android Programming Glossary: iostream
why does arm-linux-androideabi-gcc give iostream error does arm linux androideabi gcc give iostream error I have arm linux androideabi gcc installed in my computer.. I just want to compile from the command line ... #include iostream using namespace std int main return 0 And I received this error.. std int main return 0 And I received this error error iostream No such file or directory I have the arm linux androideabi gcc..
OpenCV Template Matching example in Android highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream #include stdio.h using namespace std using namespace cv Global..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK string.h #include jni.h #include android log.h #include iostream #include vector #define LOG_TAG hellojni #define LOGI ... __android_log_print..
Android - A simple ndk project using the Eigen library and jni static System.loadLibrary test And the C code #include iostream #include Eigen Dense #include math.h #include jni.h using namespace..
Android ndk-build iostream: No such file or directory ndk build iostream No such file or directory I'm having problem with compiling.. compile cpp file with #include jni native.cpp 5 20 error iostream No such file or directory Here is my cpp file #include jni.h.. string.h #include stdio.h #include android log.h #include iostream #define DEBUG_TAG NDK_SampleActivity #define LOG_TAG hellojni..
why does arm-linux-androideabi-gcc give iostream error does arm linux androideabi gcc give iostream error I have arm linux androideabi gcc installed in my computer but when I try to compiler even a simple hellow world it.. world it gives error I am choosing not to use ndk build . I just want to compile from the command line ... #include iostream using namespace std int main return 0 And I received this error error iostream No such file or directory I have the arm.. from the command line ... #include iostream using namespace std int main return 0 And I received this error error iostream No such file or directory I have the arm linux androideabi gcc in ~ android ndk r8b toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3..
OpenCV Template Matching example in Android Thank you in advance. C code #include opencv2 highgui highgui.hpp #include opencv2 imgproc imgproc.hpp #include iostream #include stdio.h using namespace std using namespace cv Global Variables Mat img Mat templ Mat result char image_window..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK files are .cpp . In PROJECT_DIR jni hello jni.cpp #include string.h #include jni.h #include android log.h #include iostream #include vector #define LOG_TAG hellojni #define LOGI ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define..
Android - A simple ndk project using the Eigen library and jni text public native float test float array1 float array2 static System.loadLibrary test And the C code #include iostream #include Eigen Dense #include math.h #include jni.h using namespace Eigen Vector3f vec Vector3f vec2 Vector3f vecRtrn void..
Android ndk-build iostream: No such file or directory ndk build iostream No such file or directory I'm having problem with compiling cpp file using ndk build tool windows 7 with cygwin Error appears.. build tool windows 7 with cygwin Error appears when I try to compile cpp file with #include jni native.cpp 5 20 error iostream No such file or directory Here is my cpp file #include jni.h #include string.h #include stdio.h #include android log.h #include.. or directory Here is my cpp file #include jni.h #include string.h #include stdio.h #include android log.h #include iostream #define DEBUG_TAG NDK_SampleActivity #define LOG_TAG hellojni #define LOGI ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO LOG_TAG..