android Programming Glossary: pwd
Maintain cookie session in Android public void onClick View v String actionURL user pwd user_field pwd_field actionURL thePageURL user_field username.. void onClick View v String actionURL user pwd user_field pwd_field actionURL thePageURL user_field username this changes.. username this changes based on selections in a spinner pwd_field password this changes based on selections in a spinner..
Connect MySQL database from Android of input at character 0 php mysql_connect myhost username pwd mysql_select_db mydb q mysql_query SELECT FROM userinfo WHERE..
SQLite Query in Android to count rows select count from users where uname loginname and pwd loginpass The issue is I don't know how can I execute the above.. name text not null uname primary key text not null pwd text not null phoneno text not null Can someone kindly guide.. select count from users where uname ' loginname ' and pwd ' loginpass ' null mCount.moveToFirst int count mCount.getInt..
How can I install sqlite3 on rooted NexusOne runs Gingerbread usr bin failed on 'sqlite3' No such file or directory # pwd mnt sdcard # ls sqlite3 sqlite3 # mv sqlite3 usr bin failed..
What does this mean: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR]? the debug key since I deploy via IDE by 'running' the app. pwd data local tmp ls l rw rw rw shell shell 17257686 2011 04 21..
What to do if manufacturer removed folders under /dev/log folder? [means No LogCat] under dev is unreachable or maybe even does not exists. pwd pwd dev cd log cd log cd can't cd to log So LogCat is out of.. dev is unreachable or maybe even does not exists. pwd pwd dev cd log cd log cd can't cd to log So LogCat is out of service..
android webview with https connection and basic auth. How to get this working? the following code String email Util.getEmail this String pwd Util.getPassword this webview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled.. Config.SERVER_BASE_URL Application email pwd webview.setWebViewClient new MobileWebViewClient this webview.loadUrl.. String realm String email Util.getEmail wvContext String pwd Util.getPassword wvContext if pwd.equalsIgnoreCase 1 pwd.equalsIgnoreCase..
Maintain cookie session in Android private class FormOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v String actionURL user pwd user_field pwd_field actionURL thePageURL user_field username this changes based on selections in a spinner pwd_field password.. FormOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v String actionURL user pwd user_field pwd_field actionURL thePageURL user_field username this changes based on selections in a spinner pwd_field password this changes.. user pwd user_field pwd_field actionURL thePageURL user_field username this changes based on selections in a spinner pwd_field password this changes based on selections in a spinner user theUserLogin pwd theUserPassword List NameValuePair myList..
Connect MySQL database from Android and org.json.JSONEXCEPTION End of input at character 0 php mysql_connect myhost username pwd mysql_select_db mydb q mysql_query SELECT FROM userinfo WHERE uid ' . _REQUEST 'uid' . ' while e mysql_fetch_assoc q output..
SQLite Query in Android to count rows I'm using the following querry final String DATABASE_COMPARE select count from users where uname loginname and pwd loginpass The issue is I don't know how can I execute the above query and store the count returned. Here's how the database.. DATABASE_CREATE create table users _id integer autoincrement name text not null uname primary key text not null pwd text not null phoneno text not null Can someone kindly guide me as to how I can achieve this If possible please provide.. creating a Cursor with a db.rawQuery Cursor mCount db.rawQuery select count from users where uname ' loginname ' and pwd ' loginpass ' null mCount.moveToFirst int count mCount.getInt 0 mCount.close I also like @Dre's answer with the parameterized..
How can I install sqlite3 on rooted NexusOne runs Gingerbread 'sqlite3' but it does not let me move to usr bin. # mv sqlite3 usr bin failed on 'sqlite3' No such file or directory # pwd mnt sdcard # ls sqlite3 sqlite3 # mv sqlite3 usr bin failed on 'sqlite3' No such file or directory # ls l sqlite3 rwxr x..
What does this mean: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR]? getting this error now. The package should be signed with the debug key since I deploy via IDE by 'running' the app. pwd data local tmp ls l rw rw rw shell shell 17257686 2011 04 21 20 31 pm install r pkg
What to do if manufacturer removed folders under /dev/log folder? [means No LogCat] I'm in trouble with my android device in which log folder under dev is unreachable or maybe even does not exists. pwd pwd dev cd log cd log cd can't cd to log So LogCat is out of service and I cannot view device's stdout or stderr logs in.. I'm in trouble with my android device in which log folder under dev is unreachable or maybe even does not exists. pwd pwd dev cd log cd log cd can't cd to log So LogCat is out of service and I cannot view device's stdout or stderr logs in DDMS...
android webview with https connection and basic auth. How to get this working? over an https connection on api level 8 I have the following code String email Util.getEmail this String pwd Util.getPassword this webview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true webview.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword Config.SERVER_BASE_URL.. .setJavaScriptEnabled true webview.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword Config.SERVER_BASE_URL Application email pwd webview.setWebViewClient new MobileWebViewClient this webview.loadUrl url As you can see I did have a web view client Now.. WebView view HttpAuthHandler handler String host String realm String email Util.getEmail wvContext String pwd Util.getPassword wvContext if pwd.equalsIgnoreCase 1 pwd.equalsIgnoreCase 1 handler.proceed email pwd This was used without..