android Programming Glossary: interpretation
How to implement the DATE PICKER in PhoneGap/Android? ur head A input type date will allways deppend on device's interpretation of it in some android devices it doesn't even work There is..
Detect application heap size in Android confirmed to my own satisfaction that this is a correct interpretation. For a stock version of Android maxMemory will typically return..
AsyncTask Threading Rule - Can it really only be used once? url4 url5 url6 Can someone verify this is an accurate interpretation I realize I pretty much just answered this for myself as I was.. this question Can someone verify this is an accurate interpretation That is a very accurate interpretation. share improve this..
How is location accuracy measured in Android? accuracy measured in Android Does anyone know the proper interpretation of the accuracy measurements returned by getAccuracy For instance..
Android: how to add a custom button state android . The XML namespace is crucial for a correct interpretation by the inflater and depends on the type of project in which..
Modifying contact information contain many RawContacts which will contain Data . That interpretation is completely wrong. ContactContracts data is instead three..
How to implement the DATE PICKER in PhoneGap/Android? cordova share improve this question Why loose ur head A input type date will allways deppend on device's interpretation of it in some android devices it doesn't even work There is plenty of plugins addons whatever for it I personally like and..
Detect application heap size in Android on five different Android devices see below and have confirmed to my own satisfaction that this is a correct interpretation. For a stock version of Android maxMemory will typically return about the same number of megabytes as are indicated in getMemoryClass..
AsyncTask Threading Rule - Can it really only be used once? DownloadFilesTask dfTask .execute url1 url2 url3 dfTask .execute url4 url5 url6 Can someone verify this is an accurate interpretation I realize I pretty much just answered this for myself as I was typing this out... But it wasn't immediately obvious to me..
How is location accuracy measured in Android? is location accuracy measured in Android Does anyone know the proper interpretation of the accuracy measurements returned by getAccuracy For instance are they calculated as Circular Error Probability meaning..
Android: how to add a custom button state whereas with standard android states you would have used prefix android . The XML namespace is crucial for a correct interpretation by the inflater and depends on the type of project in which you are adding attributes. If it is an application replace com.mydomain.mypackage..
Modifying contact information It suggests that you can pull back a Contact which will contain many RawContacts which will contain Data . That interpretation is completely wrong. ContactContracts data is instead three normal average everyday database tables ContactContract Tables..