

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:40

android Programming Glossary: purchasestate

Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button?


@Override public void onPurchaseStateChange PurchaseState purchaseState String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload.. Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck.. TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck onPurchaseStateChange if purchaseState PurchaseState.PURCHASED TODO Toast.makeText mContext You..

Android In-App Billing v3: Not receiving signatures


android.test.purchased developerPayload purchaseTime 0 purchaseState 0 purchaseToken inapp com.my.sampleapp android.test.purchased..

Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing)


@Override public void onPurchaseStateChange PurchaseState purchaseState String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload.. Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null logProductActivity itemId purchaseState.toString.. if developerPayload null logProductActivity itemId purchaseState.toString else logProductActivity itemId purchaseState n t..

android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation


I BillingService 6484 purchaseStateChanged got signedData nonce orders orderId packageName com.hippypkg.. hippy_upgrade_free_to_full purchaseTime 1331476540000 purchaseState 0 I BillingService 6484 purchaseStateChanged got signature I.. 1331476540000 purchaseState 0 I BillingService 6484 purchaseStateChanged got signature I BillingService 6484 signedData nonce..

Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button?


else showDialog DIALOG_BILLING_NOT_SUPPORTED_ID @Override public void onPurchaseStateChange PurchaseState purchaseState String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId.. int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck onPurchaseStateChange if purchaseState PurchaseState.PURCHASED.. itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck onPurchaseStateChange if purchaseState PurchaseState.PURCHASED TODO Toast.makeText mContext You successfully upgraded to the entire Volume One. Enjoy Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..

Android In-App Billing v3: Not receiving signatures


orderId transactionId.android.test.purchased productId android.test.purchased developerPayload purchaseTime 0 purchaseState 0 purchaseToken inapp com.my.sampleapp android.test.purchased I followed exactly this sample https developer.android.com..

Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing)


true else showDialog DIALOG_BILLING_NOT_SUPPORTED_ID @Override public void onPurchaseStateChange PurchaseState purchaseState String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange.. int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null logProductActivity itemId purchaseState.toString else logProductActivity itemId purchaseState.. Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null logProductActivity itemId purchaseState.toString else logProductActivity itemId purchaseState n t developerPayload if purchaseState PurchaseState.PURCHASED ..

android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation


I BillingService 6484 Received action com.android.vending.billing.PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED I BillingService 6484 purchaseStateChanged got signedData nonce orders orderId packageName com.hippypkg productId hippy_upgrade_free_to_full purchaseTime 1331476540000.. nonce orders orderId packageName com.hippypkg productId hippy_upgrade_free_to_full purchaseTime 1331476540000 purchaseState 0 I BillingService 6484 purchaseStateChanged got signature I BillingService 6484 signedData nonce orders orderId packageName.. com.hippypkg productId hippy_upgrade_free_to_full purchaseTime 1331476540000 purchaseState 0 I BillingService 6484 purchaseStateChanged got signature I BillingService 6484 signedData nonce orders orderId packageName com.hippypkg productId hippy_upgrade_free_to_full..