android Programming Glossary: intermediate
porting libcurl on android with ssl support Android Source code and compile it since some of the intermediate libs are needed Download cURL unpack curl under android_src.. not included in the config since the linker shows to the intermediate libs and ssl support flag is called but after when I use the..
(need advice) Talk to MySQL server database from my Android App you to use RESTful Web Service in Java using Jersey as an intermediate layer between you Android App and MySQL server. You can transfer..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) operation. But you should not care what kind of funny intermediate state the buffer is in while read is blocking because no other..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate certs InputStream in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.aglite..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate certs InputStream in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.battlenetkeystore.. blog I have setup the above code and imported the root and intermediate certs to a keystore battlenetkeystore.bks which is used for..
How to draw on Bitmap in android? might keep in memory a list of the operations done save intermediate results to external storage with Bitmap.compress Another approach..
What is the fastest way to learn Android and quickly start developing apps? [closed] closed I am a recent computer science student and have intermediate knowledge of java. However I am good at PHP. Please suggest..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? to delegate a lot of the OAuth interactions via an intermediate webserver doing the OAuth dance and sending the access token.. of the mobile app and stored in a more secure place on the intermediate webserver Alternatives Are there alternatives for this proxy.. ing Is it possible to store the consumer secret at the intermediate webserver and have some kind of mechanism that the Android application..
How to make an android peer to peer without using intermediate server? to make an android peer to peer without using intermediate server I need to make an android peer to peer app that should.. work with any Internet connectivity and without using intermediate server. Can somebody plz give me any start up ideas. I haven't..
Styling indeterminate progressbar on ActionBar on this on the Android Developers Blog. To style the intermediate progress bar try using indeterminateProgressStyle and Widget.ProgressBar.Small..
Admob Memory Leak - avoiding by using empty activity where the AdMob relation to the application is via an intermediate module which puts the ad dynamically using the single activity..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate certs InputStream in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.my_cert..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support part is configuring the make first. so what I did is Download Android Source code and compile it since some of the intermediate libs are needed Download cURL unpack curl under android_src external curl make the configure script for curl by creating.. on this. First strange thing that comes to mind is why is SSL not included in the config since the linker shows to the intermediate libs and ssl support flag is called but after when I use the same curl_config.h file in the jni project which I created..
(need advice) Talk to MySQL server database from my Android App mysql database share improve this question I suggest you to use RESTful Web Service in Java using Jersey as an intermediate layer between you Android App and MySQL server. You can transfer data in JSON my suggestion for a mobile app xml or palin..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) bytes in the buffer because of something to do with its internal operation. But you should not care what kind of funny intermediate state the buffer is in while read is blocking because no other thread should be trying to make sense of it at that time...
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate certs InputStream in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.aglite try Initialize the keystore with the provided trusted..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate certs InputStream in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.battlenetkeystore try Initialize the keystore with the.. and they are the same. By following advice on this blog I have setup the above code and imported the root and intermediate certs to a keystore battlenetkeystore.bks which is used for HttpClient. This are the commands I used for importing the certs..
How to draw on Bitmap in android? never be modified. After each operation done by the user you might keep in memory a list of the operations done save intermediate results to external storage with Bitmap.compress Another approach could be to use a LayerDrawable to stack successive drawing..
What is the fastest way to learn Android and quickly start developing apps? [closed] fastest way to learn Android and quickly start developing apps closed I am a recent computer science student and have intermediate knowledge of java. However I am good at PHP. Please suggest me a fastest way to learn Android and start developing apps..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? valid . Delegating all OAuth traffic Although it would be possible to delegate a lot of the OAuth interactions via an intermediate webserver doing the OAuth dance and sending the access token to the user one would have to proxy all service interactions.. this the only way to keep the consumer key secret outside of the mobile app and stored in a more secure place on the intermediate webserver Alternatives Are there alternatives for this proxy ing Is it possible to store the consumer secret at the intermediate.. webserver Alternatives Are there alternatives for this proxy ing Is it possible to store the consumer secret at the intermediate webserver and have some kind of mechanism that the Android application published in the market and properly signed can do..
How to make an android peer to peer without using intermediate server? to make an android peer to peer without using intermediate server I need to make an android peer to peer app that should work with any Internet connectivity and without using intermediate.. server I need to make an android peer to peer app that should work with any Internet connectivity and without using intermediate server. Can somebody plz give me any start up ideas. I haven't find any answer while googling. Any help would be appreciated...
Styling indeterminate progressbar on ActionBar own style to apply to the ActionBar. There's a great tutorial on this on the Android Developers Blog. To style the intermediate progress bar try using indeterminateProgressStyle and Widget.ProgressBar.Small . Here's a quick example. style name YourTheme..
Admob Memory Leak - avoiding by using empty activity wrapping framework I've build around the Android framework where the AdMob relation to the application is via an intermediate module which puts the ad dynamically using the single activity instance. I really doubt you can avoid the memory leak simply..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate certs InputStream in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.my_cert try Initialize the keystore with the provided..