android Programming Glossary: pushing
How to get ndk-gdb working on Android? manually without gdb script It involves following steps pushing gdbserver file to data local folder on device running your application..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes if an app allocated 6MB it should be fine but 8MB would be pushing it are there bounds like that in memory allocation Thanks again..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? the manifest file anymore. II. Another way is to simulate pushing of the Headset hook which makes Android answer the call. This..
Android Library Gradle release JAR manifest ... based on http blog 2013 08 27 pushing aars to maven central apply plugin 'maven' apply plugin 'signing'..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock a 2.1 Nexus One. However when the phone goes to sleep by pushing the power button the screen turns off and the onSensorChanged..
resuming an activity from a notification this is that when you press the home button from the app pushing it to the background then press on the notification in the list..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? and development. Last night I took my first crack at pushing the new source into a shared repository at work and then pulling..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows I'd like to show a simple animation of a new row pushing in or sliding out when the data changes but I can't find any..
External allocation too large for this process in Android bitmaps for drawing performance. It looks like your app is pushing right up against its memory limit already and this bumps it..
Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up? How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up I have a vertical sliding drawer at the bottom of..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile and generate the final APK adb and keytool are used for pushing the APK out to the emulator and or device There are many more..
Android XML rounded clipped corners LinearLayout LinearLayout And the inner layout is pushing outside the rounded corners because it isn't rounded. You'll..
Android NDK incremental build of what the platform permits I actually had my makefile pushing the updated .so onto the device and gave my application one..
Getting IP Cam video stream on Android (MJEPG) a camera watching waiting lines last week your solution of pushing a static frame every second or so sounds good. If you need motion..
Simulate killing of activity in emulator improve this question You can pause your application by pushing the Home button simulating a call whatever . Then kill the app's..
How to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout? to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout Hi all I have a set of navigation buttons sitting..
Android Dialog: Removing title bar on the virtual key board the title status bar reappears pushing all the keyboard layout around then vanishes again just like..
Fragment Inside Fragment Please help. Because it took already too much time and pushing me behind my schedule. Thanks alot android android fragments..
Buying Android Device for Development [closed] me from doing any kind of development work on the phone pushing to app market connecting to internet i don't care about 3 4G..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 client to connect and I knew that the client would only be pushing one file I was able to partially implement only the sections..
How to get ndk-gdb working on Android? automatically use O0 and g switches. Can you try running gdb manually without gdb script It involves following steps pushing gdbserver file to data local folder on device running your application invoking in adb shell following command gdbserver..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes getting close to the Out of Memory exception For example if an app allocated 6MB it should be fine but 8MB would be pushing it are there bounds like that in memory allocation Thanks again Alex Lockwood for your response I'm going to read and re..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? In short normal user apps can not define this permission in the manifest file anymore. II. Another way is to simulate pushing of the Headset hook which makes Android answer the call. This is done by broadcasting the Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON as..
Android Library Gradle release JAR JAR along with AAR package. So JAR with signature md5 manifest ... based on http blog 2013 08 27 pushing aars to maven central apply plugin 'maven' apply plugin 'signing' configurations archives extendsFrom configurations.default..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock is on the logging works fine on a 2.0.1 Motorola Droid and a 2.1 Nexus One. However when the phone goes to sleep by pushing the power button the screen turns off and the onSensorChanged events stop being delivered verified by using a Log.e message..
resuming an activity from a notification NOTIFICATION_ID notification The problem with this is that when you press the home button from the app pushing it to the background then press on the notification in the list accessed from the status bar it starts a fresh copy of the..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? Android app but have used SVN on many other kinds of projects and development. Last night I took my first crack at pushing the new source into a shared repository at work and then pulling it back down at home. Based on an SO question answer I..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows the ListView to immediately update its content with new information. I'd like to show a simple animation of a new row pushing in or sliding out when the data changes but I can't find any documented way to do this. It looks like LayoutAnimationController..
External allocation too large for this process in Android framework will often capture views onscreen into temporary bitmaps for drawing performance. It looks like your app is pushing right up against its memory limit already and this bumps it over. Take a look at the other suggestions for limiting your..
Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up? How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up I have a vertical sliding drawer at the bottom of my app. When the soft keyboard opens it pushes the tab for..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile compile dex aapt and other Android SDK tools are used to build and generate the final APK adb and keytool are used for pushing the APK out to the emulator and or device There are many more details that I could dive into specifically on each of these..
Android XML rounded clipped corners LinearLayout android background @drawable pedometer_stats_background LinearLayout LinearLayout And the inner layout is pushing outside the rounded corners because it isn't rounded. You'll have to round the corners of your bitmap. If you have a repeating..
Android NDK incremental build In one case of doing a lot of experiments at the edge of what the platform permits I actually had my makefile pushing the updated .so onto the device and gave my application one of the discouraged hard quit buttons so I could restart it using..
Getting IP Cam video stream on Android (MJEPG) which doesn't need video someone was asking about a camera watching waiting lines last week your solution of pushing a static frame every second or so sounds good. If you need motion video I would recommend you do transcoding on your webserver..
Simulate killing of activity in emulator clear. Thanks android activity activity lifecycle share improve this question You can pause your application by pushing the Home button simulating a call whatever . Then kill the app's process through adb. Since the docs say that after onPause..
How to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout? to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout Hi all I have a set of navigation buttons sitting at the bottom of each Activities. In some activities I need..
Android Dialog: Removing title bar keyboard I have a strange behavior each time I hit a key on the virtual key board the title status bar reappears pushing all the keyboard layout around then vanishes again just like the animation of when I start the application here is some..
Fragment Inside Fragment LinearLayout LinearLayout Hope i tried to clear my problem.. Please help. Because it took already too much time and pushing me behind my schedule. Thanks alot android android fragments share improve this question AFAIK fragments cannot hold..
Buying Android Device for Development [closed] I am wondering whether getting a locked phone will hinder me from doing any kind of development work on the phone pushing to app market connecting to internet i don't care about 3 4G as long as I can use wifi I am good . What are some things..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 hairy as I imagined. Since I was expecting only a specific client to connect and I knew that the client would only be pushing one file I was able to partially implement only the sections of the protocol that I needed. Some documentation that helped..