android Programming Glossary: invalid
Location servise GPS Force closed first fix availability This is valuable to prevent sending invalid locations to the server. @param hasGPSfix public void onFirsFixChanged..
Issues with Android TabHost Example attempts to use a TabHost object called mTabHost. This is invalid it should be tabHost. Second The tutorial leaves out the details..
Secure HTTP Post in Android html form and Fiddler2 using the RequestBuilder. I've sent invalid and empty payloads and even sent all of the above with and without..
What is the fastest way to scrape HTML webpage in Android? doc XPathConstants.STRING If you happen to retrieve invalid HTML I recommend to isolate the relevant portion e.g. using..
Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android screen C the user may take an action which makes screen B invalid so the application wants to take them to screen A regardless..
Invalid command line parameter when Android executes it shows the following error 2010 08 16 16 56 35 Emulator invalid command line parameter http hostname port. 2010 08 16 16 56..
What does “invalid statement in fillWindow()” in Android cursor mean? does &ldquo invalid statement in fillWindow &rdquo in Android cursor mean I sometimes.. I sometimes see this error in my logcat output Cursor invalid statement in fillWindow . It sometimes happens when I press..
Facebook Android SDK Invalid_key [duplicate] SDK Invalid_key duplicate Possible Duplicate Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK I am using a sample app for here.. device. But after all doing the app gives Facebook error invalid_key. Pls help me in this regards Thank you. android facebook..
Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK I get Login failed error with the.. and all. The error is Facebook authorize 5539 Login failed invalid_key facebook error invalid_key.. facebook error invalid_key android facebook share improve this question Update..
“An error's occurred” when authenticating with Facebook's android sdk this isn't the same problem as found over at login failed invalid key error with facebook sdk I've tried the suggestions over..
Starting the Android emulator in SDK tools, revision 12 now fails to start. When I try to run emulator.exe I get invalid command line parameter Files Android android sdk tools emulator..
why does my compare method throw exception — Comparison method violates its general contract! you call it i.e. x2 1 x1 1 That's invalid. I suggest you change this object1.getSponsored object2.getSponsored..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” Android emulator is not starting showing &ldquo invalid command line parameter&rdquo I made a simple Hello World program.. with Virtual Device 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 11 06 Emulator invalid command line parameter Files Android android sdk tools emulator..
Not able to launch android emulator me the following error. 2011 08 09 17 03 10 Emulator invalid command line parameter Files Android android sdk tools emulator..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android and use the function Uri.decode url to replace invalid escaped octets Step 3 Use the code to download stream URL u..
Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders makePlaceholders int len if len 1 It will lead to an invalid query anyway .. throw new RuntimeException No placeholders else..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view This way you make sure that the view is not used in an invalid state because it's being reused from another list item before...
Android signing with ANT 58 java.lang.SecurityException META INF XXXXX.SF has invalid digest for assets www res droidhdpi favorite_off.png in data..
Invalid heap address and fatal signal 11 heap address and fatal signal 11 Every so often my app will..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? null acces_token null throw new IllegalArgumentException Invalid parameters this.access_token acces_token this.apiKey apiKey..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start 680 Caused by org.eclipse.swt.SWTException Invalid thread access at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error 4361 at..
Eclipse Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED com.example.searchapp 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 Invalid name 'search_ Ścountry_name' 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129.. 1.apk As you can see the second line is Invalid name 'search_ Ścountry_name' This is one of my string names in..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session D BluetoothChat 1729 onActivityResult 1 D.. D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session E BluetoothEventLoop.cpp 1018 event_filter..
Encryption compatable between Android and C# Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE secretKey ivParameterSpec catch InvalidKeyException e Log.e TAG Invalid key e return null catch InvalidAlgorithmParameterException.. ivParameterSpec catch InvalidKeyException e Log.e TAG Invalid key e return null catch InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e.. e Log.e TAG Invalid key e return null catch InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e Log.e TAG Invalid algorithm CIPHER_ALGORITHM..
How to import existing Android project into Eclipse? Build Target and Finish. I get the following error Invalid project description. Does anybody know how to get past this..
Invalid command line parameter when Android executes command line parameter when Android executes When I click the..
Facebook Android SDK Invalid_key [duplicate] Android SDK Invalid_key duplicate Possible Duplicate Login failed invalid key error.. you. android facebook sdk share improve this question Invalid Key could be for a number of reasons Make sure you have Keytool.. to the Facebook application correctly. When I got Invalid Key initially it was because I was giving the wrong Alias. The..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM applicationSecret null throw new IllegalArgumentException Invalid parameters String keyArray apiKeyAndSessionKey.split 2 if keyArray.length.. applicationSecret null throw new IllegalArgumentException Invalid parameters String keyArray apiKeyAndSessionKey.split 2 if keyArray.length..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator IOpenNFCService setNFCEnabled true D OpenNFCService 250 Invalid IP address D OpenNFCService 250 can't create configuration D.. IOpenNFCService setNFCEnabled true D OpenNFCService 250 Invalid IP address D OpenNFCService 250 can't create configuration D..
