 8 block align finalBuffer 33 0 finalBuffer 34 RECORDER_BPP bits per sample finalBuffer 35 0 finalBuffer 36 'd' finalBuffer 37 'a' finalBuffer 38 't' finalBuffer 39 'a' finalBuffer..