android Programming Glossary: iterating
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? Cursor I frequently see code samples where people are iterating over the result of a database query doing something with each..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI recursive Yes. It's know issue . What is the problem with iterating through all directories and setting observers Per my understand..
What is the easiest way to draw line using OpenGL-ES (android) line objects and to a container so the get draw in the by iterating over the items and calling the Line.draw method in onDrawFrame...
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error while loop that is taking a desired 'end position' and iterating backwards at an ever increasing distance step to find a 'start..
Android: Access child views from a ListView wantedChild The benefit is that you aren't iterating over the ListView's children which could take a performance..
Sorting Android ListView at any point into an ArrayList I would recommend reverse iterating through the results from the Twitter API and inserting each..
Android - Images from Assets folder in a GridView does read the image from the Assets folder but it is not iterating through the cells in the grid view. All the cells of the grid..
Populate Android Database From CSV file? into the table then that would be cleaner and faster than iterating over each line in the file and executing individual insert statements.....
How can I get the size of a folder on SD card in Android? of all cached images. Is there a way to this other than iterating over each file They all reside inside the same folder android..
Sending sms to multiple people in android The net net net here is it cannot be done without iterating through a loop and sending 1 message to 1 addressee. I spent..
How to open last activity from notification status bar? I got very very simple solution for my problem. Instead of iterating through recentTasks and getting our task and then getting baseIntent..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? the best way to iterate an Android Cursor I frequently see code samples where people are iterating over the result of a database query doing something with each row and then moving on to the next row. Typical examples are..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI says that it will give you this info. FileObserver It isn't recursive Yes. It's know issue . What is the problem with iterating through all directories and setting observers Per my understand by default there shouldn't be many let say a dozen or so..
What is the easiest way to draw line using OpenGL-ES (android) PositionHandle And then in my Render class I create my line objects and to a container so the get draw in the by iterating over the items and calling the Line.draw method in onDrawFrame. Here are some lines I create to make a horizon Line eastHorz..
Understanding Android Tight loops / Spin-On-Suspend error The thread dump lets me see that it was inside a certain while loop that is taking a desired 'end position' and iterating backwards at an ever increasing distance step to find a 'start position'. This is where things get annoying. I can verify..
Android: Access child views from a ListView
Sorting Android ListView tweets to the bottom of the list. Did you know you can insert at any point into an ArrayList I would recommend reverse iterating through the results from the Twitter API and inserting each result at the top of your ArrayList with add 0 .... rather than..
Android - Images from Assets folder in a GridView catch IOException e e.printStackTrace My application does read the image from the Assets folder but it is not iterating through the cells in the grid view. All the cells of the grid view have a same image picked from the set of images. Can..
Populate Android Database From CSV file? if there was a way to do a bulk import for the entire file into the table then that would be cleaner and faster than iterating over each line in the file and executing individual insert statements... I've found that there is a sqlite import command..
How can I get the size of a folder on SD card in Android? for caching of images and would like to present the total size of all cached images. Is there a way to this other than iterating over each file They all reside inside the same folder android size folder sd card share improve this question Just..
Sending sms to multiple people in android them one at a time. android sms share improve this question The net net net here is it cannot be done without iterating through a loop and sending 1 message to 1 addressee. I spent 1 2 a Saturday trying to do this very thing. I could not make..
How to open last activity from notification status bar? notifications share improve this question Few days back I got very very simple solution for my problem. Instead of iterating through recentTasks and getting our task and then getting baseIntent through it we can do simple thing as follows Intent..