android Programming Glossary: pw.showatlocation
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0?
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity added this in the OnCreate of my main Activity PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow findViewById 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0 0 Second I did the exact same with this code final LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.. PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup ViewGroup findViewById R.layout.main 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0 0 The first throws a NullPointerException and the second throws a BadTokenException..
How to launch a PopupWindow or Dialog from an input method service? PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null false 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation mInputView Gravity.CENTER 0 0 mInputView was previously created and returned by onCreateInputView end of MyInputMethodService..
PopupWindow in android PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null false 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation this.findViewById Gravity.CENTER 0 0 My requirement is that I need a TEXTVIEW android layout_height wrap_content..