android Programming Glossary: iterator
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] final Projection prj mv.getProjection path.rewind final Iterator GeoPoint it routePoints.iterator prj.toPixels p path.moveTo..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? layers import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator import org.pskink.niohttp.LayeredImageView.Layer import android.content.Context.. false mLayers.remove layer public void removeAllLayers Iterator Layer iter mLayers.iterator while iter.hasNext LayeredImageView.Layer..
Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service l mActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses Iterator RunningAppProcessInfo i l.iterator while i.hasNext info l mActivityManager.getRunningTasks 9999 Iterator ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo i l.iterator while i.hasNext.. l mActivityManager.getRunningServices 9999 Iterator RunningServiceInfo i l.iterator while i.hasNext service
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter void cloneItems ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem items for Iterator iterator items.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem.. notifyDataSetChanged clear Add the items back in for Iterator iterator localItems.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem.. import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator import import android.content.Context..
Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse new ArrayList NameValuePair kvPairs.size String k v Iterator String itKeys kvPairs.keySet .iterator while itKeys.hasNext..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter import java.util.HashMap import java.util.Iterator import java.util.Set import import.. firstChar i Set String keys alphaIndexer.keySet Iterator String it keys.iterator ArrayList String keyList new ArrayList.. firstChar i Set String keys alphaIndexer.keySet Iterator String it keys.iterator ArrayList String keyList new ArrayList..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator public class NavigationDataSet private ArrayList Placemark placemarks.. routePlacemark public String toString String s for Iterator Placemark iter placemarks.iterator iter.hasNext Placemark p.. color Collection overlaysToAddAgain new ArrayList for Iterator iter mMapView01.getOverlays .iterator iter.hasNext Object o..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? int i item.size Log.d WifiPreference NO OF CONFIG i Iterator WifiConfiguration iter item.iterator WifiConfiguration config.. found the appropriate config now read all config details Iterator WifiConfiguration iter configList.iterator WifiConfiguration..
Android post JSON using HTTP loop through all the parameters passed in the post request Iterator iter params.entrySet .iterator Stores JSON JSONObject holder.. storing Json JSONObject data new JSONObject gets the value Iterator iter2 m.entrySet .iterator while iter2.hasNext Map.Entry pairs2..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while.. T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while iterator.hasNext .. LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while iterator.hasNext T item
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] where every single time the loop was executed there was an iterator allocated. I'm using arrays ArrayList for my objects now. If..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter cloneItems ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem items for Iterator iterator items.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem gi GlycaemicIndexItem.. GlycaemicIndexItem items for Iterator iterator items.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem gi GlycaemicIndexItem.. items for Iterator iterator items.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem gi GlycaemicIndexItem
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? Point screenCoords new Point ArrayList PantryLocation iterator mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations for int i 0 i iterator.size.. iterator mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations for int i 0 i iterator.size i PantryLocation testLocation iterator.get i Translate.. for int i 0 i iterator.size i PantryLocation testLocation iterator.get i Translate the MapLocation's lat long coordinates to screen..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? first remove old overlay if overlays.size 0 for Iterator iterator overlays.iterator iterator .hasNext iterator.remove.. overlay if overlays.size 0 for Iterator iterator overlays.iterator iterator .hasNext iterator.remove GeoPoint.. overlays.size 0 for Iterator iterator overlays.iterator iterator .hasNext iterator.remove GeoPoint p new..
Android post JSON using HTTP all the passed parameters from the post request iterator used to loop through all the parameters passed in the post request.. passed in the post request Iterator iter params.entrySet .iterator Stores JSON JSONObject holder new JSONObject using the earlier.. new JSONObject gets the value Iterator iter2 m.entrySet .iterator while iter2.hasNext Map.Entry pairs2 Map.Entry ..
Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter is used by various methods in the DAO. You can call dao.iterator preparedQuery which will return a CloseableIterator which is.. which is used to iterate through the results. There is a iterator.getRawResults to get access to the DatabaseResults class. Under.. ... when you are done prepare your query and build an iterator CloseableIterator Foo iterator dao.iterator qb.prepare try get..
how to update xml file from another xml file dynamically? doc Node a doc.getDocumentElement NodeIterator iterator traversal.createNodeIterator a NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT null.. true Logic for checking boolean flag false for Node n iterator.nextNode n null n iterator.nextNode Element e Element n if.. boolean flag false for Node n iterator.nextNode n null n iterator.nextNode Element e Element n if int .equals e.getTagName if..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] path is drawn to. private void redrawPath final MapView mv final Projection prj mv.getProjection path.rewind final Iterator GeoPoint it routePoints.iterator prj.toPixels p path.moveTo p.x p.y while it.hasNext prj.toPixels p..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? question this is a class that displays an image with additional layers import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator import org.pskink.niohttp.LayeredImageView.Layer import android.content.Context import android.content.res.Resources import.. idx d null public void removeLayer Layer layer layer.valid false mLayers.remove layer public void removeAllLayers Iterator Layer iter mLayers.iterator while iter.hasNext LayeredImageView.Layer layer layer.valid false iter.remove invalidate..
Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE List RunningAppProcessInfo l mActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses Iterator RunningAppProcessInfo i l.iterator while i.hasNext info if info.importance RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND.. Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE List ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo l mActivityManager.getRunningTasks 9999 Iterator ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo i l.iterator while i.hasNext info if info.baseActivity.getPackageName .equals target.processName.. mContext.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE List RunningServiceInfo l mActivityManager.getRunningServices 9999 Iterator RunningServiceInfo i l.iterator while i.hasNext service if service.process.equals processname return true return..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter newItems this.items newItems cloneItems newItems protected void cloneItems ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem items for Iterator iterator items.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem gi GlycaemicIndexItem originalItems.add gi.. localItems ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem results.values notifyDataSetChanged clear Add the items back in for Iterator iterator localItems.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem gi GlycaemicIndexItem add gi end synchronized.. the first time line 148 149. package import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator import import android.content.Context import android.content.res.Resources import android.os.Bundle..
Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse null kvPairs.isEmpty false List NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair kvPairs.size String k v Iterator String itKeys kvPairs.keySet .iterator while itKeys.hasNext k v kvPairs.get k nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Collection import java.util.Collections import java.util.HashMap import java.util.Iterator import java.util.Set import import import android.content.Context.. 0 'Z' firstChar.charAt 0 'A' firstChar @ alphaIndexer.put firstChar i Set String keys alphaIndexer.keySet Iterator String it keys.iterator ArrayList String keyList new ArrayList String while it.hasNext keyList.add Collections.sort.. 0 'Z' firstChar.charAt 0 'A' firstChar @ alphaIndexer.put firstChar i Set String keys alphaIndexer.keySet Iterator String it keys.iterator ArrayList String keyList new ArrayList String while it.hasNext keyList.add Collections.sort..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? information I will be parsing. package import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator public class NavigationDataSet private ArrayList Placemark placemarks new ArrayList Placemark private Placemark currentPlacemark.. Placemark private Placemark currentPlacemark private Placemark routePlacemark public String toString String s for Iterator Placemark iter placemarks.iterator iter.hasNext Placemark p Placemark s p.getTitle n p.getDescription n n return.. color Color.parseColor #6C8715 Log.d myapp.APP map color after color Collection overlaysToAddAgain new ArrayList for Iterator iter mMapView01.getOverlays .iterator iter.hasNext Object o Log.d myapp.APP overlay type o.getClass .getName if..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? List WifiConfiguration item wifi.getConfiguredNetworks int i item.size Log.d WifiPreference NO OF CONFIG i Iterator WifiConfiguration iter item.iterator WifiConfiguration config item.get 0 Log.d WifiPreference SSID config.SSID Log.d WifiPreference.. i if configList.get i .SSID.contentEquals SSID_NAME We found the appropriate config now read all config details Iterator WifiConfiguration iter configList.iterator WifiConfiguration config configList.get i I dont think these fields have anything..
