android Programming Glossary: input.readline
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android input new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader httpconn.getInputStream 8192 String strLine null while strLine input.readLine null response.append strLine input.close String jsonOutput response.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject..
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE isr new InputStreamReader fIn input new BufferedReader isr String line while line input.readLine null ReturnString.append line catch Exception e e.getMessage finally try if isr null isr.close if fIn null fIn.close..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android PrintWriter new OutputStreamWriter socket.getOutputStream Log.d SSL Created the socket input and output do line input.readLine while line null line input.readLine Parse the message and do something with it Done in a different class OtherClass.parseMessageString.. Log.d SSL Created the socket input and output do line input.readLine while line null line input.readLine Parse the message and do something with it Done in a different class OtherClass.parseMessageString line while line.equals..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android null s ss.accept BufferedReader input new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader s.getInputStream String st null st input.readLine mClientMsg st myUpdateHandler.sendMessage m catch IOException e e.printStackTrace I redirected ports similar to you..
JSON parsing of Google Maps API in Android App input new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader httpconn.getInputStream 8192 String strLine null while strLine input.readLine null response.append strLine input.close String jsonOutput response.toString This code is intended to take that output..