android Programming Glossary: ipc
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update extends android.os.IInterface Local side IPC implementation stub class. public static abstract class Stub..
What to do on TransactionTooLargeException thumbnails . Actually data size was around 500kb and the IPC transaction buffer size is set to 1024KB. I am not sure why..
Android:sound pool and service the same process as its clients we don't need to deal with IPC. public class LocalBinder extends Binder LocalService getService..
Invoking a private (unpublished) method in Android API object for controlling the Bluetooth Headset Service via IPC. Use getProfileProxy Context BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener..
failed binder transaction on widget update size and it is only 56 kilobytes so it fits within the IPC memory limit. when i remove setImageViewBitmap ... the widget.. where can be a problem when i am clearly not hitting the IPC memory limit EDIT i forget to mention it happend on android..
Understanding Android: Zygote and DalvikVM No. Dalvik doesn't span processes. However the Binder IPC mechanism can do a very convincing job of making objects appear..
onSaveInstanceState limit? more than quite sizeable. This data goes through an IPC and the IPC limit is about 1MB. You want to keep your marshalled.. than quite sizeable. This data goes through an IPC and the IPC limit is about 1MB. You want to keep your marshalled size significantly..
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update extended MMI USSD network service. public interface IExtendedNetworkService extends android.os.IInterface Local side IPC implementation stub class. public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.Binder implements
What to do on TransactionTooLargeException service and an application This involves transferring lots of thumbnails . Actually data size was around 500kb and the IPC transaction buffer size is set to 1024KB. I am not sure why it exceeded the transaction buffer. This also can occur when..
Android:sound pool and service client Binder. Because we know this service always runs in the same process as its clients we don't need to deal with IPC. public class LocalBinder extends Binder LocalService getService Return this instance of LocalService so clients can call..
Invoking a private (unpublished) method in Android API share improve this question BluetoothHeadset is a proxy object for controlling the Bluetooth Headset Service via IPC. Use getProfileProxy Context BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener int to get the BluetoothHeadset proxy object. Use closeProfileProxy..
failed binder transaction on widget update again does not help only reboot. i checked the icon's size and it is only 56 kilobytes so it fits within the IPC memory limit. when i remove setImageViewBitmap ... the widget works again but the bitmap is not updated. so the problem.. i am sending only the URI to widget. but i would like to know where can be a problem when i am clearly not hitting the IPC memory limit EDIT i forget to mention it happend on android 2.3.5 and also 2.3.7 android widget appwidget binder share..
Understanding Android: Zygote and DalvikVM same Dalvik VM. android dalvik share improve this question No. Dalvik doesn't span processes. However the Binder IPC mechanism can do a very convincing job of making objects appear to migrate to a different process and its Dalvik instance...
onSaveInstanceState limit? share improve this question It would be helpful to say something more than quite sizeable. This data goes through an IPC and the IPC limit is about 1MB. You want to keep your marshalled size significantly smaller than that 100K is probably a.. this question It would be helpful to say something more than quite sizeable. This data goes through an IPC and the IPC limit is about 1MB. You want to keep your marshalled size significantly smaller than that 100K is probably a good maximum...