android Programming Glossary: invoke
PreferenceActivity Android 4.0 and earlier classes and to decide at runtime which one to invoke. However this method still includes calling deprecated APIs..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) fields like you want but for my simple purpose it can invoke notification like another sms. private static void createFakeSms.. true byte bodybytes byte stringToGsm7BitPacked.invoke null body bo.write bodybytes catch Exception e pdu bo.toByteArray..
Getting installed app size and generate the stubs. You can then use reflection to invoke getPackageSize PackageManager pm getPackageManager Method getPackageSizeInfo.. IPackageStatsObserver.class getPackageSizeInfo.invoke pm new IPackageStatsObserver.Stub @Override..
Bind service to activity in Android .. that Service will remain running until you explicitly invoke stopService .. . There are two reasons that a service can be..
Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText . Similar to how when I press the Search button to invoke the global search the soft keyboard is automatically shown...
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) sending XML via HTTP POST SOAP I would like to invoke a webservice via Android. I need to POST some XML to a URL via..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? trying to do is using the onPreviewFrame method which is invoked each time a new frame is drawn into the SurfaceView in order.. to execute the invalidate method which is supposed to invoke the onDraw method. In fact the onDraw method is being invoked.. the onDraw method. In fact the onDraw method is being invoked but nothing there is being printed I guess the camera preview..
Android 2.2 wifi hotspot API methods look for this method name setWifiApEnabled and invoke it through the WifiManager object These API are marked as @hide.. WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.TKIP try method.invoke wifi netConfig true catch IllegalArgumentException e e.printStackTrace..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain sf catch Exception e throw new AssertionError e How to invoke the above code in your Activity class DefaultHttpClient client..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero there does not seem to be a superclass method to invoke here... and adding my code which requires knowing the measurements..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? time. It is also possible to instantiate new objects invoke methods and get set field values using reflection.And Importantly.. Object obj null if noEnterpriseFieldType obj wcefValue.invoke wcefEap.get config null String retval String obj Log.d WifiPreference.. 2 if noEnterpriseFieldType result String wcefValue.invoke wcefPhase2.get config null Log.d WifiPreference EAP PHASE..
FFMPEG on Android like RockPlayer or use existing android MM framework to invoke FFMPEG. Do you have steps procedures code example on integrating..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android will include date pickers and such just as select invokes the native select today. Since this isn't implemented on either.. implemented in native UI is it possible for a web app to invoke the native date picker i.e. when clicked on This would make..
Use FFMPEG on Android [closed] api and which is very comprehnsive. compile ffmpeg.c and invoke its main via jni. This requires that you understand the command.. vars defined in ffmpeg.c and reset them every time you invoke the main function. Also make sure you don't invoke the main.. you invoke the main function. Also make sure you don't invoke the main in two threads simultaneously . share improve this..
Android: how to select texts from webview . with following changes getmethod's second parameter and invoke method second parameter. if i give null there warning will come.... m WebView.class.getMethod emulateShiftHeld Boolean.TYPE m.invoke BookView.mWebView false catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
How to save SMS to inbox in android? to save the same message in Inbox Or is there any way to invoke a native SMS application to send SMS android sms share improve..
android encryption/decryption with AES decrypted cipher.doFinal encrypted return decrypted And invoke them like this ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” int.class m.setAccessible true m.invoke this 1 final Method n AdapterView.class.getDeclaredMethod .. setSelectedPositionInt int.class n.setAccessible true n.invoke this 1 catch Exception e throw new RuntimeException e protected.. Exception e throw new RuntimeException e public Object invoke Object proxy Method m Object args throws Throwable try return..
PreferenceActivity Android 4.0 and earlier the best practice here seems to be to implement two PreferenceActivity classes and to decide at runtime which one to invoke. However this method still includes calling deprecated APIs but you can't avoid that. So for instance you have a preference_headers.xml..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) this question Maybe this snippet doesn't have many detail fields like you want but for my simple purpose it can invoke notification like another sms. private static void createFakeSms Context context String sender String body byte pdu null.. new Class String.class stringToGsm7BitPacked.setAccessible true byte bodybytes byte stringToGsm7BitPacked.invoke null body bo.write bodybytes catch Exception e pdu bo.toByteArray catch IOException e Intent intent new Intent intent.setClassName..
Getting installed app size PackageStats and IPackageStatsObserver AIDLs into our project and generate the stubs. You can then use reflection to invoke getPackageSize PackageManager pm getPackageManager Method getPackageSizeInfo pm.getClass .getMethod getPackageSizeInfo String.class.. pm.getClass .getMethod getPackageSizeInfo String.class IPackageStatsObserver.class getPackageSizeInfo.invoke pm new IPackageStatsObserver.Stub @Override public void onGetStatsCompleted PackageStats pStats boolean..
Bind service to activity in Android question If you start an android Service with startService .. that Service will remain running until you explicitly invoke stopService .. . There are two reasons that a service can be run by the system. If someone calls Context.startService then..
Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText when the dialog is shown and there is no physical hardware keyboard . Similar to how when I press the Search button to invoke the global search the soft keyboard is automatically shown. android keyboard edittext soft keyboard share improve this..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) sending XML via HTTP POST SOAP I would like to invoke a webservice via Android. I need to POST some XML to a URL via HTTP. I found this snipped for sending a POST but i dont..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? draws the preview of the Camera into a SurfaceView . What I'm trying to do is using the onPreviewFrame method which is invoked each time a new frame is drawn into the SurfaceView in order to execute the invalidate method which is supposed to invoke.. each time a new frame is drawn into the SurfaceView in order to execute the invalidate method which is supposed to invoke the onDraw method. In fact the onDraw method is being invoked but nothing there is being printed I guess the camera preview.. to execute the invalidate method which is supposed to invoke the onDraw method. In fact the onDraw method is being invoked but nothing there is being printed I guess the camera preview is overwriting the text I'm trying to draw . This is a simplify..
Android 2.2 wifi hotspot API WifiManager use the reflection to get the WifiManager declared methods look for this method name setWifiApEnabled and invoke it through the WifiManager object These API are marked as @hide so currently you cannot use them directly but they appear.. WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.CCMP netConfig.allowedGroupCiphers.set WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.TKIP try method.invoke wifi netConfig true catch IllegalArgumentException e e.printStackTrace catch IllegalAccessException e e.printStackTrace..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER return sf catch Exception e throw new AssertionError e How to invoke the above code in your Activity class DefaultHttpClient client new MyHttpClient getApplicationContext HttpResponse response..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero TextView and add an OnGlobalLayoutListener overriding onGLobalLayout there does not seem to be a superclass method to invoke here... and adding my code which requires knowing the measurements of the view into this listener. All works as expected..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? without knowing the names of the classes methods etc. at compile time. It is also possible to instantiate new objects invoke methods and get set field values using reflection.And Importantly Reflection can help you access private data members inside.. value wcefValue m break EAP Method String result null Object obj null if noEnterpriseFieldType obj wcefValue.invoke wcefEap.get config null String retval String obj Log.d WifiPreference EAP METHOD retval out.write WifiPreference EAP.. else obj wcefEap.get config String retval String obj phase 2 if noEnterpriseFieldType result String wcefValue.invoke wcefPhase2.get config null Log.d WifiPreference EAP PHASE 2 AUTHENTICATION result out.write WifiPreference EAP PHASE..
FFMPEG on Android on Android. Now I have to buld either an application like RockPlayer or use existing android MM framework to invoke FFMPEG. Do you have steps procedures code example on integrating FFMPEG on Android StageFright Can you please guide me on..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android and iOS. I suppose that in the future the mobile OS's soft keyboards will include date pickers and such just as select invokes the native select today. Since this isn't implemented on either Android or iOS but is implemented in native UI is it possible.. Since this isn't implemented on either Android or iOS but is implemented in native UI is it possible for a web app to invoke the native date picker i.e. when clicked on This would make it possible for us to stop using JavaScript libraries like jQuery..
Use FFMPEG on Android [closed] ffmpeg sample code. this requires good understanding of the api and which is very comprehnsive. compile ffmpeg.c and invoke its main via jni. This requires that you understand the command line parameters. It is rather cumbersome but works. You.. cumbersome but works. You need to look out for the static vars defined in ffmpeg.c and reset them every time you invoke the main function. Also make sure you don't invoke the main in two threads simultaneously . share improve this answer..
Android: how to select texts from webview Edit using the code provided in the link from @orangmoney52 . with following changes getmethod's second parameter and invoke method second parameter. if i give null there warning will come.. which one is correct public void selectAndCopyText try.. one is correct public void selectAndCopyText try Method m WebView.class.getMethod emulateShiftHeld Boolean.TYPE m.invoke BookView.mWebView false catch Exception e e.printStackTrace fallback KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
How to save SMS to inbox in android? il null But this is not updating in my Inbox I need to save the same message in Inbox Or is there any way to invoke a native SMS application to send SMS android sms share improve this question You can use the sms content provider to..
android encryption/decryption with AES AES cipher.init Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE skeySpec byte decrypted cipher.doFinal encrypted return decrypted And invoke them like this ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream bm.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 baos bm is..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” try final Method m AdapterView.class.getDeclaredMethod setNextSelectedPositionInt int.class m.setAccessible true m.invoke this 1 final Method n AdapterView.class.getDeclaredMethod setSelectedPositionInt int.class n.setAccessible true n.invoke.. this 1 final Method n AdapterView.class.getDeclaredMethod setSelectedPositionInt int.class n.setAccessible true n.invoke this 1 catch Exception e throw new RuntimeException e protected SpinnerAdapter newProxy SpinnerAdapter obj return SpinnerAdapter.. getView int.class View.class ViewGroup.class catch Exception e throw new RuntimeException e public Object invoke Object proxy Method m Object args throws Throwable try return m.equals getView Integer args 0 0 getView Integer args..