Can we post image on twitter using twitter API in Android? e e.printStackTrace Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Invalid username and password. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Toast.makeText..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ responseLine.split 2 if responseParts.length 2 Log.e C2DM Invalid message from google responseCode responseLine throw new IOException.. google responseCode responseLine throw new IOException Invalid response from Google responseCode responseLine if responseParts..
Location servise GPS Force closed Is called whenever gps register a change in first fix availability This is valuable to prevent sending invalid locations to the server. @param hasGPSfix public void onFirsFixChanged boolean hasGPSfix Register to receive all location..
Issues with Android TabHost Example In the onCreate method that is added to HelloTabWidget class attempts to use a TabHost object called mTabHost. This is invalid it should be tabHost. Second The tutorial leaves out the details that you need to add each of the activities too the AndroidManifest.xml...
Secure HTTP Post in Android I sent the exact same payload from a browser using a simple html form and Fiddler2 using the RequestBuilder. I've sent invalid and empty payloads and even sent all of the above with and without headers to see if there was something funky about the..
What is the fastest way to scrape HTML webpage in Android? following sibling td 2 String result String xpath.evaluate doc XPathConstants.STRING If you happen to retrieve invalid HTML I recommend to isolate the relevant portion e.g. using substring indexOf table .. and if necessary correct remaining..
Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android the users token but many users only have a single token . In screen C the user may take an action which makes screen B invalid so the application wants to take them to screen A regardless of whether it is already in the stack. Screen A should then..
Invalid command line parameter when Android executes When I click the 'run as Android application' option it shows the following error 2010 08 16 16 56 35 Emulator invalid command line parameter http hostname port. 2010 08 16 16 56 35 Emulator Hint use '@foo' to launch a virtual device named..
What does “invalid statement in fillWindow()” in Android cursor mean? does &ldquo invalid statement in fillWindow &rdquo in Android cursor mean I sometimes see this error in my logcat output Cursor invalid statement.. invalid statement in fillWindow &rdquo in Android cursor mean I sometimes see this error in my logcat output Cursor invalid statement in fillWindow . It sometimes happens when I press the back key and then it goes to the default Android listview..
Facebook Android SDK Invalid_key [duplicate] Android SDK Invalid_key duplicate Possible Duplicate Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK I am using a sample app for here developerworks library x androidfacebookapi to test.. to facebook app settings page I installed facebook app on my device. But after all doing the app gives Facebook error invalid_key. Pls help me in this regards Thank you. android facebook sdk share improve this question Invalid Key could be for..
Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK I get Login failed error with the Facebook Android SDK while running on the device. I have.. done everything what they specified like creating a hash and all. The error is Facebook authorize 5539 Login failed invalid_key facebook error invalid_key android facebook share improve this question Update.. all. The error is Facebook authorize 5539 Login failed invalid_key facebook error invalid_key android facebook share improve this question Update I wrote a more detailed blog post about this problem and explains..
“An error's occurred” when authenticating with Facebook's android sdk under Mobile and Devices on the FB app settings page and this isn't the same problem as found over at login failed invalid key error with facebook sdk I've tried the suggestions over there. It doesn't work android facebook authentication facebook..
Starting the Android emulator in SDK tools, revision 12 SDK tools from revision 11 to revision 12 and the emulator now fails to start. When I try to run emulator.exe I get invalid command line parameter Files Android android sdk tools emulator arm.exe. Hint use '@foo' to launch a virtual device named..
why does my compare method throw exception — Comparison method violates its general contract! neither value is sponsored. That will return 1 whichever way you call it i.e. x2 1 x1 1 That's invalid. I suggest you change this object1.getSponsored object2.getSponsored to object1.getSponsored object2.getSponsored in both..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” Android emulator is not starting showing &ldquo invalid command line parameter&rdquo I made a simple Hello World program in Eclipse . I added nothing to a Java file and only added.. 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 11 06 Emulator invalid command line parameter Files Android android sdk tools emulator arm.exe. 2011 07 10 07 11 07 Emulator Hint use '@foo' to..
Not able to launch android emulator when i am creating a new emulator it fails to launch giving me the following error. 2011 08 09 17 03 10 Emulator invalid command line parameter Files Android android sdk tools emulator arm.exe. 2011 08 09 17 03 10 Emulator Hint use '@foo' to..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android a decoder with the codes http tags ref_urlencode.asp and use the function Uri.decode url to replace invalid escaped octets Step 3 Use the code to download stream URL u null InputStream is null try u new URL url is u.openStream..
Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders about Android Happy coding. Here is one implementation String makePlaceholders int len if len 1 It will lead to an invalid query anyway .. throw new RuntimeException No placeholders else StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder len 2 1 sb.append for..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view the current item but could have been changed by another item. This way you make sure that the view is not used in an invalid state because it's being reused from another list item before. The accpeted answer was deleted edited but was suggesting..
