android Programming Glossary: iteration
upload video to facebook in android ByteArrayOutputStream This is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes. int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? cursor starts before the first result row so on the first iteration this moves to the first result if it exists . If the cursor..
using hue image effect with a seekbar pixels 0 width 0 0 width height int index 0 iteration through pixels for int y 0 y height y for int x 0 x width x..
Google Maps Android API v2 throws GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException, out of date, SupportMapFragment.getMap() returns null using the Android Support Library. I've gone through many iteration to try to get somewhere to work and now I have given up and..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException gives me a valid auth code. All devices have the latest iteration of Google Play Services installed and are using different Google..
Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array? ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize..
Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently accumulated String and you are doing those copies on each iteration. Copying some Kbs and creating some objects lots of times is..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java Array iteration in Android Java I am building an android app that needs to..
Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask method onProgressUpdate Integer... that you can call each iteration for example or each time a progress is done during doInBackground..
Android: Mediaplayer: How to use SurfaceView or mediaplayer to play video in correct size original size e.g. qvga with remaining area black. From iteration When i am forcefully sets layout_height width of Surfaceview..
Android download binary file problems 1024 bytes possibly including bytes from the previous loop iteration. Correct with while len1 buffer 0 f.write buffer 0 len1..
How to get data from each dynamically created EditText in Android android edittext share improve this question In every iteration you are rewriting the ed variable so when loop is finished ed..
android how to work with asynctasks progressdialog String doInBackground Context... params on every iteration runs a while loop that causes the thread to sleep for 50 milliseconds..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? a BlockingQueue . 3 You are creating a new Socket every iteration of your sending Thread. This is a rather heavyweight operation..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? ByteArrayOutputStream This is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes. int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize..
How to parse json string in Android? [duplicate] string in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate JSON Array iteration in Android Java I am fetching JSON string from server and I..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? hashes of the password salt and a counter up to the iteration count given in PBE_ITERATION_COUNT here 100 in order to increase.. key being generated in this case at least 256 bits. The iteration count should be set as long as possible without causing unreasonable.. delay it should be used. For more information on salts and iteration counts in key derivation see section 4 in RFC2898 . The implementation..
upload video to facebook in android the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream This is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes. int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize We need to know how may bytes were read to write them to..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? The simplest way is this while cursor.moveToNext ... The cursor starts before the first result row so on the first iteration this moves to the first result if it exists . If the cursor is empty or the last row has already been processed then the..
using hue image effect with a seekbar height float HSV new float 3 get pixel array from source source.getPixels pixels 0 width 0 0 width height int index 0 iteration through pixels for int y 0 y height y for int x 0 x width x get current index in 2D matrix index y width x convert to..
Google Maps Android API v2 throws GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException, out of date, SupportMapFragment.getMap() returns null the new Google Maps Android API v2 into an application using the Android Support Library. I've gone through many iteration to try to get somewhere to work and now I have given up and thought I should ask here. I went to the API Console created..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException on an HTC Glacier running 2.3.4. Instead the HTC Glacier gives me a valid auth code. All devices have the latest iteration of Google Play Services installed and are using different Google accounts. Anyone seen this before Where can I start with..
Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array? take the bytes you read ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize we need to know how may bytes were read to write them to..
Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently note that you are also copying a that contains the not small accumulated String and you are doing those copies on each iteration. Copying some Kbs and creating some objects lots of times is expensive. a.append b being a a StringBuilder directly appends..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java Array iteration in Android Java I am building an android app that needs to download and synchronise with an online database I am sending..
Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask progressdialog share improve this question AsyncTask has method onProgressUpdate Integer... that you can call each iteration for example or each time a progress is done during doInBackground by calling publishProgress . Refer to the docs for more..
Android: Mediaplayer: How to use SurfaceView or mediaplayer to play video in correct size is that video is getting stretched How can i play video in its original size e.g. qvga with remaining area black. From iteration When i am forcefully sets layout_height width of Surfaceview in XML video displayed fine. surface_holder.setFixedSize w..
Android download binary file problems than 1024 bytes but your write always writes out exactly 1024 bytes possibly including bytes from the previous loop iteration. Correct with while len1 buffer 0 f.write buffer 0 len1 Perhaps the higher latency networking or smaller packet..
How to get data from each dynamically created EditText in Android nice. Thank you Already.. java android string edittext android edittext share improve this question In every iteration you are rewriting the ed variable so when loop is finished ed only points to the last EditText instance you created. You..
android how to work with asynctasks progressdialog matches the return type of this method @Override protected String doInBackground Context... params on every iteration runs a while loop that causes the thread to sleep for 50 milliseconds publishes the progress calls the onProgressUpdate..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? you don't have to roll your own synchronization you can use a BlockingQueue . 3 You are creating a new Socket every iteration of your sending Thread. This is a rather heavyweight operation and only really make sense if you expect measurements to..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream This is storage overwritten on each iteration with bytes. int bufferSize 1024 byte buffer new byte bufferSize We need to know how may bytes were read to write them to..
How to parse json string in Android? [duplicate] to parse json string in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate JSON Array iteration in Android Java I am fetching JSON string from server and I have already got JSON string by code. But I didn't understand..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? 256 bit key. getSecretKey generates a key by repeatedly generating hashes of the password salt and a counter up to the iteration count given in PBE_ITERATION_COUNT here 100 in order to increase the time needed to mount a brute force attack. The salt's.. attack. The salt's length should be at least as long as the key being generated in this case at least 256 bits. The iteration count should be set as long as possible without causing unreasonable delay. It should be 1000 or more although if a much.. although if a much higher number doesn't cause unreasonable delay it should be used. For more information on salts and iteration counts in key derivation see section 4 in RFC2898 . The implementation in Java's PBE however is flawed if the password contains..