android Programming Glossary: planets
How to get selected list items from a Listview with checkBox and Custom Adapter? Activity private ListView mainListView private Planet planets private ArrayAdapter Planet listAdapter private Button check.. .setChecked planet.isChecked Create and populate planets. planets Planet getLastNonConfigurationInstance if planets null.. planet.isChecked Create and populate planets. planets Planet getLastNonConfigurationInstance if planets null planets..
Android: I want to shake it due to the low cut filter and would work also on other planets or in free space once it is initialized. you never know how..
how to add item to Spinner's ArrayAdapter? adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.planets_array android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item adapter.setDropDownViewResource.. Try something like this List CharSequence planets new ArrayList CharSequence adapter new ArrayAdapter CharSequence.. adapter new ArrayAdapter CharSequence context R.array.planets_array planets now you can call adapter.add You should use a..
How is it possible to create a spinner with images instead of text? is it possible to have images instead of text in the array planets Spinner s Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter adapter.. adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.planets android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item adapter.setDropDownViewResource.. planet_prompt Choose a planet string string array name planets item Mercury item item Venus item item Earth item item Mars..
How to get selected list items from a Listview with checkBox and Custom Adapter? import android.widget.Toast public class PlanetsActivity extends Activity private ListView mainListView private Planet planets private ArrayAdapter Planet listAdapter private Button check private Context context Called when the activity is first created... viewHolder PlanetViewHolder item .getTag viewHolder.getCheckBox .setChecked planet.isChecked Create and populate planets. planets Planet getLastNonConfigurationInstance if planets null planets new Planet new Planet Mercury new Planet Venus.. PlanetViewHolder item .getTag viewHolder.getCheckBox .setChecked planet.isChecked Create and populate planets. planets Planet getLastNonConfigurationInstance if planets null planets new Planet new Planet Mercury new Planet Venus new Planet..
Android: I want to shake it from free fall. However the code gets used to the gravitation due to the low cut filter and would work also on other planets or in free space once it is initialized. you never know how long your application will be in use... share improve this..
how to add item to Spinner's ArrayAdapter? spinner Spinner this.findViewById adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.planets_array android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item.. cannot increment the size of it and throws a UnsupportedOperationException. Try something like this List CharSequence planets new ArrayList CharSequence adapter new ArrayAdapter CharSequence context R.array.planets_array planets now you can call.. like this List CharSequence planets new ArrayList CharSequence adapter new ArrayAdapter CharSequence context R.array.planets_array planets now you can call adapter.add You should use a List. With an Array such as CharSequence you would get the same..
How is it possible to create a spinner with images instead of text? spinner with images instead of text Given the code bellow is it possible to have images instead of text in the array planets Spinner s Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.planets android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item.. planets Spinner s Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.planets android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item s.setAdapter.. s.setAdapter adapter and string name planet_prompt Choose a planet string string array name planets item Mercury item item Venus item item Earth item item Mars item item Jupiter item item Saturn item item Uranus item..