android Programming Glossary: item_details
How to use adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); where i have to use these line for my error convertView null convertView l_Inflater.inflate R.layout.item_details_view null holder new ViewHolder holder.txt_itemName TextView.. results new ArrayList Recipedetails Recipedetails item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription.. Recipedetails Recipedetails item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Recipes made..
How to use adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); where i have to use these line for my error View convertView ViewGroup parent ViewHolder holder if convertView null convertView l_Inflater.inflate R.layout.item_details_view null holder new ViewHolder holder.txt_itemName TextView convertView.findViewById holder.txt_itemDescription.. ArrayList Recipedetails GetSearchResults ArrayList Recipedetails results new ArrayList Recipedetails Recipedetails item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Recipes made by raw materials item_details.setImageNumber.. ArrayList Recipedetails results new ArrayList Recipedetails Recipedetails item_details new Recipedetails item_details.setName Vegterian item_details.setItemDescription Recipes made by raw materials item_details.setImageNumber 1 results.add..