android Programming Glossary: intermittent
Using Activities from Library projects had the Dependent project running fine however I'm have an intermittent problem however while using an Activity from the Library project... attributes Thanks . I have managed to make this problem intermittent however I have gone through each of the library projects and..
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? WSDL but it's kind of crappy to work with especially on intermittently connected devices like mobiles. XML RPC if you like pain There.. and for the need for retries. Test your app by simulating intermittent connection loss high latency and high rates of packet loss and..
Intermittent Connection Reset by Peer errors in Android connecting to .NET REST endpoint in Android connecting to .NET REST endpoint I'm getting intermittent errors from devices connecting to my IIS REST service via SSL... reproduce. Not permissions or onaything like this. This is intermittent problem. I see about 1000 of those every day from 200 devices..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” the BluetoothSocket properly The fact that it was once an intermittent issue and is now nearly constant makes me suspect multithreading..
Logging to a file on Android When I fire the app up when I am walking around I get an intermittent exception. Is there anyway I can output these exceptions to..
Best way to implement Client <-> Server <-> Database architecture in an Android application? designed for LAN operations and are not designed for flaky intermittent connections or high latency. Do I connect to a Java server program..
How to connect Android to a database server designed for LAN operations and are not designed for flaky intermittent connections or high latency. And should go for DefaultHttpClient..
ListView adapter data change without ListView being notified and tries to update my ListView. My problem is I'm getting intermittent errors about the ListView adapter data changing without the..
Android intermittent class not found run time exception intermittent class not found run time exception One or two of my users experience..
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? volumes sanely in my Android app I have an app that plays intermittent sounds while its activity is open and the user is always expecting..
Using Activities from Library projects on this library project Everything compiles fine and I've had the Dependent project running fine however I'm have an intermittent problem however while using an Activity from the Library project. My Library project can be unchecked as a library project.. of yet although @yorkw's answer certainly helps with the xml attributes Thanks . I have managed to make this problem intermittent however I have gone through each of the library projects and ensured they all had their own namespace ie
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? JAX WS among other options. Most languages have tools for SOAP WSDL but it's kind of crappy to work with especially on intermittently connected devices like mobiles. XML RPC if you like pain There are some JAX RS quickstarts on the JBoss AS 7 quickstarts..
Intermittent Connection Reset by Peer errors in Android connecting to .NET REST endpoint Connection Reset by Peer errors in Android connecting to .NET REST endpoint I'm getting intermittent errors from devices connecting to my IIS REST service via SSL. My app works just fine but sometimes I get this exception... This is NOT something I can reproduce. Not permissions or onaything like this. This is intermittent problem. I see about 1000 of those every day from 200 devices connecting every minute. java android wcf rest share improve..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” to keep an open mind about the potential issue. Am I getting the BluetoothSocket properly The fact that it was once an intermittent issue and is now nearly constant makes me suspect multithreading but that's a relatively simple topic in Java compared to..
Logging to a file on Android eclipse but this isn't a good use case of GPS sat at my desk. When I fire the app up when I am walking around I get an intermittent exception. Is there anyway I can output these exceptions to a text file on the SD card or output calls to Log.x to a text..
Best way to implement Client <-> Server <-> Database architecture in an Android application? anywhere. That goes double for mobile. Database drivers are designed for LAN operations and are not designed for flaky intermittent connections or high latency. Do I connect to a Java server program using sockets or some other method of communication It..
How to connect Android to a database server anywhere. That goes double for mobile. Database drivers are designed for LAN operations and are not designed for flaky intermittent connections or high latency. And should go for DefaultHttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient But there is no example..
ListView adapter data change without ListView being notified has been updated. My ListActivity recieves the broadcast and tries to update my ListView. My problem is I'm getting intermittent errors about the ListView adapter data changing without the ListView being notified. I call the notifyDataSetChanged method..
Android intermittent class not found run time exception intermittent class not found run time exception One or two of my users experience the above class not found run time exception when..
How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app? can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app I have an app that plays intermittent sounds while its activity is open and the user is always expecting it to make these noises but unfortunately it is constrained..