android Programming Glossary: interval
How to Autostart an Android Application? AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP System.currentTimeMillis interval interval pi Then add a Receiver class to your manifest file.. AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP System.currentTimeMillis interval interval pi Then add a Receiver class to your manifest file receiver..
android CountDownTimer - additional milliseconds delay between ticks source code to call each onTick at the specified intervals from the start time. I build this upon the CountDownTimer framework.. millisLeft Calculate next tick by adding the countdown interval from the original start time If user's onTick took too long.. start time If user's onTick took too long skip the intervals that were already missed long currentTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? detected. private final int minTime 10000 minimum time interval between location updates in milliseconds private final int minDistance..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] everyone back to 1991 with printf like logging at every interval then to track down bugs Seriously. Is there a configuration..
How to always run a service in the background the service using the AlarmManager the make the 5 min. interval call to a service. But I was not able to make this work. Any.. AlarmManager . using the AlarmManager the make the 5 min. interval call to a service. But I was not able to make this work. Here..
Android - TimePicker minutes to 15 TimePicker view to just show the minutes to 15 minutes interval Meaning if it's 12 28 now show 12 30 and clicking the and button.. this question Here's my version where you can set the interval private static final int TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL 15 private boolean..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server responds with a polling period for the phone to use as the interval between updates. This part works in that I can display the response..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] scrolling state its not reloading the image properly. some interval of items not shows the images2. that is the correct order of.. all items of list. Mismatches happening between solid item intervals. how to correct it android listview android lazyadapter android..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android app The app will collect the user's location at a fixed interval let say every 10 minutes or so and send it to a server. The.. considered 'old' if its older than the configured update interval. this means we didn't get a update from this provider since..
How to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals How to make Async task execute repeatedly after some time.. How to make Async task execute repeatedly after some time interval just like Timer...Actually I am developing an application that.. to check for updates from server after some fixed time intervals....I know that can be easily done through timer but I want..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY pendingIntent Receiver for your interval public class AlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver private..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? SensorManager.DATA_Z long now System.currentTimeMillis interval now lastEvetn lastEvetn now out.write Float.toString lastX .. Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString interval n I bind listener with following parameters mSensorManager.registerListener.. speed like V V0 AT where V0 0 at first then speed of interval before this A acceleration SQRT x x y y z z t time of interval..
How to continuously track the location of an Android mobile phone? 0 alarmManager.setRepeating INTERVAL pendingIntent In the activity I put following timer event handler.. works as expected onActivityResult is executed once in INTERVAL milliseconds. But when I press the power button screen becomes.. button again onActivityResult is executed as many times as INTERVAL has passed since the time when I turned the phone off. If I..
Why doesn't my Service work in Android? (I just want to log something ever 5 seconds) extends Service private Timer timer new Timer private long INTERVAL 5000 public void onCreate super.onCreate startservice private.. run Log.d servy This proves that my service works. 0 INTERVAL private void stopservice if timer null timer.cancel @Override..
how to stop/cancel android CountDownTimer TextView mTextField long elapsed final static long INTERVAL 1000 final static long TIMEOUT 5000 @Override public void onCreate.. task new TimerTask @Override public void run elapsed INTERVAL if elapsed TIMEOUT this.cancel displayText finished return.. Timer timer new Timer timer.scheduleAtFixedRate task INTERVAL INTERVAL private void displayText final String text this.runOnUiThread..
Use alarmManager and service to perform schedule notification only during specific time period is created. int icon R.drawable.icon String tickerText INTERVAL FIRED long when System.currentTimeMillis scheduleNotification..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? event. Here is a short snippet private final static int INTERVAL 1000 60 2 2 minutes Handler mHandler Runnable mHandlerTask new.. void run doSomething mHandler.postDelayed mHandlerTask INTERVAL void startRepeatingTask void stopRepeatingTask..
How to Autostart an Android Application? PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT am.setInexactRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP System.currentTimeMillis interval interval pi Then add a Receiver class to your manifest file receiver android enabled true android name .receivers.BootUpReceiver.. PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT am.setInexactRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP System.currentTimeMillis interval interval pi Then add a Receiver class to your manifest file receiver android enabled true android name .receivers.BootUpReceiver..
android CountDownTimer - additional milliseconds delay between ticks introduces a tiny error on every tick. I changed the CountDownTimer source code to call each onTick at the specified intervals from the start time. I build this upon the CountDownTimer framework so cut paste the source code into your project and.. SystemClock.uptimeMillis if millisLeft 0 onFinish else onTick millisLeft Calculate next tick by adding the countdown interval from the original start time If user's onTick took too long skip the intervals that were already missed long currentTime.. next tick by adding the countdown interval from the original start time If user's onTick took too long skip the intervals that were already missed long currentTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis do mNextTime mCountdownInterval while currentTime..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? seconds and only when movement of more than 10 meters has been detected. private final int minTime 10000 minimum time interval between location updates in milliseconds private final int minDistance 10 minimum distance between location updates in meters..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] IDE can't get this right. Does developing with Eclipse resort everyone back to 1991 with printf like logging at every interval then to track down bugs Seriously. Is there a configuration or plug in that I'm missing to help with this I haven't tested..
