android Programming Glossary: ipaddress
Android: How to Know an IP Address is a Wifi IP Address? continue if inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress String ipAddress Formatter.formatIpAddress inetAddress.hashCode Logger.d TAG.. inetAddress.hashCode Logger.d TAG Some Valid IPv4 is ipAddress return ipAddress catch SocketException ex Logger.e TAG ex.toString.. Logger.d TAG Some Valid IPv4 is ipAddress return ipAddress catch SocketException ex Logger.e TAG ex.toString return..
https Session and posting problem private static String macAddress private static String ipAddress private static HttpsURLConnection https constructor private.. macAddress wifiInf.getMacAddress .replace ' ' ' ' ipAddress wifiMan.getDhcpInfo .toString int startIndex ipAddress.indexOf.. ' ' ipAddress wifiMan.getDhcpInfo .toString int startIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' int endIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' startIndex 1..
Reading big chunk of xml data from socket and parse on the fly context null public boolean connectToHost String ipAddress int port AppContext myContext context myContext website site..
Android: How to Know an IP Address is a Wifi IP Address? TAG Local IP Address Not Valid inetAddress.getHostAddress continue if inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress String ipAddress Formatter.formatIpAddress inetAddress.hashCode Logger.d TAG Some Valid IPv4 is ipAddress return ipAddress catch SocketException.. String ipAddress Formatter.formatIpAddress inetAddress.hashCode Logger.d TAG Some Valid IPv4 is ipAddress return ipAddress catch SocketException ex Logger.e TAG ex.toString return null Pls Help 4 When i turn off Mobile Data.. String ipAddress Formatter.formatIpAddress inetAddress.hashCode Logger.d TAG Some Valid IPv4 is ipAddress return ipAddress catch SocketException ex Logger.e TAG ex.toString return null Pls Help 4 When i turn off Mobile Data Network and Wifi..
https Session and posting problem static Context tThis private static SmartDBHelper sDBHObject private static String macAddress private static String ipAddress private static HttpsURLConnection https constructor private prevents any other class from instantiating private SmartDBHelper.. tThis.WIFI_SERVICE WifiInfo wifiInf wifiMan.getConnectionInfo macAddress wifiInf.getMacAddress .replace ' ' ' ' ipAddress wifiMan.getDhcpInfo .toString int startIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' int endIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' startIndex 1 ipAddress.. macAddress wifiInf.getMacAddress .replace ' ' ' ' ipAddress wifiMan.getDhcpInfo .toString int startIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' int endIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' startIndex 1 ipAddress ipAddress.substring startIndex 1 endIndex this function..
Reading big chunk of xml data from socket and parse on the fly null private StringBuilder incompleteResponse null private AppContext context null public boolean connectToHost String ipAddress int port AppContext myContext context myContext website site InetAddress serverAddr null serverAddr InetAddress.getByName..
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x . Where IpAssignment is an Enum either STAIC DHCP or NONE . and linkProperties is the object store ipaddress gateway DNS etc... linkAddress is Ip address and its netmask as prefixLength how many bit 1 in netmask mRoutes is ArrayList..
Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable Debugging InetAddress.isReachable I am trying to figure out how to tell if a particular ipaddress is available in my android app during debugging I haven't tried this on an actual device . From reading it appears that..
https Session and posting problem username tempMap.put String tThis.getResources .getText R.string.authPWord password String tempUrl https ipaddress health_monitoring admin.php return Integer.parseInt post tempUrl tempMap this function is to register the server to the.. ipAddress tempMap.put String tThis.getResources .getText R.string.addServerMAC macAddress String tempUrl https ipaddress health_monitoring admin.php return Integer.parseInt post tempUrl tempMap always verify the host dont check for certificate..
Get xml from a php webservice url using android a hostname then emulator will try to search url within its environment. To avoid this problem we need to provide the ipaddress of local machine. Pls note that machine name as a hostname will also give problem. refers to localhost in the..
How to send SOAP request and Parse SOAP response in XML format in Android? String METHOD_NAME Arnoid private static final String NAMESPACE http private static final String URL http ipaddress port UserAuthenticationInterfacer.asmx EditText editText @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..