

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:30

android Programming Glossary: ioe.printstacktrace

How to create a .csv on android


TestString osw.flush osw.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace in manifest u would have to write uses permission android name..

How to create a file in Android?


In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


Second exception generates caz of httpResponse ioe ioe.printStackTrace public void Firendslist_Detail String response try JSONArray..

Storing data on SD Card in Android


stream fOut.flush fOut.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace When I create the new FileOutputStream I get a FileNotFound..

How to Consume WCF Service with Android


cnt response sb.toString isr.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace return response But on the server side so far I haven't figured..

Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android


mue mue.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace finally try if is null is.close catch IOException ioe..

How to pass drawable between activities


is useless fileOutStream.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace Pass location as String to Activity B Intent intent new Intent..

Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files


Http stream finished catch IOException ioe if debug ioe.printStackTrace try sendError socket HTTP_INTERNALERROR SERVER INTERNAL ERROR..

How to create a .csv on android


TestString n Log.v the string is TestString osw.write TestString osw.flush osw.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace in manifest u would have to write uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE just before the..

How to create a file in Android?


In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


cpe.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe System.out.println Second exception generates caz of httpResponse ioe ioe.printStackTrace public void Firendslist_Detail String response try JSONArray jsonarray new JSONArray response JSONObject jsonobject jsonarray.getJSONObject..

Storing data on SD Card in Android


path fname fOut.write Test .getBytes Close output stream fOut.flush fOut.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace When I create the new FileOutputStream I get a FileNotFound exception. I have also noticed that mkdirs does not seem to..

How to Consume WCF Service with Android


cnt while cnt isr.read buff 0 length 1 0 sb.append buff 0 cnt response sb.toString isr.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace return response But on the server side so far I haven't figured out anything. I would be really thankful if anyone could..

Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android


buffer 0 len1 if fos null fos.close catch MalformedURLException mue mue.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace finally try if is null is.close catch IOException ioe just going to ignore this one That's all most of stuff you'll..

How to pass drawable between activities


Web or got it from the devices camera otherwise this technique is useless fileOutStream.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace Pass location as String to Activity B Intent intent new Intent this ActivityB.class intent.putExtra picname fileName In..

Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files


is sendCount buf null inS.close if debug BrowserUtils.LOGRUN Http stream finished catch IOException ioe if debug ioe.printStackTrace try sendError socket HTTP_INTERNALERROR SERVER INTERNAL ERROR IOException ioe.getMessage catch Throwable t catch InterruptedException..