android Programming Glossary: iterate
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? the best way to iterate an Android Cursor I frequently see code samples where people..
Android application with phone book synchronization? for getting phone_no email name etc Here you have to iterate this i.e. nameList with your list in the database.And your rest..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM iterate over these images for Parcelable parcel list Uri uri Uri parcel..
Android AnimationDrawable and knowing when animation ends you specify it you should know when it ends. You can also iterate over all of the frames getNumberOfFrames and sum up the durations..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) widget manually using unique IDs. Alternatively I could iterate over all the widgets in Java to make this change but this would..
How to get the number of unread gmail mails (on android) contentResolver.query ACCOUNT_URI null null null null iterate over all labels in the account if cursor.moveToFirst int unreadColumn..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites weak references . On logout I will access this list and iterate over all previously opened activities invoking finish on each..
Android: retrieving all Drawable resources from Resources object Take a look at assets and AssetManager if you want to iterate over files included in your .apk. share improve this answer..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java in JSON format. can someone please tell me the best way to iterate through a JSON array I receive an array of objects json object.. the array EDIT now that I think of it the method I used to iterate the loop was for String row json id row.getInt 'id' name row.getString..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android the original poster this is not that hard. You simply just iterate through your array list and add the items. In this example I..
how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText? part is when to call it. You can write a method that iterates through every View in your activity and check if it is an instanceof.. hideSoftKeyboard return false If a layout container iterate over children and seed recursion. if view instanceof ViewGroup..
Simple HTTP client example in Android [closed] to String we use the BufferedReader.readLine method. We iterate until the BufferedReader return null which means there's no..
Android, move bitmap along a path? half a circle and positioned horizontaly then you could iterate the x value and for that x get the y that's on the path. Then..
How to get all checked items from a ListView? getCheckedItemPositions function I don't know how can I iterate through this SparseBooleanArray checked list.getCheckedItemPositions..
ListView getChildAt returning null for visible children of icons that have been changed in the database. I want to iterate over the visible rows to see if any of their icons need to be.. null for some of the visible rows. Here is my code that iterates over the visible rows Logger.debug First visible index f_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition..
Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter which will return a CloseableIterator which is used to iterate through the results. There is a iterator.getRawResults to get..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table? want with the td element here System.out.println iterate three times to get to the next td you want. checking after the..
Detect wifi IP address on Android? network and I know how to use to iterate over the available network interfaces and get their IP addresses...
How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically? why conflicting id s don't matter findViewById int will iterate recursively through the view hierarchy from the View you specify..
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization new String id null Iterate through these cursors to get Phone numbers and Emails If there..
how to get current week days in calender ALL entries from a SQLite database for that month. Iterate over the List of All entries and get the dateCreated which is..
Enumerate/Iterate all Views in Activity? Iterate all Views in Activity Is there a way to iterate through all..
Iterate through rows from Sqlite-query through rows from Sqlite query I have a table layout that I..
Pixel-Perfect Collision Detection Android The pixels within this area are what you need to check. Iterate through all of those pixels and check if the pixel is filled..
How to get installed applications permissions permissions like this. Get all installed applications Iterate over the applications Get each application permissions list.. the applications Get each application permissions list Iterate over the each permission PackageManager pm getPackageManager..
How can I clear the Android app cache? can read cachDir.canRead String fileNames cachDir.list Iterate for the fileName and delete My manifest has following permissions..
How to add animated emoticon in TextView or EditText in Android GifDecoder decoder new GifDecoder source Iterate through the gif frames add each as animation frame for int i..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android new ZipInputStream urlConnection.getInputStream Iterate over all the files and folders for zipEntry zipInputStream.getNextEntry..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? the best way to iterate an Android Cursor I frequently see code samples where people are iterating over the result of a database query doing something..
Android application with phone book synchronization? you can get list of phone number.You have to query separately for getting phone_no email name etc Here you have to iterate this i.e. nameList with your list in the database.And your rest of logic. pCur.close And Let me know if are having..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically a collection of selected images ArrayList Parcelable list intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM iterate over these images for Parcelable parcel list Uri uri Uri parcel handle the images one by one here Note that this is only..
Android AnimationDrawable and knowing when animation ends the one starting it. And since you know the duration since you specify it you should know when it ends. You can also iterate over all of the frames getNumberOfFrames and sum up the durations of each getDuration if you do not want to hard wire a..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) I know that in the Java code I could change the font of each widget manually using unique IDs. Alternatively I could iterate over all the widgets in Java to make this change but this would probably be very slow. What other options do I have Is there..
How to get the number of unread gmail mails (on android) contentResolver myActivity.getContentResolver Cursor cursor contentResolver.query ACCOUNT_URI null null null null iterate over all labels in the account if cursor.moveToFirst int unreadColumn cursor.getColumnIndex LabelColumns.NUM_UNREAD_CONVERSATIONS..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites that is statically accessible from everywhere perhaps using weak references . On logout I will access this list and iterate over all previously opened activities invoking finish on each one. I'll probably begin implementing this method soon. I'd..
