android Programming Glossary: putstring
API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application cr Settings.System.WIFI_USE_STATIC_IP 1 Settings.System.putString cr Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_IP call putString.. cr Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_IP call putString for each value to set for your interface If you want to change..
SharedPreferences and Thread Safety final class EditorImpl implements Editor public Editor putString String key String value synchronized this mModified.put key..
Store objects in Android
Android - How Do I Set A Preference In Code editor.put... String value There are numerous put function putString putBoolean etc. The String is the key version good run and the..
Android - SharedPreferences with serializable object serializable object I know that SharedPreferences has putString putFloat putLong putInt and butBoolean . But I need to store..
How to use onSavedInstanceState example please outState super.onSaveInstanceState outState outState.putString savedName name android savestate share improve this question.. of put functions you can use to store data in the Bundle . putString putBoolean putByte putChar putFloat putLong putShort putParcelable.. outState super.onSaveInstanceState outState outState.putString message This is my message to be reloaded @Override public void..
Array of strings in SharedPreferences in API Level 11 and higher. See getStringSet and putStringSet In API Level prior to 11 you can use some kind of hack. For.. key stringArray you can save each string from array using putString and keys stringArray.1 stringArray.2 so on. share improve..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences HashSet String set.addAll listOfExistingScores scoreEditor.putStringSet key set scoreEditor.commit You can also serialize your ArrayList.. and then store the serialized ArrayList using the putString method public void addTask Task t if null currentTasks currentTasks.. Context.MODE_PRIVATE Editor editor prefs.edit try editor.putString TASKS ObjectSerializer.serialize currentTasks catch IOException..
API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application ContentResolver cr getContentResolver Settings.System.putInt cr Settings.System.WIFI_USE_STATIC_IP 1 Settings.System.putString cr Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_IP call putString for each value to set for your interface If you want to.. Settings.System.WIFI_USE_STATIC_IP 1 Settings.System.putString cr Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_IP call putString for each value to set for your interface If you want to change the IP address of the carrier's 3G 4G etc interface I do..
SharedPreferences and Thread Safety v String mMap.get key return v null v defValue ... public final class EditorImpl implements Editor public Editor putString String key String value synchronized this mModified.put key value return this ... However for your case of the unique..
Store objects in Android
Android - How Do I Set A Preference In Code below will not work Write your preferences to the buffer editor.put... String value There are numerous put function putString putBoolean etc. The String is the key version good run and the value is the value 1.5.2 true Flush the buffer editor.commit..
Android - SharedPreferences with serializable object SharedPreferences with serializable object I know that SharedPreferences has putString putFloat putLong putInt and butBoolean . But I need to store an object that is of type Serializable in SharedPreferences...
How to use onSavedInstanceState example please meet you name @Override public void onSaveInstanceState Bundle outState super.onSaveInstanceState outState outState.putString savedName name android savestate share improve this question The Bundle is a container for all the information you.. to insert data into it. Here's a short list there are more of put functions you can use to store data in the Bundle . putString putBoolean putByte putChar putFloat putLong putShort putParcelable used for objects but they must implement Parcelable In.. a short example. @Override public void onSaveInstanceState Bundle outState super.onSaveInstanceState outState outState.putString message This is my message to be reloaded @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Array of strings in SharedPreferences this question You can store set of String using SharedPreferences in API Level 11 and higher. See getStringSet and putStringSet In API Level prior to 11 you can use some kind of hack. For example if you need to store string array under key stringArray..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences key null Set the values Set String set new HashSet String set.addAll listOfExistingScores scoreEditor.putStringSet key set scoreEditor.commit You can also serialize your ArrayList and then save read it to from SharedPreferences. Below.. class we have to get the instance of the shared preference and then store the serialized ArrayList using the putString method public void addTask Task t if null currentTasks currentTasks new ArrayList task currentTasks.add t save the task.. prefs getSharedPreferences SHARED_PREFS_FILE Context.MODE_PRIVATE Editor editor prefs.edit try editor.putString TASKS ObjectSerializer.serialize currentTasks catch IOException e e.printStackTrace editor.commit Similarly we have to..