android Programming Glossary: internalonly
Accessing android:installLocation manifest attribute private static final int auto 0 private static final int internalOnly 1 private static final int preferExternal 2 AssetManager am.. j case auto Do stuff break case internalOnly Do stuff break case preferExternal Do stuff break ..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size android installLocation element. It supports the values internalOnly preferExternal or auto . But again only supported on Android..
What does this mean: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR]? to be installed on sdcard setting android installLocation internalOnly in the manifest. It's ok for development but for production..
Android AppWidget does not show up in the menu in honeycomb until reboot EboMike was right setting android installLocation internalOnly did fix the issue. Without specifying an install location it.. specifying an install location it should have defaulted to internalOnly but did not seem to for me. Perhaps something changed in Honeycomb.. me. Perhaps something changed in Honeycomb Also even with internalOnly set I was still seeing the issue when installing from Eclipse..
Android - Start service on boot 1 android versionName 1.0 android installLocation internalOnly uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 uses permission android name..
BOOT_COMPLETED not called on Honeycomb after export receive the intent by setting android installLocation to internalOnly. I have a Log.Debug in my OnBoot class confirming wether or..
Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play android package com.zzzz.xyzxyz android installLocation internalOnly android versionCode 4 android versionName 1.4 uses sdk android..
Accessing android:installLocation manifest attribute XmlResourceParser works on it. Experimentally determined private static final int auto 0 private static final int internalOnly 1 private static final int preferExternal 2 AssetManager am createPackageContext packageName 0 .getAssets XmlResourceParser.. j .matches installLocation switch Integer.parseInt xml.getAttributeValue j case auto Do stuff break case internalOnly Do stuff break case preferExternal Do stuff break default Shouldn't happen Do stuff break break attrloop..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size the memory. Its defined inside the AndoridMainfest.xml via the android installLocation element. It supports the values internalOnly preferExternal or auto . But again only supported on Android 2.2. ref http intl de sdk android 2.2.html#api..
What does this mean: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR]? Edit Update I can avoid the error when not allowing the app to be installed on sdcard setting android installLocation internalOnly in the manifest. It's ok for development but for production it's not really what I want since my app is quite large with..
Android AppWidget does not show up in the menu in honeycomb until reboot android android 3.0 share improve this question Appearently EboMike was right setting android installLocation internalOnly did fix the issue. Without specifying an install location it should have defaulted to internalOnly but did not seem to for.. installLocation internalOnly did fix the issue. Without specifying an install location it should have defaulted to internalOnly but did not seem to for me. Perhaps something changed in Honeycomb Also even with internalOnly set I was still seeing the.. have defaulted to internalOnly but did not seem to for me. Perhaps something changed in Honeycomb Also even with internalOnly set I was still seeing the issue when installing from Eclipse widget would not show up in the selection menu until the second..
Android - Start service on boot apk res android package com.phx.batterylogger android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 android installLocation internalOnly uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED uses permission..
BOOT_COMPLETED not called on Honeycomb after export an app that receives BOOT_COMPLETED. I made sure it could receive the intent by setting android installLocation to internalOnly. I have a Log.Debug in my OnBoot class confirming wether or not it was called. I have two devices an Android 2.2 and a Honeycomb...
Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.zzzz.xyzxyz android installLocation internalOnly android versionCode 4 android versionName 1.4 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 uses feature..