android Programming Glossary: ioe
How to create a file in Android?
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) httpResponse cpe cpe.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe System.out.println Second exception generates caz of httpResponse.. Second exception generates caz of httpResponse ioe ioe.printStackTrace public void Firendslist_Detail String.. Second exception generates caz of httpResponse ioe ioe.printStackTrace public void Firendslist_Detail String response..
Android file uploader with server-side php ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe try BufferedReader rd new.. ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe try BufferedReader rd new BufferedReader new.. ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe try BufferedReader rd new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? DB_NAME null 1 try this.createDataBase catch IOException ioe throw new Error Unable to create database Creates a empty..
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] try mDbHelper.createDataBase catch IOException ioe throw new Error Unable to create database try mDbHelper.openDataBase..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android kse Log.d SSL kse.getMessage catch IOException ioe Log.d SSL ioe.getMessage catch CertificateException ce Log.d.. Log.d SSL kse.getMessage catch IOException ioe Log.d SSL ioe.getMessage catch CertificateException ce Log.d SSL ce.getMessage.. line while line.equals exit catch IOException ioe System.out.println ioe finally try input.close output.close..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance.. ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance.. ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? ex Log.e Debug error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE.. ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream.. ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream..
Database not copying from assets this try myDbHelper.createDataBase catch IOException ioe throw new Error Unable to create database try catch SQLException..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android 0 cnt response sb.toString isr.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace return response But on the server side so.. cnt response sb.toString isr.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace return response But on the server side so far..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android mue mue.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace finally try if is null is.close catch.. mue mue.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace finally try if is null is.close catch.. finally try if is null is.close catch IOException ioe just going to ignore this one That's all most of stuff you'll..
How to pass drawable between activities technique is useless fileOutStream.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace Pass location as String to Activity B Intent.. is useless fileOutStream.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace Pass location as String to Activity B Intent..
How to create a file in Android?
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) cpe System.out.println Exception generates caz of httpResponse cpe cpe.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe System.out.println Second exception generates caz of httpResponse ioe ioe.printStackTrace public void Firendslist_Detail.. cpe cpe.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe System.out.println Second exception generates caz of httpResponse ioe ioe.printStackTrace public void Firendslist_Detail String response try JSONArray jsonarray new JSONArray response JSONObject.. cpe.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe System.out.println Second exception generates caz of httpResponse ioe ioe.printStackTrace public void Firendslist_Detail String response try JSONArray jsonarray new JSONArray response JSONObject..
Android file uploader with server-side php dos.flush dos.close catch MalformedURLException ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe try BufferedReader rd new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader conn .getInputStream.. dos.close catch MalformedURLException ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe try BufferedReader rd new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader conn .getInputStream String line while.. MalformedURLException ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe try BufferedReader rd new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader conn .getInputStream String line while line rd.readLine..
Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard? @param context public DBUtil Context context super context DB_NAME null 1 try this.createDataBase catch IOException ioe throw new Error Unable to create database Creates a empty database on the system and rewrites it with your own database...
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] open throws SQLException mDbHelper new DatabaseHelper adapterContext try mDbHelper.createDataBase catch IOException ioe throw new Error Unable to create database try mDbHelper.openDataBase catch SQLException sqle throw sqle return this..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android nsae Log.d SSL nsae.getMessage catch KeyStoreException kse Log.d SSL kse.getMessage catch IOException ioe Log.d SSL ioe.getMessage catch CertificateException ce Log.d SSL ce.getMessage catch KeyManagementException kme Log.d.. Log.d SSL nsae.getMessage catch KeyStoreException kse Log.d SSL kse.getMessage catch IOException ioe Log.d SSL ioe.getMessage catch CertificateException ce Log.d SSL ce.getMessage catch KeyManagementException kme Log.d SSL kme.getMessage.. with it Done in a different class OtherClass.parseMessageString line while line.equals exit catch IOException ioe System.out.println ioe finally try input.close output.close socket.close catch IOException ioe finally Update..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues dos.flush dos.close catch MalformedURLException ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser sp null try sp spf.newSAXParser.. dos.close catch MalformedURLException ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser sp null try sp spf.newSAXParser catch ParserConfigurationException.. MalformedURLException ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser sp null try sp spf.newSAXParser catch ParserConfigurationException..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? dos.flush dos.close catch MalformedURLException ex Log.e Debug error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String.. dos.close catch MalformedURLException ex Log.e Debug error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String str while str inStream.readLine.. MalformedURLException ex Log.e Debug error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Debug error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String str while str inStream.readLine null..
Database not copying from assets . Database myDbHelper new Database null myDbHelper new Database this try myDbHelper.createDataBase catch IOException ioe throw new Error Unable to create database try catch SQLException sqle throw sqle The weird part now. On my device I dont..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android int cnt while cnt buff 0 length 1 0 sb.append buff 0 cnt response sb.toString isr.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace return response But on the server side so far I haven't figured out anything. I would be really thankful.. cnt while cnt buff 0 length 1 0 sb.append buff 0 cnt response sb.toString isr.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace return response But on the server side so far I haven't figured out anything. I would be really thankful..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android buffer 0 len1 if fos null fos.close catch MalformedURLException mue mue.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace finally try if is null is.close catch IOException ioe just going to ignore this one That's.. buffer 0 len1 if fos null fos.close catch MalformedURLException mue mue.printStackTrace catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace finally try if is null is.close catch IOException ioe just going to ignore this one That's all most..
How to pass drawable between activities the Web or got it from the devices camera otherwise this technique is useless fileOutStream.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace Pass location as String to Activity B Intent intent new Intent this ActivityB.class intent.putExtra.. Web or got it from the devices camera otherwise this technique is useless fileOutStream.close catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace Pass location as String to Activity B Intent intent new Intent this ActivityB.class intent.putExtra picname..