Android signing with ANT in data app vmdl48898.tmp 11 07 11 06 20.060 WARN PackageParser 58 java.lang.SecurityException META INF XXXXX.SF has invalid digest for assets www res droidhdpi favorite_off.png in data app vmdl48898.tmp 11 07 11 06 20.060 WARN PackageParser 58..
Invalid heap address and fatal signal 11 heap address and fatal signal 11 Every so often my app will crash and my log will read @@@ ABORTING INVALID HEAP ADDRESS..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? String acces_token throws IOException XMPPException if apiKey null acces_token null throw new IllegalArgumentException Invalid parameters this.access_token acces_token this.apiKey apiKey this.hostname host String mechanisms NAME Map String String..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start 173 at 680 Caused by org.eclipse.swt.SWTException Invalid thread access at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error 4361 at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error 4276 at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error..
Eclipse Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED 09 30 19 03 19.882 I PackageManager 314 Running dexopt on com.example.searchapp 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 Invalid name 'search_ Ścountry_name' 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 Trouble with item 226 @ offset 0x2094 09 30 19 03 19.921.. 314 Package couldn't be installed in data app com.example.searchapp 1.apk As you can see the second line is Invalid name 'search_ Ścountry_name' This is one of my string names in String.xml So I delete this string and comment all referenced..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android ms total 326 ms E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session D BluetoothChat 1729 onActivityResult 1 D BluetoothChatService 1729 connect to 00 06 66 03 0C 51 D BluetoothChatService.. mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session E BluetoothEventLoop.cpp 1018 event_filter Received signal org.bluez.Device PropertyChanged from org bluez..
Encryption compatable between Android and C# public byte encrypt byte clearData try aesCipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE secretKey ivParameterSpec catch InvalidKeyException e Log.e TAG Invalid key e return null catch InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e Log.e TAG Invalid algorithm.. byte clearData try aesCipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE secretKey ivParameterSpec catch InvalidKeyException e Log.e TAG Invalid key e return null catch InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e Log.e TAG Invalid algorithm CIPHER_ALGORITHM e return null.. Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE secretKey ivParameterSpec catch InvalidKeyException e Log.e TAG Invalid key e return null catch InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e Log.e TAG Invalid algorithm CIPHER_ALGORITHM e return null byte encryptedData try encryptedData..
How to import existing Android project into Eclipse? dialog I then select Create project from existing source Location Build Target and Finish. I get the following error Invalid project description. Does anybody know how to get past this error android eclipse share improve this question File..
Invalid command line parameter when Android executes command line parameter when Android executes When I click the 'run as Android application' option it shows the following..
Facebook Android SDK Invalid_key [duplicate] Android SDK Invalid_key duplicate Possible Duplicate Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK I am using a sample app for here error invalid_key. Pls help me in this regards Thank you. android facebook sdk share improve this question Invalid Key could be for a number of reasons Make sure you have Keytool and OpenSSL installed. Make sure you are giving the correct.. correct Alias. Make sure you copied the generated Hash Key correctly to the Facebook application correctly. When I got Invalid Key initially it was because I was giving the wrong Alias. The strange thing is that Keytool and OpenSSl won't mention that..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM IOException XMPPException if apiKeyAndSessionKey null applicationSecret null throw new IllegalArgumentException Invalid parameters String keyArray apiKeyAndSessionKey.split 2 if keyArray.length 2 throw new IllegalArgumentException API key.. IOException XMPPException if apiKeyAndSessionKey null applicationSecret null throw new IllegalArgumentException Invalid parameters String keyArray apiKeyAndSessionKey.split 2 if keyArray.length 2 throw new IllegalArgumentException API key..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator false D OpenNFCService 250 _enable true D OpenNFCService 250 IOpenNFCService setNFCEnabled true D OpenNFCService 250 Invalid IP address D OpenNFCService 250 can't create configuration D OpenNFCService 250 updateNfcOnSetting false D OpenNFCService.. false D OpenNFCService 250 _enable true D OpenNFCService 250 IOpenNFCService setNFCEnabled true D OpenNFCService 250 Invalid IP address D OpenNFCService 250 can't create configuration D OpenNFCService 250 updateNfcOnSetting false D OpenNFCService..
Can we post image on twitter using twitter API in Android? password. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show catch TwitPicException e e.printStackTrace Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Invalid username and password. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Please enter valid Username and Password...
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ response from Google AC2DM endpoint. String responseParts responseLine.split 2 if responseParts.length 2 Log.e C2DM Invalid message from google responseCode responseLine throw new IOException Invalid response from Google responseCode responseLine.. 2 if responseParts.length 2 Log.e C2DM Invalid message from google responseCode responseLine throw new IOException Invalid response from Google responseCode responseLine if responseParts 0 .equals id Log.i Tag Successfully sent data message..