android Programming Glossary: itself
How ListView's recycling mechanism works I had no idea about how ListView and GridView optimized itself with recycling Views. So with his advice I was able to change..
How to disable orientation change in Android? your activity always handles this configuration change itself this configuration change does not restart your activity even..
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup No luck. How can I convince the EditText to not select itself when the Activity starts android listview edittext share..
Android: Override back button to act like home button for an Activity to finish normally and be able to recreate itself e.g. reading the current state from a Service if needed. But..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? presumed the existence of development tools in the app itself therefore either had to change their model or limit themselves..
How to close Android application? key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself so that a developer cannot prevent users from leaving their..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? onMeasure . The basic logic is that if the layout finds itself filling significantly less than the total area of the window..
Changing Locale within the app itself Locale within the app itself My users can change the Locale within the app they may want.. the original question is not exactly about the locale itself all other locale related questions are referencing to this one...
ListView item background via custom selector resource have two states so the drawable will invalidate itself when coming out of pressed state. item android state_focused..
Focusable EditText inside ListView because the selector will only be drawn when the ListView itself not a child has focus so the default behavior needs to be that..
Restful API service sends you a message saying that it is done and it kills itself. The activity gets the finish message and hides the progress..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? Although the app context can be considered a singleton itself it is framework managed and has a well defined life cycle scope..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android in place of this text which can receive touch events on itself. I tried overriding onTouchEvent for the whole ViewGroup but..
FFMPEG on Android for playback there are many examples the ffmpeg binary itself is a good example here 's a basic tutorial. The best documentation..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity imageView.setImageBitmap photo Note that the camera app itself gives you the ability to review retake the image and once an..
Android: How to declare global variables? there is no difference. Diane ends with The framework itself has tons and tons of singletons for all the little shared data..
When to call activity context OR application context? if you need something tied to a Context that itself will have global scope. I use getApplicationContext for example..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view name with checkboxs automatically 10th checkbox checks itself and this also happens with 2nd 11th 3rd 12th and so on vice..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works I asked for help on here . Luksprog's answer was great because I had no idea about how ListView and GridView optimized itself with recycling Views. So with his advice I was able to change how I added Views to my GridView. Problem is now I have something..
How to disable orientation change in Android? However if your application targets API level 12 or lower then your activity always handles this configuration change itself this configuration change does not restart your activity even when running on an Android 3.2 or higher device . share improve..
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup have input focus at startup. I tried EditText.setSelected false No luck. How can I convince the EditText to not select itself when the Activity starts android listview edittext share improve this question Excellent answers from Luc and Mark however..
Android: Override back button to act like home button keyCode event I think the preferred option should be for an Activity to finish normally and be able to recreate itself e.g. reading the current state from a Service if needed. But moveTaskToBack can be used as a quick alternative on occasion...
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? in AutoCAD . Developers who came up with mental models that presumed the existence of development tools in the app itself therefore either had to change their model or limit themselves to environments where their model would hold true. So when..
How to close Android application? key event so you cannot close the application when the HOME key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself so that a developer cannot prevent users from leaving their application. However you can determine with the HOME key is..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? customize my top level layout class into one which overrides onMeasure . The basic logic is that if the layout finds itself filling significantly less than the total area of the window then a soft keyboard is probably showing. import
Changing Locale within the app itself Locale within the app itself My users can change the Locale within the app they may want to keep their phone settings in English but read the content.. I do android menu locale share improve this question Through the original question is not exactly about the locale itself all other locale related questions are referencing to this one. That's why I wanted to clarify the issue here. I used this..
ListView item background via custom selector list_item_gradient Even though these two point to the same resource have two states so the drawable will invalidate itself when coming out of pressed state. item android state_focused true android state_enabled false android state_pressed true..
Focusable EditText inside ListView beforeDescendants I use beforeDescendants because the selector will only be drawn when the ListView itself not a child has focus so the default behavior needs to be that the ListView takes focus first and draws selectors. Then..
Restful API service processes the data and puts in in a list view The service sends you a message saying that it is done and it kills itself. The activity gets the finish message and hides the progress dialog. I know you mentioned you didn't want a code base but..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? common to maintain global state. To come back to your question Although the app context can be considered a singleton itself it is framework managed and has a well defined life cycle scope and access path. Hence I believe that if you do need to..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android . Now I want to add a button clickable image in place of this text which can receive touch events on itself. I tried overriding onTouchEvent for the whole ViewGroup but it does not receive any event. How can I receive events only..
FFMPEG on Android on JNI out there you should be fine. Regarding using ffmpeg for playback there are many examples the ffmpeg binary itself is a good example here 's a basic tutorial. The best documentation can be found in the headers. Good luck share improve..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity RESULT_OK Bitmap photo Bitmap data.getExtras .get data imageView.setImageBitmap photo Note that the camera app itself gives you the ability to review retake the image and once an image is accepted the activity displays it. Here is the layout..
Android: How to declare global variables? on demand using an Application subclass as well. Again there is no difference. Diane ends with The framework itself has tons and tons of singletons for all the little shared data it maintains for the app such as caches of loaded resources..
When to call activity context OR application context? you have at your disposal. Scenarios include Use getApplicationContext if you need something tied to a Context that itself will have global scope. I use getApplicationContext for example in WakefulIntentService for the static WakeLock to be used..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view is that when i check the first checkbox i have 15 candidate name with checkboxs automatically 10th checkbox checks itself and this also happens with 2nd 11th 3rd 12th and so on vice verse is also true .here i am providing my adapter class and..