android Programming Glossary: recorder.stop
MediaRecorder crashes on start else btn.setText Start Recording mStartRecording false recorder.stop recorder.reset recorder.release recorder null And i've added.. else btn.setText Start Recording mStartRecording false recorder.stop recorder.reset recorder.release recorder null else share improve..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? void stopRecording if null recorder isRecording false recorder.stop recorder.release recorder null recordingThread null copyWaveFile..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? finish public void onClick View v if recording recorder.stop recording false Let's initRecorder so we can record again.. void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder if recording recorder.stop recording false recorder.release finish It's from my book..
Record phone calls on android phone? TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE if recordstarted 1 recorder.stop recordstarted 0 break Please provide some good solution..
Android: sample microphone without recording to get live amplitude/level? call recorder.start first and you must not forget to call recorder.stop at the end too See http p android labs source..
AudioRecord object not initializing int a 0 a result a dos.write buffer a if isRecording recorder.stop break dos.flush dos.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
Android: Need to record mic input the loop completes so that it can be run again finally recorder.stop recorder.release track.stop track.release Called from outside..
Android AudioRecord example the recording activity if null recorder isRecording false recorder.stop recorder.release recorder null recordingThread null private..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling Recording private void stopRecording LOG_TAG stopRecording recorder.stop if startRecThread null startRecThread.isAlive startRecThread.destroy..
MediaRecorder crashes on start e e.printStackTrace recorder.start mStartRecording true else btn.setText Start Recording mStartRecording false recorder.stop recorder.reset recorder.release recorder null And i've added uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? e e.printStackTrace @SuppressLint NewApi NewApi private void stopRecording if null recorder isRecording false recorder.stop recorder.release recorder null recordingThread null copyWaveFile getTempFilename getFilename deleteTempFile private void..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? e e.printStackTrace finish catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finish public void onClick View v if recording recorder.stop recording false Let's initRecorder so we can record again initRecorder prepareRecorder else recording true recorder.start.. SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder if recording recorder.stop recording false recorder.release finish It's from my book Pro Android Media Developing Graphics Music Video and Rich..
Record phone calls on android phone? callState telManager.getCallState switch callState case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE if recordstarted 1 recorder.stop recordstarted 0 break Please provide some good solution for this problem.. java android share improve this question..
Android: sample microphone without recording to get live amplitude/level? microphone share improve this question Yep you have to call recorder.start first and you must not forget to call recorder.stop at the end too See http p android labs source browse trunk NoiseAlert src com google android noisealert..
AudioRecord object not initializing while isRecording result buffer 0 bufferSize for int a 0 a result a dos.write buffer a if isRecording recorder.stop break dos.flush dos.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace end of record method public void onClickStop View..
Android: Need to record mic input reading voice audio x Frees the thread's resources after the loop completes so that it can be run again finally recorder.stop recorder.release track.stop track.release Called from outside of the thread in order to stop the recording playback..
Android AudioRecord example e e.printStackTrace private void stopRecording stops the recording activity if null recorder isRecording false recorder.stop recorder.release recorder null recordingThread null private View.OnClickListener btnClick new View.OnClickListener public..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling startRecThread.start Log.e LOG_TAG start Recording private void stopRecording LOG_TAG stopRecording recorder.stop if startRecThread null startRecThread.isAlive startRecThread.destroy startRecThread null player.stop player.flush Log.e..