android Programming Glossary: involved
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling Implementing your own HTTP or FTP handler is a bit more involved. For what it's worth this is exactly how PhoneGap works on iOS...
How to set mobile system time and date in android? way android permissions do not matter there's no entity involved which checks proper permissions. This is the way the internal..
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment to another Fragment. In my case the Activity involved should be completely unaware of the DialogFragment. Consider.. dialogfragment share improve this question Activity involved is completely unaware of the DialogFragment. Fragment class..
Fixing Eclipse after ADT breaks fall over every time a plugin installation update is involved well it does for me An error occurred while collecting items..
OAuth secrets in mobile apps in your app . Another thing I don't believe the secret is involved in initially requesting the Access Token so that could be done..
Android: passing paramters between classes paramters between classes I have a class2 which is involved by class1 when clicks are made. I have to pass some parameters..
Is it possible to use AsyncTask in a Service class? your needs it will take care of a lot of little details involved in making that pattern work correctly. share improve this answer..
Android textview outline text stroke around the text you need to do something a bit more involved like this http questions 1723846 how do you..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? EDIT I would like to have opinions on several aspects involved Synchronization Reusability Testing Thanks in advance. java..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] Java Charts for Android Just to summarize his solution involved using a JavaScript library flot built on top of jQuery. This..
Android: Unable to instantiate activity / ClassNotFoundException The app is a simple soundboard so there's really no magic involved but I can't get why it fails on some phones. Here's the stack..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? similar but it was for the Quick Search box and it involved implementing a service but I believe that's not what I want..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? decided to ask the user for the phone number. A bit more involved actually if SIM card present cannot read the cell number ask..
How to set font custom font to Spinner text programmatically? suggestion when it doesn't recognize the ViewGroup class involved in the code. android fonts spinner share improve this question..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? and for GridViews XML example is for slightly more involved GridView but view works for both CustomGlowListView android..
Unable to instantiate activity… Caused by ClassNotFoundException a library project and I am not familiar with the tricks involved to get this working. java android android library share improve..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken all of our code being posted I'm posting only the methods involved in doing this. Hopefully this helps. Also I'll state this is..
Why does BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray return null? bitmap or null if the image could not be decode. The bytes involved in the string test aren't a valid bitmap are they If you saved..
How to make Android GridLayout compatible to older version? Android Support Library. Since resource files are also involved it cannot be included as .jar library. Update the android SDK..
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling URL handler so that other apps can make simple requests. Implementing your own HTTP or FTP handler is a bit more involved. For what it's worth this is exactly how PhoneGap works on iOS. PhoneGap includes an NSURLProtocol subclass called PGURLProtocol..
How to set mobile system time and date in android? running as system may use the SystemClock approach. For this way android permissions do not matter there's no entity involved which checks proper permissions. This is the way the internal preinstalled Settings App works. It just runs under the system..
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment Question How does one create a callback from a DialogFragment to another Fragment. In my case the Activity involved should be completely unaware of the DialogFragment. Consider I have public class MyFragment extends Fragment implements.. Fragment that created it android callback fragment android dialogfragment share improve this question Activity involved is completely unaware of the DialogFragment. Fragment class public class MyFragment extends Fragment int mStackLevel 0 public..
Fixing Eclipse after ADT breaks update as I already have it installed. Thanks. Why does Eclipse fall over every time a plugin installation update is involved well it does for me An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was profile profile phase org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect..
OAuth secrets in mobile apps seems to assume that you put the secret into a string right in your app . Another thing I don't believe the secret is involved in initially requesting the Access Token so that could be done without involving our own server. Am I correct iphone android..
Android: passing paramters between classes passing paramters between classes I have a class2 which is involved by class1 when clicks are made. I have to pass some parameters objects from class1 to class2. I only know the standard way..
Is it possible to use AsyncTask in a Service class?
Android textview outline text questions 2486936 android shadow on text To really add a stroke around the text you need to do something a bit more involved like this http questions 1723846 how do you draw text with a border on a mapview in android share improve..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? to Android. Am I correct What's different in DalvikVM otherwise EDIT I would like to have opinions on several aspects involved Synchronization Reusability Testing Thanks in advance. java android patterns share improve this question I very much..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] exist now. rapidandroid question creator solution GraphView Java Charts for Android Just to summarize his solution involved using a JavaScript library flot built on top of jQuery. This library was then included in an HTML page which was loaded..
Android: Unable to instantiate activity / ClassNotFoundException no info about the configuration device Android version etc. The app is a simple soundboard so there's really no magic involved but I can't get why it fails on some phones. Here's the stack trace I'm getting I hope anybody can help me out java.lang.RuntimeException..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? a better way to obtain my end goal I've done something somewhat similar but it was for the Quick Search box and it involved implementing a service but I believe that's not what I want to do here. android networking filter autocompletetextview..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? This has been reported in other forums as well. In the end we decided to ask the user for the phone number. A bit more involved actually if SIM card present cannot read the cell number ask user . Otherwise we will keep bugging the user that doesn't..
How to set font custom font to Spinner text programmatically? top of your file. For some reason Eclipse doesn't make this suggestion when it doesn't recognize the ViewGroup class involved in the code. android fonts spinner share improve this question You would apply the font through your own custom SpinnerAdapter..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? I've created a custom view which performs overscroll for ListViews and for GridViews XML example is for slightly more involved GridView but view works for both CustomGlowListView android id @ id searches android layout_width match_parent android..
Unable to instantiate activity… Caused by ClassNotFoundException troubleshoot this as this is my first time ever trying to use a library project and I am not familiar with the tricks involved to get this working. java android android library share improve this question For anyone who updated to ADT 22 make..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken my activity is 2000 lines and my company wouldn't want all of our code being posted I'm posting only the methods involved in doing this. Hopefully this helps. Also I'll state this is my first Android application. I wouldn't be surprised if there..
Why does BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray return null? this question From the documentation Returns The decoded bitmap or null if the image could not be decode. The bytes involved in the string test aren't a valid bitmap are they If you saved the text test in a file called foo.png or foo.jpg etc and..
How to make Android GridLayout compatible to older version? improve this question A better way of doing this is using Android Support Library. Since resource files are also involved it cannot be included as .jar library. Update the android SDK and support files. Add your android sdk extras android support..