How to always run a service in the background a regular service which worked just fine until android kills the service using the AlarmManager the make the 5 min. interval call to a service. But I was not able to make this work. Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thomas android share.. current location of the device and calls a web service Use AlarmManager . using the AlarmManager the make the 5 min. interval call to a service. But I was not able to make this work. Here is a sample project showing how to use one along with the..
Android - TimePicker minutes to 15 TimePicker minutes to 15 Can I control the Android TimePicker view to just show the minutes to 15 minutes interval Meaning if it's 12 28 now show 12 30 and clicking the and button will increment and decrement by 15 Thank you Tee android.. and decrement by 15 Thank you Tee android share improve this question Here's my version where you can set the interval private static final int TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL 15 private boolean mIgnoreEvent false private TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server elapses. Once the trip is started from the phone the server responds with a polling period for the phone to use as the interval between updates. This part works in that I can display the response on the phone and my server registers the user's action...
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] au Chablis Afuega'l Pitu It works fine now. But when the scrolling state its not reloading the image properly. some interval of items not shows the images2. that is the correct order of the images are loading. But not in all items of list. Mismatches.. is the correct order of the images are loading. But not in all items of list. Mismatches happening between solid item intervals. how to correct it android listview android lazyadapter android lazyloading share improve this question Praveen As..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android all providers and picking the best of them. Background of the app The app will collect the user's location at a fixed interval let say every 10 minutes or so and send it to a server. The app should conserve as much battery as possible and the location.. Location available return gpslocation a locationupdate is considered 'old' if its older than the configured update interval. this means we didn't get a update from this provider since the last check long old System.currentTimeMillis getGPSCheckMilliSecsFromPrefs..
How to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals How to make Async task execute repeatedly after some time interval just like Timer...Actually I am developing an application.. to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals How to make Async task execute repeatedly after some time interval just like Timer...Actually I am developing an application that will download automatically all the latest unread greeting.. unread greeting from the server and for that purpose I have to check for updates from server after some fixed time intervals....I know that can be easily done through timer but I want to use async task which I think is more efficient for android..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar.getTimeInMillis AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY pendingIntent Receiver for your interval public class AlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver private final String SOMEACTION packagename.ACTION packagename is com.whatever.www..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? lastY se.values SensorManager.DATA_Y lastZ se.values SensorManager.DATA_Z long now System.currentTimeMillis interval now lastEvetn lastEvetn now out.write Float.toString lastX Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString interval.. now lastEvetn lastEvetn now out.write Float.toString lastX Float.toString lastY Float.toString lastZ Long.toString interval n I bind listener with following parameters mSensorManager.registerListener linAcc mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION.. It works OK but when i analyze data dump calculating speed like V V0 AT where V0 0 at first then speed of interval before this A acceleration SQRT x x y y z z t time of interval at the end i get very little speed three times less than..
How to continuously track the location of an Android mobile phone? pendingIntent activity.createPendingResult ALARM_ID intentFactory.createEmptyIntent 0 alarmManager.setRepeating INTERVAL pendingIntent In the activity I put following timer event handler @Override protected void onActivityResult final int aRequestCode.. new IntentWrapper aData When the phone is turned on everything works as expected onActivityResult is executed once in INTERVAL milliseconds. But when I press the power button screen becomes disabled onActivityResult is not invoked at all. When I press.. is not invoked at all. When I press the power button again onActivityResult is executed as many times as INTERVAL has passed since the time when I turned the phone off. If I turned the phone off for 1 INTERVAL milliseconds it will fire..
Why doesn't my Service work in Android? (I just want to log something ever 5 seconds) this to the Android manifest.xml. public class HelloService extends Service private Timer timer new Timer private long INTERVAL 5000 public void onCreate super.onCreate startservice private void startservice timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask.. timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask public void run Log.d servy This proves that my service works. 0 INTERVAL private void stopservice if timer null timer.cancel @Override public IBinder onBind Intent arg0 return null My other..
how to stop/cancel android CountDownTimer be something like that public class MainActivity extends Activity TextView mTextField long elapsed final static long INTERVAL 1000 final static long TIMEOUT 5000 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. mTextField TextView findViewById TimerTask task new TimerTask @Override public void run elapsed INTERVAL if elapsed TIMEOUT this.cancel displayText finished return if some other conditions this.cancel displayText seconds.. this.cancel displayText seconds elapsed elapsed 1000 Timer timer new Timer timer.scheduleAtFixedRate task INTERVAL INTERVAL private void displayText final String text this.runOnUiThread new Runnable @Override public void run mTextField.setText..
Use alarmManager and service to perform schedule notification only during specific time period public void onCreate TODO Actions to perform when service is created. int icon R.drawable.icon String tickerText INTERVAL FIRED long when System.currentTimeMillis scheduleNotification new Notification icon tickerText when alarmScheduleManager..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? you don't need extra thread to keep tracking when firing the event. Here is a short snippet private final static int INTERVAL 1000 60 2 2 minutes Handler mHandler Runnable mHandlerTask new Runnable @Override public void run doSomething mHandler.postDelayed.. mHandler Runnable mHandlerTask new Runnable @Override public void run doSomething mHandler.postDelayed mHandlerTask INTERVAL void startRepeatingTask void stopRepeatingTask mHandler.removeCallbacks mHandlerTask Note that doSomething..