android Programming Glossary: is24hourview
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text null private Dialog dialog private boolean is24HourView true isAutoDismiss true private int selectedHour selectedMinute.. Calendar.MINUTE timePicker.setIs24HourView is24HourView timePicker.setCurrentHour selectedHour timePicker.setCurrentMinute.. Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH hourIn24Format minute is24HourView true public void setTimeIn12HourFormat int hourIn12Format int..
TimePickerDialog and AM or PM will always be 24 hour. If you opened the dialog with is24HourView set to false the user will not have to deal with 24 hour formatted..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text Activity activity private ICustomDateTimeListener iCustomDateTimeListener null private Dialog dialog private boolean is24HourView true isAutoDismiss true private int selectedHour selectedMinute public CustomDateTimePicker Activity a ICustomDateTimeListener.. calendar_date.get Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY selectedMinute calendar_date.get Calendar.MINUTE timePicker.setIs24HourView is24HourView timePicker.setCurrentHour selectedHour timePicker.setCurrentMinute selectedMinute datePicker.updateDate calendar_date.get.. Calendar.YEAR calendar_date.get Calendar.MONTH calendar_date.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH hourIn24Format minute is24HourView true public void setTimeIn12HourFormat int hourIn12Format int minute boolean isAM if hourIn12Format 13 hourIn12Format 0..
TimePickerDialog and AM or PM android timepicker share improve this question The hourOfDay will always be 24 hour. If you opened the dialog with is24HourView set to false the user will not have to deal with 24 hour formatted times but Android will convert that to a 24 hour time..