Android: retrieving all Drawable resources from Resources object
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java a php page which returns the relevant rows from a database in JSON format. can someone please tell me the best way to iterate through a JSON array I receive an array of objects json object json object json object What is the simplest piece of code.. piece of code I could use to access the JSONObjects in the array EDIT now that I think of it the method I used to iterate the loop was for String row json id row.getInt 'id' name row.getString 'name' password row.getString 'password' So I guess..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android it is simply just key value pairs which are persisted. To the original poster this is not that hard. You simply just iterate through your array list and add the items. In this example I use a map for simplicity but you can use an array list and..
how to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText? activity parameter or call hideSoftKeyboard this . The trickiest part is when to call it. You can write a method that iterates through every View in your activity and check if it is an instanceof EditText if it is not register a setOnTouchListener.. public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event hideSoftKeyboard return false If a layout container iterate over children and seed recursion. if view instanceof ViewGroup for int i 0 i ViewGroup view .getChildCount i View innerView..
Simple HTTP client example in Android [closed] InputStream is To convert the InputStream to String we use the BufferedReader.readLine method. We iterate until the BufferedReader return null which means there's no more data to read. Each line will appended to a StringBuilder..
Android, move bitmap along a path? _ If your arc has this kind of shape meaning less than half a circle and positioned horizontaly then you could iterate the x value and for that x get the y that's on the path. Then move your bitmap to that position. share improve this answer..
How to get all checked items from a ListView? and then uncheck an element it's returned as checked by the getCheckedItemPositions function I don't know how can I iterate through this SparseBooleanArray checked list.getCheckedItemPositions android listview checkbox share improve this question..
ListView getChildAt returning null for visible children the getChildAt method. I have a HashSet iconsToUpdate of icons that have been changed in the database. I want to iterate over the visible rows to see if any of their icons need to be updated to reflect the new icons. I don't need to test the.. return views that are currently visible but it is returning null for some of the visible rows. Here is my code that iterates over the visible rows Logger.debug First visible index f_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition Logger.debug Last visible index..
Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter methods in the DAO. You can call dao.iterator preparedQuery which will return a CloseableIterator which is used to iterate through the results. There is a iterator.getRawResults to get access to the DatabaseResults class. Under Android this can..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table? .next twice while it.hasNext do what ever you want with the td element here System.out.println iterate three times to get to the next td you want. checking after the first one to make sure we're not at the end of the table...
Detect wifi IP address on Android? to determine whether the active network is a Wifi network and I know how to use to iterate over the available network interfaces and get their IP addresses. What I don't know how to do is determine which IP address..
How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically? id s won't matter if queried correctly keep reading . When and why conflicting id s don't matter findViewById int will iterate recursively through the view hierarchy from the View you specify and return the first View it finds with a matching id ...
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization null ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.CONTACT_ID new String id null Iterate through these cursors to get Phone numbers and Emails If there are more than 1000 contacts in my Device it is taking too..
how to get current week days in calender NOTE YOU NEED TO IMPLEMENT THIS PART Given the YEAR MONTH retrieve ALL entries from a SQLite database for that month. Iterate over the List of All entries and get the dateCreated which is converted into day. @param year @param month @return private..
Enumerate/Iterate all Views in Activity? Iterate all Views in Activity Is there a way to iterate through all the views in your Activity Something like Iterator it getViewIterator..
Iterate through rows from Sqlite-query through rows from Sqlite query I have a table layout that I want to populate with the result from a database query. I use..
Pixel-Perfect Collision Detection Android the rectangular area in which the two bounding boxes overlap. The pixels within this area are what you need to check. Iterate through all of those pixels and check if the pixel is filled in both objects. If any of them are then you have a collision...
How to get installed applications permissions improve this question You can get all installed applications permissions like this. Get all installed applications Iterate over the applications Get each application permissions list Iterate over the each permission PackageManager pm getPackageManager.. like this. Get all installed applications Iterate over the applications Get each application permissions list Iterate over the each permission PackageManager pm getPackageManager List ApplicationInfo packages pm.getInstalledApplications PackageManager.GET_META_DATA..
How can I clear the Android app cache? cachDir.getPath if cachDir null cachDir.isDirectory Log.v Trim can read cachDir.canRead String fileNames cachDir.list Iterate for the fileName and delete My manifest has following permissions android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE android.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILES..
How to add animated emoticon in TextView or EditText in Android InputStream source UpdateListener listener mListener listener GifDecoder decoder new GifDecoder source Iterate through the gif frames add each as animation frame for int i 0 i decoder.getFrameCount i Bitmap bitmap decoder.getFrame..
Download and Extract Zip File in Android CONTENT LENGTH OF THE SAME.. ZipInputStream zipInputStream new ZipInputStream urlConnection.getInputStream Iterate over all the files and folders for zipEntry zipInputStream.getNextEntry zipEntry null zipEntry zipInputStream .getNextEntry..