android Programming Glossary: introducing
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size practical pointers take a look at last year's blog post introducing the GridLayout widget . Edit I don't think there's an xml based..
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe and Row Column Span Woe The Android Developers Blog post introducing GridLayout shows this diagram of how spans impact automatic..
Google Drive API doesn't play well with ProGuard (NPE) makes use of Google Drive API is running fine without introducing ProGuard. However after introducing ProGuard I'm getting the.. running fine without introducing ProGuard. However after introducing ProGuard I'm getting the following run time error. at of the libraries. Although things run pretty well without introducing ProGuard If I look at the NPE crash location Types.getActualParameterAtPosition..
Android - Tabs, MapView, activities within tabs activity can finish . The simplest way to do that without introducing a hard JVM coupling between the activities is to broadcast an..
Android SharedPreferences limitations? more than a single row in the DB. I am now interested in introducing some new stats but this will cause my DB to re install and thus..
best practice for specifying pronunciation for Android TTS engine? problems than solving them. Using different spellings and introducing extra word boundaries spaces can work. The emphasis tag and..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding at this link http android 2009 04 introducing home screen widgets and.html Also be sure to indicate that you..
Possible to only load specific lines of code according to Android OS version? but not before. One way to invoke this method with out introducing any compile time dependencies whatsoever is to use reflection..
Why does Android use Java? [closed] it too slow to interpret code on a mobile device When introducing Froyo Google said that new JIT compiler can achieve 2 5 times..
Android: How to place an animated image inside an EditText that we can show and hide show hide it. I have created the animated spinner by introducing a linear interpolation rotation res anim rotate_forever.xml..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? around the image instead. I hacked around this a bit my introducing a new variable mTouchDelay which I set to 0 on ACTION_DOWN increase..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? to implement. Requires more code and thus more chance of introducing bugs. It will also be much slower. Some of the ways to persist..
Is possible install Eclipse IDE in a Galaxy Tab?
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup rid of any complexity of behavior that RelativeLayout is introducing in its own ViewGroup simplifying what you need to deal with..
How to protect media content (video, audio) on Android from being saved/redistributed? plays the stream. Though by implementing that you risk introducing more bugs and worse performance making the legitimate user's..
1x1 Android Widget shows as 2x2 widget on WXGA720 screen n 74dip 2dip http android 2009 04 introducing home screen widgets and.html Android 4.0 70 n 30 http
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] are reused in different layouts In the original blog post introducing fragments Dianne Hackborn says that Fragments make it easier..
Double checking if fragment + view holder pattern is implemented properly so the ViewHolder pattern makes no sense and only risks introducing memory leaks or delayed garbage collections due to dangling..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size cell groups may be defined to overlap. For an example and some practical pointers take a look at last year's blog post introducing the GridLayout widget . Edit I don't think there's an xml based approach to scaling the tiles like in the Google Play app..
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe and Row Column Span Woe The Android Developers Blog post introducing GridLayout shows this diagram of how spans impact automatic index allocation I am attempting to actually implement that..
Google Drive API doesn't play well with ProGuard (NPE) NPE Currently I'm having experience that a piece of code which makes use of Google Drive API is running fine without introducing ProGuard. However after introducing ProGuard I'm getting the following run time error. at that a piece of code which makes use of Google Drive API is running fine without introducing ProGuard. However after introducing ProGuard I'm getting the following run time error. at 856 Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException.. I can try I'm not sure it might be caused by the combination of the libraries. Although things run pretty well without introducing ProGuard If I look at the NPE crash location Types.getActualParameterAtPosition 329 private static Type getActualParameterAtPosition..
Android - Tabs, MapView, activities within tabs um main activity to show a particular location then the Show activity can finish . The simplest way to do that without introducing a hard JVM coupling between the activities is to broadcast an Intent and register a BroadcastReceiver in the main activity...
Android SharedPreferences limitations? game stats in a Database. However the app does not utilize more than a single row in the DB. I am now interested in introducing some new stats but this will cause my DB to re install and thus clear out everyone's progress. In order to avoid this in..
best practice for specifying pronunciation for Android TTS engine? and error. Capitalizing and hyphens will introduce more problems than solving them. Using different spellings and introducing extra word boundaries spaces can work. The emphasis tag and the exclamation mark will not change the synthesis result. Use..
After orientation change buttons on a widget are not responding myWidget updateViews Also have a look at this link http android 2009 04 introducing home screen widgets and.html Also be sure to indicate that you are interested in receiving notifications on rotation change..
Possible to only load specific lines of code according to Android OS version? Suppose that class X has method void y in version 2.0 onwards but not before. One way to invoke this method with out introducing any compile time dependencies whatsoever is to use reflection to locate the Method and call invoke on it. For example X..
Why does Android use Java? [closed] the main development tool is Java. But why I mean isn't it too slow to interpret code on a mobile device When introducing Froyo Google said that new JIT compiler can achieve 2 5 times faster applications. This means that using Java over native..
Android: How to place an animated image inside an EditText that we can show and hide spinner inside a EditText view to the right. And programmatically show hide it. I have created the animated spinner by introducing a linear interpolation rotation res anim rotate_forever.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 rotate xmlns android http
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? a tiny bit of movement and cancels the touch press and moves around the image instead. I hacked around this a bit my introducing a new variable mTouchDelay which I set to 0 on ACTION_DOWN increase in MOVE and if it's 3 in MOVE I execute my move code...
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? just fine. Disadvantages it ™s cumbersome and takes more time to implement. Requires more code and thus more chance of introducing bugs. It will also be much slower. Some of the ways to persist objects include Save them to the shared preferences Save..
Is possible install Eclipse IDE in a Galaxy Tab?
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup that has a single child view it manages. This will get rid of any complexity of behavior that RelativeLayout is introducing in its own ViewGroup simplifying what you need to deal with and debug in your own code. Put the RelativeLayout as a child..
How to protect media content (video, audio) on Android from being saved/redistributed? intercept it and use it. Then obfuscate the code that decodes plays the stream. Though by implementing that you risk introducing more bugs and worse performance making the legitimate user's experience worse. If decide not to roll your own obfuscation..
1x1 Android Widget shows as 2x2 widget on WXGA720 screen layout share improve this question Before Android 4.0 n 74dip 2dip http android 2009 04 introducing home screen widgets and.html Android 4.0 70 n 30 http guide practices ui_guidelines widget_design.html#anatomy..
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] advantage to using Fragment s over using custom View s that are reused in different layouts In the original blog post introducing fragments Dianne Hackborn says that Fragments make it easier for developers to write applications that can scale across..
Double checking if fragment + view holder pattern is implemented properly it. There is no recycling of views such as in the listview so the ViewHolder pattern makes no sense and only risks introducing memory leaks or delayed garbage collections due to dangling references. Views are not made to be reused even though they..