android Programming Glossary: pw
How to unlock screen programmatically? static String PREF_MAX_FAILED_PW max_failed_pw void showToast Context context CharSequence msg Toast.makeText.. Intent intent showToast context Sample Device Admin pw changed @Override public void onPasswordFailed Context context.. Intent intent showToast context Sample Device Admin pw failed @Override public void onPasswordSucceeded Context context..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0? example that displays a PopupWindow java android popupwindow share improve this question I created a working example.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null.. assumes that the root container has an id called 'main' pw.showAtLocation this.findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0..
Logging to a file on Android uncaughtException Thread thread Throwable ex PrintWriter pw try pw new PrintWriter new FileWriter Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. Thread thread Throwable ex PrintWriter pw try pw new PrintWriter new FileWriter Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. rt.log true ex.printStackTrace pw pw.flush pw.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace I had..
Android popup window dismissal 0 do something on back. Log.e keydown back if pw.isShowing Log.e keydown pw showing pw.dismiss res true .. back. Log.e keydown back if pw.isShowing Log.e keydown pw showing pw.dismiss res true else res false return res.. keydown back if pw.isShowing Log.e keydown pw showing pw.dismiss res true else res false return res which is passed..
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity added this in the OnCreate of my main Activity PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow findViewById 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation.. pw new PopupWindow findViewById 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0 0 Second.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup ViewGroup findViewById..
IllegalStateException: Content has been consumed user EditText findViewById final EditText pw EditText findViewById bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener.. final EditText pw EditText findViewById bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public.. public void onClick View v if user.getText .toString pw.getText .toString Thread t new Thread public void run try..
PopupWindow in android Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null.. R.layout.popup_example null false 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation this.findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0.. I handle these two components in my Java code android popupwindow share improve this question Here I am giving you a..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? try FileWriter fw new FileWriter myFile PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter fw Map String prefsMap prefs.getAll for Map.Entry.. prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet pw.println entry.getKey entry.getValue .toString pw.close fw.close.. pw.println entry.getKey entry.getValue .toString pw.close fw.close catch Exception e what a terrible failure.....
Sending html email in android using <table>, etc. - is there really no relatively built-in Intent way? Email application which means you've got to deal with the pw stuff etc. . Note later I wrapped the SpannableStringBuilder..
Write a file in external storage in Android FileOutputStream f new FileOutputStream file PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter f pw.println Hi How are you pw.println Hello.. new FileOutputStream file PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter f pw.println Hi How are you pw.println Hello pw.flush pw.close f.close.. PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter f pw.println Hi How are you pw.println Hello pw.flush pw.close f.close catch FileNotFoundException..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files try OutputStream out socket.getOutputStream PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter out String retLine HTTP 1.0 status r n pw.print.. pw new PrintWriter out String retLine HTTP 1.0 status r n pw.print retLine if mimeType null String mT Content Type mimeType.. if mimeType null String mT Content Type mimeType r n pw.print mT if header null Enumeration e header.keys while e.hasMoreElements..
EditText in ListView without it recycling input private dbadapter mydbhelper private PopupWindow pw public static int editCount public static ListView listView..
How to unlock screen programmatically? password_quality static String PREF_PASSWORD_LENGTH password_length static String PREF_MAX_FAILED_PW max_failed_pw void showToast Context context CharSequence msg Toast.makeText context msg Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show @Override public void.. disabled @Override public void onPasswordChanged Context context Intent intent showToast context Sample Device Admin pw changed @Override public void onPasswordFailed Context context Intent intent showToast context Sample Device Admin pw failed.. pw changed @Override public void onPasswordFailed Context context Intent intent showToast context Sample Device Admin pw failed @Override public void onPasswordSucceeded Context context Intent intent showToast context Sample Device Admin pw..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0? such as Activity.getViewInflate . Is there a simple working example that displays a PopupWindow java android popupwindow share improve this question I created a working example based on this Google Groups post. To create a simple working.. Java code LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater this.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null false 100 100 true The code below assumes that the root container..