Android post JSON using HTTP passed parameters from the post request iterator used to loop through all the parameters passed in the post request Iterator iter params.entrySet .iterator Stores JSON JSONObject holder new JSONObject using the earlier example your first entry would.. Create a new map Map m Map pairs.getValue object for storing Json JSONObject data new JSONObject gets the value Iterator iter2 m.entrySet .iterator while iter2.hasNext Map.Entry pairs2 Map.Entry data.put String pairs2.getKey String..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist Iterable T iterable if iterable null return new LinkedList T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while iterator.hasNext T item if matcher.matches item.. iterable if iterable null return new LinkedList T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while iterator.hasNext T item if matcher.matches item collected.add.. null return new LinkedList T else List T collected new LinkedList T Iterator T iterator iterable.iterator if iterator null return collected while iterator.hasNext T item if matcher.matches item collected.add item return..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] for GameObject gob interactiveObjects gob.onDraw canvas where every single time the loop was executed there was an iterator allocated. I'm using arrays ArrayList for my objects now. If I ever want trees or hashes in an inner loop I know that I..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter this.items newItems cloneItems newItems protected void cloneItems ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem items for Iterator iterator items.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem gi GlycaemicIndexItem originalItems.add gi @Override.. newItems cloneItems newItems protected void cloneItems ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem items for Iterator iterator items.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem gi GlycaemicIndexItem originalItems.add gi @Override public int getCount.. cloneItems newItems protected void cloneItems ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem items for Iterator iterator items.iterator iterator .hasNext GlycaemicIndexItem gi GlycaemicIndexItem originalItems.add gi @Override public int getCount synchronized..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? PantryLocation hitMapLocation null RectF hitTestRecr new RectF Point screenCoords new Point ArrayList PantryLocation iterator mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations for int i 0 i iterator.size i PantryLocation testLocation iterator.get i Translate the.. RectF Point screenCoords new Point ArrayList PantryLocation iterator mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations for int i 0 i iterator.size i PantryLocation testLocation iterator.get i Translate the MapLocation's lat long coordinates to screen coordinates.. PantryLocation iterator mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations for int i 0 i iterator.size i PantryLocation testLocation iterator.get i Translate the MapLocation's lat long coordinates to screen coordinates mapView.getProjection .toPixels testLocation.getPoint..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? Location loc if loc null List overlays mapView.getOverlays first remove old overlay if overlays.size 0 for Iterator iterator overlays.iterator iterator .hasNext iterator.remove GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int loc.getLatitude 1E6.. null List overlays mapView.getOverlays first remove old overlay if overlays.size 0 for Iterator iterator overlays.iterator iterator .hasNext iterator.remove GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int loc.getLatitude 1E6 int loc.getLongitude.. overlays mapView.getOverlays first remove old overlay if overlays.size 0 for Iterator iterator overlays.iterator iterator .hasNext iterator.remove GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int loc.getLatitude 1E6 int loc.getLongitude 1E6..
Android post JSON using HTTP static JSONObject getJsonObjectFromMap Map params throws JSONException all the passed parameters from the post request iterator used to loop through all the parameters passed in the post request Iterator iter params.entrySet .iterator Stores JSON JSONObject.. request iterator used to loop through all the parameters passed in the post request Iterator iter params.entrySet .iterator Stores JSON JSONObject holder new JSONObject using the earlier example your first entry would get email and the inner while.. m Map pairs.getValue object for storing Json JSONObject data new JSONObject gets the value Iterator iter2 m.entrySet .iterator while iter2.hasNext Map.Entry pairs2 Map.Entry data.put String pairs2.getKey String pairs2.getValue puts email..
Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter object. queryBuilder.prepare returns a PreparedQuery which is used by various methods in the DAO. You can call dao.iterator preparedQuery which will return a CloseableIterator which is used to iterate through the results. There is a iterator.getRawResults.. preparedQuery which will return a CloseableIterator which is used to iterate through the results. There is a iterator.getRawResults to get access to the DatabaseResults class. Under Android this can be cast to an AndroidDatabaseResults which.. query QueryBuilder Foo String qb fooDao.queryBuilder qb.where ... when you are done prepare your query and build an iterator CloseableIterator Foo iterator dao.iterator qb.prepare try get the raw results which can be cast under Android AndroidDatabaseResults..
how to update xml file from another xml file dynamically? two.xml DocumentTraversal traversal DocumentTraversal doc Node a doc.getDocumentElement NodeIterator iterator traversal.createNodeIterator a NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT null true Logic for checking boolean flag false for Node n iterator.nextNode.. traversal.createNodeIterator a NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT null true Logic for checking boolean flag false for Node n iterator.nextNode n null n iterator.nextNode Element e Element n if int .equals e.getTagName if e.getAttribute name .equals linearLayout1.. a NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT null true Logic for checking boolean flag false for Node n iterator.nextNode n null n iterator.nextNode Element e Element n if int .equals e.getTagName if e.getAttribute name .equals linearLayout1 if e.getAttribute..