Logging to a file on Android new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler @Override public void uncaughtException Thread thread Throwable ex PrintWriter pw try pw new PrintWriter new FileWriter Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory rt.log true ex.printStackTrace pw pw.flush.. Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler @Override public void uncaughtException Thread thread Throwable ex PrintWriter pw try pw new PrintWriter new FileWriter Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory rt.log true ex.printStackTrace pw pw.flush pw.close.. pw try pw new PrintWriter new FileWriter Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory rt.log true ex.printStackTrace pw pw.flush pw.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace I had to wrap the line pw new PrintWriter new FileWriter Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Android popup window dismissal res false if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event.getRepeatCount 0 do something on back. Log.e keydown back if pw.isShowing Log.e keydown pw showing pw.dismiss res true else res false return res which is passed to a popup like.. event.getRepeatCount 0 do something on back. Log.e keydown back if pw.isShowing Log.e keydown pw showing pw.dismiss res true else res false return res which is passed to a popup like this pw new PopupWindow pop.. event.getRepeatCount 0 do something on back. Log.e keydown back if pw.isShowing Log.e keydown pw showing pw.dismiss res true else res false return res which is passed to a popup like this pw new PopupWindow pop 240 70 true..
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity called popup.xml a textview inside a linearlayout and I've added this in the OnCreate of my main Activity PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow findViewById 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0 0 Second.. added this in the OnCreate of my main Activity PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow findViewById 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0 0 Second I did the exact same with this code final LayoutInflater.. code final LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater this.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup ViewGroup findViewById R.layout.main 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById..
IllegalStateException: Content has been consumed Button bt Button findViewById final EditText user EditText findViewById final EditText pw EditText findViewById bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v if user.getText.. final EditText user EditText findViewById final EditText pw EditText findViewById bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v if user.getText .toString pw.getText .toString.. bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v if user.getText .toString pw.getText .toString Thread t new Thread public void run try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient String postURL..
PopupWindow in android Java code LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater this.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null false 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation this.findViewById PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null false 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation this.findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0 0 My requirement is that I need a TEXTVIEW android layout_height.. android text Cancel in my popup_example.xml . How can I handle these two components in my Java code android popupwindow share improve this question Here I am giving you a demo example . See this and customize it according to your need...
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? .toString File myFile new File myPath MySharedPreferences try FileWriter fw new FileWriter myFile PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter fw Map String prefsMap prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet pw.println entry.getKey.. PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter fw Map String prefsMap prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet pw.println entry.getKey entry.getValue .toString pw.close fw.close catch Exception e what a terrible failure... prefsMap prefs.getAll for Map.Entry String entry prefsMap.entrySet pw.println entry.getKey entry.getValue .toString pw.close fw.close catch Exception e what a terrible failure... getClass .getName e.toString Sources One Two Three..
Sending html email in android using <table>, etc. - is there really no relatively built-in Intent way? JavaMail API without using the default android app Builtin Email application which means you've got to deal with the pw stuff etc. . Note later I wrapped the SpannableStringBuilder returned from Html.fromHtml with a custom class that extended..
Write a file in external storage in Android download dir.mkdirs File file new File dir myData.txt try FileOutputStream f new FileOutputStream file PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter f pw.println Hi How are you pw.println Hello pw.flush pw.close f.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace.. File file new File dir myData.txt try FileOutputStream f new FileOutputStream file PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter f pw.println Hi How are you pw.println Hello pw.flush pw.close f.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace Log.i.. myData.txt try FileOutputStream f new FileOutputStream file PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter f pw.println Hi How are you pw.println Hello pw.flush pw.close f.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace Log.i TAG File not found. Did you..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files InputStream isInput int sendCount byte buf String errMsg try OutputStream out socket.getOutputStream PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter out String retLine HTTP 1.0 status r n pw.print retLine if mimeType null String mT Content Type mimeType.. try OutputStream out socket.getOutputStream PrintWriter pw new PrintWriter out String retLine HTTP 1.0 status r n pw.print retLine if mimeType null String mT Content Type mimeType r n pw.print mT if header null Enumeration e header.keys.. out String retLine HTTP 1.0 status r n pw.print retLine if mimeType null String mT Content Type mimeType r n pw.print mT if header null Enumeration e header.keys while e.hasMoreElements String key String e.nextElement String value..
EditText in ListView without it recycling input code I've wrote so far. public class editview extends ListActivity private dbadapter mydbhelper private PopupWindow pw public static int editCount public static ListView listView Called when the activity is first created. @Override public..